Scalar queryable example ( Query Design continued ):
This post is a part of a series of posts about query design. For the previous post see:
Here is one more example of a queryable type. While weird and fairly useless it illustrates that queryable type does not have to be a collection. This one represents a single scalar value.
Public Delegate Function SelectorDelegate(Of T, S)(ByVal arg As T) As S
Class ScalarQueryable(Of T)
Public element As T
Public Function [Select](Of S)(ByVal projection As SelectorDelegate(Of T, S)) As ScalarQueryable(Of S)
Dim new_col As New ScalarQueryable(Of S)
Dim new_element As S
new_col.element = new_element
new_col.element = projection(element)
Return new_col
End Function
End Class
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim col As New ScalarQueryable(Of Integer)
col.element = 1
'note that the the result of the query is
'another ScalarQueryable that contains a string
Dim q = From i In col Select i_sqr = i * i
End Sub
End Module