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Work Item Tracking RSS Feed

John wrote a RSS feed sample a while back and I am posting it for him here. This is simlar to version control feed Jeff posted at .

A code comment excerpt from WorkItemRssFeed.aspx:

    // This feed returns information about the most recent N new work items. See maxWorkItemCount
    // below.
    // Invoking this page without any parameters returns information about all Team
    // Foundation work items up to the maximum count. If an ID is supplied,
    // the most recent version of that work items is returned. if an alias
    // is supplied we will return the most recent work items modified which are assigned to that user
    // by adding ?assignedto=<alias> or ?ID=<query name>.
    // E.g., https://localhost:8080/WorkItemTracking/v1.0/WorkItemRssFeed.aspx?assignedto=bissvc

The file WorkItemRssSubscriptionGenerator.aspx shows available filter options and a nice UI to specify filters:


Here is a screenshot of the feed in viewer:

// "Copyright © Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.  These Samples are based in part on the Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Third Edition) specification Copyright © 2004 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio. All rights reserved."

//This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties of any kind and confers no rights.  Use of samples included in this posting is subject to the terms specified at

<% Update: An user had error "TF50309: You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this operation" when setting up this RSS feed. If you run the feed under IIS6, you may need to give explicit permissions to cache folder for IIS_WPG group. Check out the below post. Thanks to James Manning for this tip: %>