Delen via

A New Look at The ILM 2 Request Processing Model

Ok, so I was sitting around my house one weekend trying to determine how best to continue my dive into the Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Manager "2" request processing model.  A few of you had asked for diagrams and some more conceptual information.  The potential length of such a narrative actually gave me pause to start the required post.  Then a flash of brilliance so amazing that I nearly fell out of my chair (ok, I actually asked my wife for some advice :)).  The result of which is an experiment on how to share more complex information regarding ILM2 to all of you.  Attached you will find a 20 minute presentation in WMV format.  I am hoping that you will excuse the production quality of this first attempt at such a format; however, I am hoping to continue with additional presentations including various screen capture walk through of creating custom ILM2 activities.

I look forward to hearing comments from all of you as to if this is a favorable method of passing information through my blog.

Video Length : ~20 minutes