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Download and Install CRM Carousel - Version 0.9

We've done the best to keep the installation Easy for all of you.

Download file here


Client Side:

  • Mandatory: Silverlight
  • Facultative: Office communicator, Internet Connection

Server Side:

  • Mandatory: Create a picture field on the contact entity

Step 1: Create the picture field on the contact entity

Annotation: Silverlight can only display JPEG and PNG files, so don't try to indicate a gif file.

We enable the possibility to display contacts picture, so we created an additional attribute on the contact entity :

Name: Picture Url
Schema Name: new_pictureurl
Type: nvarchar
Format: Text
Maximum Length: 250

This field only contains pictures url as we cannot stored image in MD CRM 4.0.

  • You must customize the contact entity. For that, go to “settings” section in left menu and Click on “customization”, then on “customize entities”. You must have a security role including "System Customizer"


  • Double click on Contact Row



  • Select the "attributes" section and click on the "new" button.
  • Create a new attribute with the  following properties :

image Name: new_pictureurl


  • Add this new field on the contact form and publish contact entity

Step 2: Move the Silverlight application on your MD CRM 4.0 web site

Download the application here. Unzip the file and copy the carousel folder on your CRM Server " <serverroot> \ISV" folder.

  • Exporting the Site Map

    1. In the Navigation Pane, click Settings, click Customization, and then click Export Customizations.
    2. In the View drop-down, select Client Extensions.
    3. In the list, select Site Map.
    4. Click Export Selected Customizations and then click OK to close the notice about information that may be exported.
    5. Click Save and save the file to a location of your choice.
    6. Click Close. .
  • Now, decompress the zip file and open the customizations.xml file in your XML Editor (Visual Studio in my case)

    • Here is a sample group to add below an Area: Just change the server name

  <Group Id="Addons" Title="Addons"> 
        <SubArea Id="nav_carousel" Title="Carousel" Icon="/_imgs/qfinddown.gif" Url="https://[serverName]/ISV/Carousel/carousel.html"   Client="Web" PassParams="1"

After you modify the Site Map element in the customizations.xml file, you import the modified customizations.xml file to apply changes

  • Importing the Site Map

    1. In the Navigation Pane, click Settings, click Customization, and then click Import Customizations.
    2. Click Browse to locate an XML file or a compressed (.zip) file that contains customizations and settings exported from Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
    3. Double-click the file or select the file, and then click Open.
    4. Click Upload.

Refresh your browser and click on the link previously added :


We're waiting for your feedbacks


  • Anonymous
    November 25, 2008
    Some weeks ago, we decided to built a Silverlight Application to show contacts in a carousel. Because

  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2008
    For your information, if you're running under iis 6, don't forget to add the mime type ".xap". In the tab « HTTP headers » of your CRM web site. click on: « MIME Types… ».add a new extension « .xap » with « application/x-silverlight-2 ».

  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2009
    Hi, Great Idea! I am interested to have a copy of this. I am unable to download the zip file. Thanks, Norman

  • Anonymous
    March 31, 2009
    Hi, Receiving the following error message when trying to download install file. 404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Thank, Stephane

  • Anonymous
    April 23, 2009
    Urls work now. sorry for troubles

  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2010
    Where do I have to place the pictures and how do I have to address the url in the new_pictureurl attribute?