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UK CRM Blog is 5 Today

I'm Still Standing...

I can't believe it, but 5 years after I arrived on the blogsphere with my first post, announcing the general availability of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0, I'm still here. Back then, I didn't expect to be working in the world of business solutions for another five years, but looking back, I can honestly say that every single day has been a blast. During that time I have moved house once, become a father for the second time, been through four office moves, broken one XBOX console, had five laptops refreshes, and changed bands twice.

After re-reading my first post, I think I have managed to stick to closely to my original plan - "I don't have a particular agenda or plan for this, so I will probably write about stuff that I've been working on during the week an hopefully you'll find some useful nuggets of information that will make you MSCRM life a little easier. "

As a thank you to everyone who has stopped by over the years, I thought I would run a little competition. You may have noticed that I start almost every blog post with a song title, so I thought it would be a "spiffing wheeze" to find out who can guess correctly the artist or composer for each of the 170+ song titles. You have until early January 2011 to submit your answers via my special competition e-mail address,, and in the meantime I'll be sorting out some suitable swag for the person who correctly guesses the highest number of right answers.

To make it easier for me to score the answers, please use the Excel spreadsheet attached here. The only rule is that my decision is final :-)

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Laughing Boy Chestnuts Pre-School Chain Gang

UK CRM Blog Competition.xlsx