Delen via

Fresh Install of MOSS 2007 using SQL 2008

Secondary School ~ 1200 Users

“We are using SharePoint as our Virtual Learning Platform, where our Email, Helpdesk, Staff / Student / Parents / Governors Learning Areas will all be centralised using many Web Parts the main ones been TALMOS and SIMS”

A few months ago I installed MOSS 2007 using MS SQL 2005 as the Backend, as I was pretty new to SharePoint back then we always knew that we would end up starting again at some point once we knew more about the software.

So now that time has come,

Server Setup:

1x SQL Server Backend: Microsoft SQL Server 2008
1x Front-end Server: MOSS 2007

We only have around 1200 users, so at the moment the setup we have will do the job fine, in the future we hope to maybe host some of our local primary schools learning platforms based on SharePoint so when that happens I will add another frontend, application server.

I will go in more depth to our setup later on in the week so that you can see what hardware, configuration we have in place.

SharePoint Setup:

I had no problems at all doing this as the tasks tend to give you all the information you need to complete them, I created SSP Admin, My Site, Portal and School Intranet.

I will post tutorials on how I did this tomorrow for reference.

The only problem I did have and it is my fault but I will be open about it, I created the applications, created the A records in my DNS, went to the URL in my browser was prompted with the login box authenticated against AD but then got a page cannot be displayed.

The reason I got this and not a SharePoint site was because I never created a site collection under that application. (I won’t be doing that again in a hurry)

But come to think about it, I did get another issue just before I left work this evening I created another application, Created Site Collection under that application, Created A Records in the DNS but it would not authenticate against AD, I think this was just down to the DNS Changes not taking affect so we shall see tomorrow, if it is still the same then I will let you know what the problem was when I know.

Next Steps

So tomorrow my plan of action is to create the Top Level Content for the Portal and Main School Site, Create Permissions for Staff / Editors / Students / Parents / Governors. (And fix the above problem if it don’t work) :~) 

And just to finalise, i will post tutorials on how to do the above for users to refer to as guidance and i will upload our specifications Server wise.