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Azure Update On February 15, 2012 @ NYC Windows Azure User Group

azureLogoA couple of weeks ago, I announced that new Windows Azure user groups had formed in both New York City and Central Jersey (Iselin).  These groups are a great (free) opportunity to come on out and learn about the new fad: cloud computing!

Next Wednesday, February 15, I’ll be speaking at the NYC Windows Azure user group.  I’ll be doing an A to Z walkthrough of many of the new features & services that came online in December 2011.  Here’s the abstract I had posted up on the user group’s site:

“Have you heard of Windows Azure? Maybe you have, but the concept is all fuzzy. Can I really use this cloud stuff? In December 2011, a whole slew of new Windows Azure features and improvements shipped. We’ll take you on a whirlwind tour of the platform and detail some of the new features and announcements from December. We’ll look at hosting cloud applications with Windows Azure Compute, and cover some data patterns for hosting data in the cloud with Windows Azure Storage and SQL Azure. Thinking of trying Azure out for a test drive? It’s easier than ever now and we’ll show you how.”

You must register to attend the meeting…


As the local Microsoft “cloud guy” in the tri-state area, I’m excited to be a participant in this group. I’m really curious to learn about what others are doing with this exciting platform.  Ira Bell, the group’s organizer has plans to feature some great speakers and topics over the coming months.

The Tri-State Windows Azure Community Needs YOU!

UncleSameWhat type of cloud computing topics would YOU like to see covered at the local Windows Azure user groups?  Let me know.  Leave a comment here on this post or shoot me an email.  The best user groups are a function of those who attend and participate.

Here are some ideas to prime the pump…  

  • Scaling SQL Azure with Federations
  • Access Control Service to handle federated authentication
  • Windows Azure Service Bus?  What’s that and how can it help me?
  • Real World Azure: Stories from folks who are actually using it. (A talk like this is in the schedule pipeline already!)
  • Rock Paper Azure Challenge – Behind the scenes of a coding competition
  • Windows Azure & PHP
  • Windows Azure & Java
  • Windows Azure & Node.js
  • Windows Azure & MongoDB
  • Windows Azure & mobile apps (iOS, Windows Phone, Android)

These are just a few of the ideas I have for future meeting topics.  Jump on this list and add to it!  Look forward to seeing folks next week in NYC!