Delen via

Improved Suggestions Program

You gave us feedback and we listenedJ. A few months back we rolled out a “suggestions” program to provide a tool for customers to give suggestions for the product. We’ve received a lot of fantastic suggestions and all of them are being looked at by the product team. I’ve personally looked and responded to hundreds of suggestions and trust me, many of them will make it in the next major release of CRM.

While customers in general appreciated the fact that we provided an “official” forum for them to post their suggestions a constant piece of feedback that we received is that the old connection had only one program with all the dynamics products included which made very difficult to search for feedback. In fact many of our customers told us that they would like to focus on CRM specific feedback and not have to wade through other products feedback.

So, how did we improve our suggestion program? We created a brand new connection with separate programs one for each major Dynamics Product (thanks a lot to our friends in the Dynamics AX team for making this happen). Now you can opt-in or out individually of each program and use product tailored feedback forms that will make the search and submission process easier.

New Connection:

And what happened with existing feedback? Did we toss it away? Of course not! J The old connection is in read only mode now but we are still tracking your suggestions and will take them into account for product development.

To close out I want to point you to this post with some tips that will help you and us make your feedback more effective; the most efficient technique is to “vote” on existing suggestions and provide additional comments rather than creating new feedback; that really helps us figure out the importance/impact of any given suggestion.

Thank you for being such a great community and remember that we always appreciate hearing from you.