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Innovation Day 18th January 2007

For all of you that wanted to come to our last Innovation Day in Manchester but could not make it, now is your chance to come and meet us at our offices in TVP (Thames Valley Park), Reading.

We have the full Demo facility booked for the entire day so this is our main opportunity to connect with our non-managed ISV Partners and welcome you to Microsoft HQ. So, please put a place holder in your diaries for Thursday 18th January 2007 and book your place using the link below.

We will be focusing on the latest product releases, Microsoft Windows Vista, the 2007 Microsoft Office system, business planning, lead generation and creating effective strategies to drive growth.

After the event, please join me for drink, meet a number of key Microsoft executives and network with other Partners.

Register here now!

I look forward to meeting you here at TVP in the New Year!

Posted by: Rob Morley