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Error while trying to enable enterprise features or upgrading Standard License to Enterprsie License in SharePoint 2010 multiple Server farm


Enabling enterprise features on SharePoint 2010 or upgrading from Standard license to Enterprise license fails on multiple server farm with the following error in GUI


An error occurred while enabling Enterprise features. Refer to the event logs on your server machines for more details. For more information on how to fix this error, refer to help.

Click OK to return to the SharePoint Central Administration Operations page."

Same time following concurrency exception is logged in eventlogs

 An exception of type Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPUpdatedConcurrencyException was
thrown.  Additional exception
information: An update conflict has occurred, and you must re-try this action


 Every time we try to enable or upgrade to enterprise license in Multiple Server SP 2010 farm, it creates a one time job of each of the Server which kicks off psconfig simultaneously on all of the Server due to which we keep on getting the concurrency exception and feature activation never completes



  1. First we need to make sure that all the Server should be in “no action required” status to avoid other objects upgrading when the SharePoint Server upgrade job triggers psconfig

       2. First to make sure that the psconfig doesn’t start on all the Servers simultaneously we disable the timer service on all the Servers in the farm except the Server hosting Central Admin.

       3. Try to enable enterprise features, it will fail but check event logs we should see a success for psconfig along MSInstaller logs for successful installation of Infopath, visio and other Services.

       4. Now one by one run “Psconfig.exe –cmd services –install –cmd installfeatures” on all the Servers

       5. Make sure we get success for psconfig and MSinstaller logs on all the Server after psconfig command completes

       6. On Server hosting central admin run powershell cmdlet  “set-spfarmconfig –installedproductrefresh”

       7.Now we should see enterprise features enabled in Central admin



done start the full crawl and we should be in good state.