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Configuring Outgoing email settings in SharePoint with Gmail SMTP

Outgoing email settings in SharePoint with Gmail SMTP

  1. Select SMTP Server in features in Server

  2. Go to Start à Administrative
Tools à Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager to open IIS 6.0 à right click on SMTP Server à Properties


3. In Access Tab go to Relay Restrictions


In Relay Restrictions

1) Check “All except the list below”

2) Check
“Allow all computers which successfully authenticate to relay…”



4. Goto message tab and fill in as shown below


5. Go to delivery tab on Outbound Connections, fill in

6. In delivery tab in outbound security

Select basic authentication and
in Username provide a Gmail account already configured for POP3

Create and setup a Gmail account to use POP3.

Enabling POP3 in Gmail:


Check TLS Encryption : this is important as Gmail accepts SMTP connection with SSL only.


7. In delivery tab, click on advance and provide the details

 8. Now in SharePoint Central Admin we have to setup outgoing email settings with using local SMTP Server we just configured