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Hack a Happy New Year!

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." -- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Hack a Better New Year

It’s time to dig down, dig in, and dig deep to create a great year for yourself and others.

I’m a fan of hacks for work and life.

I find that hacking away at challenges is a great way to make progress and to eventually overcome them.

Hacking is really an a approach and a mindset where you try new things, experiment and explore while staying open-minded and learning as you go.

You never really know what’s going to work, until you’ve actually made it work.

Nothing beats personal experimentation when it comes to creating better results in your life.

Anyway, in the spirit of kicking off the new year right, I created a comprehensive collection of the ultimate hacks for a happy new year:

101 Hacks for a Happy New Year

This is no ordinary set of hacks.  It’s deep.  There are hacks for mind, body, emotions, career, finance, relationships, and fun.

There are hacks you can use everyday to change how you think, feel, and act.

There are hacks to help you change habits.

There are hacks to help you relight your fire and get back in the game, if you’ve been in a slump or waiting on the sidelines.

Jump back in the game, master your work and life, and have some fun in the process.

Here is a quick list of the hacks from 101 Hacks for a Happy New Year:

1. Get the power of a New Year’s Resolution on your side
2. Limit yourself to one big resolution at a time
3. Get specific with your goals
4. Dream bigger to realize your potential
5. If you want change, you must change
6. Guide your path with vision, values, and goals
7. Change a habit with Habit Stacking
8. Create mini-feedback loops
9. Bounce back from a setback
10. Avoid “All or Nothing” thinking
11. Choose progress over perfection
12. Reward yourself more often
13. Gamify it
14. Adopt a Tiny Habit
15. Just Start
16. Adopt a growth mindset
17. Create if-then plans to stick with your goals
18. Start with Great Expectations
19. Adopt 7 beliefs for personal excellence
20. Master the art of goal planning
21. Prime your mind for greatness
22. Use dreams, goals, and habits to pull you forward
23. Use the Exponential Results Formula to make a big change
24. Adopt the 7 Habits of Highly Motivated People
25. Use Trigger Moments to activate your higher self
26. Use Door Frame Triggers to inspire a better version of you
27. Find your purpose
28. Figure out what you really want
29. Use 3 Wins to Rule Your Year
30. Commit to your best year ever
31. Find your Signature Strengths
32. Practice a “lighter feeling”
33. Let go of regrets
34. 15-Minutes of Fulfillment
35. Create your ideal day the Tony Robbins Way
36. Master your emotions for power, passion, and strength
37. Start your year in February
38. Build your personal effectiveness toolbox
39. Write your story for the future
40. Get out of a slump
41. Give your best, where you have your best to give
42. Ask more empowering questions
43. Surround yourself with better people
44. Find better mentors
45. Do the opposite
46. Try a 30 Day Sprint
47. Grow 10 Years Younger
48. Don’t get sick this year
49. Know Thyself
50. Decide Who You Are
51. Decide Who You Want To Be
52. Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude
53. Try 20-Minute Sprints
54. Create a vision board for your year
55. Adopt some meaningful mantras and affirmations
56. Practice your mindfulness
57. 15-Minutes of Happiness
58. Breathe better
59. Become your own gym
60. Master your wealth
61. Learn how to read faster
62. Let go of negative feelings
63. Live a meaningful life
64. Establish a routine for eating, sleeping, and exercising
65. Improve your likeability
66. Win friends and influence people
67. Improve your charisma through power, presence, and warmth
68. Fill your mind with a few good good thoughts
69. Ask for help more effectively
70. Attract everything you’ve ever wanted
71. Catch the next train
72. Unleash You 2.0
73. Learn anything in 20 hours
74. Use stress to be your best
75. Take worry breaks
76. Use the Rule of Three to rule your day
77. Have better days
78. Read 5 powerful personal development books
79. Practice the 10 Skills of Personal Leadership
80.  Develop your Emotional Intelligence
81. Cap your day with four powerful questions
82. Build mental toughness like a Navy Seal
83. Feel In Control
84. Transform your job
85. Use work as your ultimate form of self-expression
86. Be the one who gives their all
87. Live without the fear of death in your heart
88. Find your personal high-performance pattern
89. Create unshakeable confidence
90. Lead a charged life
91. Use feedback to be your best
92. Make better decisions
93. Learn how to deal with difficult people
94. Defeat decision fatigue
95. Make the most of luck
96. Develop your spiritual intelligence
97. Conquer your fears
98. Deal with tough criticism
99. Embrace the effort
100. Finding truth from the B.S.
101. Visualize more effectively

For the details of each hack, check out 101 Hacks for a Happy New Year.

I will likely tune and prune the hacks over time, and improve the titles and the descriptions.

Meanwhile, I’m not letting perfectionism get in the way of progress.

Go forth and hack a happy new year and share 101 Hacks for a Happy New Year with a friend.