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IIS Metabase Corruption Blocks Installation of the .NET Framework 3.0 package

Craig McLuckie just compiled documentation that details work around instructions for common .NET Framework 3.0 setup issues. You can find the full document on the WCF Forums titled Common WCF RC1 Installation Issues. The following is a WCF specific issue captured as a separate blog post here for ease of search.

Problem: IIS Metabase Corruption Blocks Installation of the .NET Framework 3.0 package

Source of Issue:

IIS metabase corruption on a system with IIS installed blocks the installation of the .NET Framework 3.0.


1. .NET Framework 3.0 installation fails with this error:

“ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE 1603 Fatal error during installation”

2. An error event appears in the application event log that reference failure to register WCF scriptmaps (source of the event would be listed as System.ServiceModel.Install.dll

3. The setup logs in user’s %temp% directory contain references to failure to register WCF scriptmaps

Either the event log, or the setup log may contain an exception stack trace with the following details:

System.ApplicationException: ServiceModelReg.exe has detected a possible corruption in the IIS metabase that prevents the registration of the ServiceModel IIS scriptmaps. Please either fix the IIS metabase corruption, or, if you do not desire ServiceModel WebHost funtionality, disable the IISAdmin service and reregister ServiceModel.


1. Uninstall IIS.

2. Re-install IIS.

3. Re-run .NET Framework 3.0 setup

Mark Gabarra

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