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Azure Resource Manager Template for an Azure Dashboard with Log Analytics Tiles

In this example I´ll be creating an ARM template with a couple of Azure Log Analytics tiles.

I wanted to create a Dashboard with some performance metrics that could be reused in different environments.

So, create a new dashboard, pin the intended tiles, "export" to an ARM template and reuse, right ? Well, the export part is a bit tricky.

First, open up the new Log Analytics query editor and pin the tiles to a new dashboard ( that should already exists as a saved dashboard in a resource group ) .

In this example I´m querying the Average CPU usage for all my agents in the last 24 hours to render as a time chart:

| where CounterName == "% Processor Time" and TimeGenerated > ago(24h) | summarize AVGCPU = avg(CounterValue) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h), Computer
| render timechart image image


Then, when you´re happy with the looks, the fun part begins…
We need to open the dashboard definition and resource explorer can give us a hand:


Navigate to the created dashboard and grab the definition to a text/ARM editor of choice.
Create a new ARM template definition with parameters for requesting the dashboard Name, Log Analytics Workspace Name and location, a variable for generating a unique name and chose "2015-08-01-preview" as the API version.


Paste the previous grabbed dashboard from resource explorer into the resources tag and modify static values like so:


"name": "ComponentId",

"value": {

"SubscriptionId": "[subscription().subscriptionId]",

"ResourceGroup": "[parameters('logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceGroup')]",

"Name": "[parameters('logAnalyticsWorkspaceName')]"





"name": "DashboardId",

"value": "[concat('/subscriptions/',subscription().subscriptionId,'/resourceGroups/',resourceGroup().Name,'/providers/Microsoft.Portal/dashboards/',variables('dashboardID'))]"




"name": "PartId",

"value": "[concat(uniquestring(variables('dashboardID')), 'Part1')]"


And that’s it!

Refer to this repo ( ) for the complete template.

Happy Dashboarding,