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Guy Alster’s Blog

Implementing a Skip List in C

I'm dedicating this post to a new data structure. That is the SkipList. This is an intriguing data...

Date: 01/25/2017

KMP Algorithm and its less obvious applications

Today I'd like to talk about an algorithm that I believe should be in any  Software Engineer's...

Date: 12/25/2016

Reservoir Sampling - Once and for all

Today I'll talk about a topic which I consider very important - Reservoir Sampling. Imagine that...

Date: 04/02/2016

Burst Balloons

I'd like to discuss today a new problem called the "Burst Balloons" problem. This is...

Date: 03/31/2016

Text Justification problem

I've heard of the text justification problem along time ago. But, I've never taken the time...

Date: 03/10/2016

Non-Recursive Postorder Tree Traversal Without Additional Data Structures.

I would like to show today code to a problem that seems to be trivial at first, but turns out to be...

Date: 02/18/2016

Playing with Palindromes - Part 1

Today I'll show some problems involving palindromes: The first problem is stated as followed:...

Date: 10/15/2015

If you wanna get sh** done ... Python is there for your rescue.

How I wish life could be automated. Well, at least the boring parts of it. I recently realized that...

Date: 09/16/2015

Permutation Sequence (LintCode)

Today I'll show a solution to another nice problem from LintCode: Permutation Sequence. The...

Date: 09/10/2015

Building an Expression Tree

I recently solved a problem in yet another online judge website (LintCode) which asked to build an...

Date: 07/19/2015

Yet another case of a weak hypothesis.

We have seen many problems for which induction was used (based on Manber's book) to device an...

Date: 05/11/2015

Find The smallest Number that can be created by a string of digits`

The following fun problem is defined as followed: Given a string of digits S and a number K, return...

Date: 03/21/2015

Trap Rain Water Problem

The following problem is taken from yet another coding challenges web site named LeetCode.This is a...

Date: 03/13/2015

Hackerrank - Chief Hopper problem

In This post I would like to discuss a nice problem that I solved recently in Hackerrank. For those...

Date: 03/12/2015

Radix Sort - sorting has never been so fun

Today I'll discuss Radix Sort. The reason I chose to write about Radix Sort is that despite the...

Date: 02/11/2015

The Stable Marriage Problem and solution

The following post will be short but hopefully fun. I Heard yesterday about a fun problem called the...

Date: 10/25/2014

An inductive approach to algorithms design

I've recently bought the book: Introduction to Algorithms - a Creative approach by Udi Manber....

Date: 09/30/2014

From C++ to Scheme and back ...

I have a little confession to make. I have a thing for the Scheme programming language. After...

Date: 01/20/2014

C++ Mi Amore

I've been programming in C++ for over 8 years and from the first day I was introduced to it, I...

Date: 01/20/2014

Welcome To My Blog

My name is Guy Alster, I live in Redmond Washington and I'm a software engineer at Microsoft....

Date: 01/20/2014