Teaching a 9-year old
What should a 9-year old learn?
This blog post is a work in progress.
Math 1: Adapted Mind https://www.adaptedmind.com/
Grades K-6. Also great for Reading.
Math: IXL https://www.ixl.com/
Math 2: Bing's Multiplication Table https://www.bing.com/search?q=multiplication+table
- Click "Quiz me!"
- Set difficulty to 20
- First, fill in the answers based on your memory or calculating the math in your head.
- Then, check your answers by adding the appropriate number (for that row) to the square directly to the left of your current square (the first square in the row should be the same number as the blue square to its left)
- Try not to leave any squares blank
- When done, click Submit
- Share your grade with your teacher/parent
Typing 1: Learn Typing
- https://www.learntyping.org/beginnertypinglesson1.htm
- https://www.learntyping.org/beginnertypinglesson2.htm
- https://www.learntyping.org/beginnertypinglesson3.htm
Typing 2: Keyboarding Games
- https://www.learninggamesforkids.com/keyboarding_games.html
- https://www.learninggamesforkids.com/typing_factory/home-keys-typing-practice.html
Typing 3: Ratatype
Computer Science 1: Code Combat
(Note: At this point, the 9-year old in this lesson plan has graduated from Code.org, Scratch, Light Bot, Code Monkey, and Kodu. She is learning professional programming languages.)
Computer Science 2: Small Basic
- Download Microsoft Small Basic
- Small Basic Curriculum: Lesson 1.1: Introduction
- Small Basic Curriculum: Lesson 1.2: Statements, Properties, and Operations
- Small Basic Curriculum: Lesson 1.3: Variables
- Small Basic Curriculum: Lesson 1.4: Conditions and Loops
- Small Basic Curriculum: Lesson 1.5: Branching and Subroutines
- Small Basic Curriculum: Lesson 2.1: Graphics Window
- Small Basic Curriculum: Lesson 2.2: Turtle Graphics
- Small Basic Curriculum: Lesson 2.3: Exploring Shapes
- Small Basic Curriculum: Lesson 2.4: Sound, Program, and Text Objects
BOOK: I also wrote this book that teaches students Small Basic (works for age 9-11 with supervision; 12+ with little to no supervision):
Computers: Digital Literacy
NOTE: This is a K-12 site that's great for reading and some math and other subjects: https://www.starfall.com/index.htm?
This blog post is a work in progress. Please leave a comment if you have any ideas or suggestions for teaching 9-year olds, using free online awesomeness.
- Ninja Ed
- Anonymous
May 08, 2016
FEAUTRED BLOG POSTS:=======================Ed's Book - Learn How to Program with Small Basic:https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/user_ed/2016/03/03/early-access-book-learn-to-program-with-small-basic/=======================Computers Today (part 1 of 6):http://blogs.msdn.com/b/user_ed/archive/2016/01/16/computers-today.aspx=======================Girls in computer programming... why it matters!!!http://blogs.msdn.com/b/user_ed/archive/2016/01/23/cs-spotlight-girls-in-computer-programming-why-it-matters.aspx=======================Why should I teach Java in Visual Studio Code?http://blogs.msdn.com/b/user_ed/archive/2016/02/05/why-should-i-teach-java-out-of-visual-studio-code-instead-of-out-of-eclipse-or-netbeans.aspx - Anonymous
May 08, 2016
UPDATE: I added the link to my Small Basic book and the link to StarFall.com - Anonymous
May 09, 2016
Nicely compiled! - Anonymous
May 25, 2016
Thanks, Kamlesh!