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Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 (KB2707250): Bug Fixes

This post is a bit overdue but better late than never.  So let’s talk about Visual Studio Update 1…


Soma originally introduced Update 1 in his November 26th post here:




Since some of you may want to install this update immediately there are a few options for you. 


From Visual Studio

From inside the IDE, go to Tools | Extensions and Updates:



Then look under the updates section and install from there:




If you want a more direct route you can click this link:

You will get this dialog and can just click Run to execute the small .EXE and begin the online install:




Stand-Alone Installation

Although many believe you can only install via online resources this is actually not true.  A quick look at vsupdate_KB2707250.exe /? shows us the /layout switch:



So when I run vsupdate_KB2707250.exe /layout c:\ziptemp\vsup1 on my system this is the dialog I get:



This will download the source files to the designated location so you can make them available on a network share, thumb drive, or other media for stand-alone installation.




Why Should I Care?

The most obvious question is, “Why should I care?”  Despite the bug fixes and new features, this particular update represents a major shift in the timing for delivery.  We have now committed to a shorter update cycle so we can deliver critical fixes and incorporate new features more quickly.  What this means for you in real terms is that blocking issues may be resolved much more quickly and/or you will get a new feature that will help you get work done better/faster/stronger.




What’s In it?

So what exactly did we deliver?  Fundamentally there were two things we provided:  Bug Fixes and New Features.   You can find all the details here:


I’m going to repeat the bug fixes here and then address the new features in another article right after this one.


Bug Fixes

After an extended period of time looking for the list of bug fixes included in the package I was initially unable to find a comprehensive list anywhere.  It looks like the team recognized there was a gap and updated the KB article on 1/13 to include all the relevant information.  I’ll just repeat the information here verbatim for convenience.


Entity Framework Tools

  • Entity Framework designer may overwrite facets of C-Space properties based on facets of S-Space properties.
  • Build the solution fails after you add an empty ADO.NET Entity Data Model.
  • The .tt files stop generating after you nest an .edmx file under the project folder.

ASP.NET Editor

  • HTML tag is not closed when you type a starting <script> tag in Visual Studio 2012.
  • IntelliSense gives a warning when you mix user controls and controls in a same tagPrefix node.
  • CSS code examples cannot work in .less files.
  • Visual Studio 2012 cannot insert a closing tag in HTML files automatically.

Web Tools

  • Web Platform and Tools (WPT) packages are affected by a time stamp signing issue.
  • Dirty flag is displayed after you save a file in Visual Studio designer.
  • Too much memory is used after you add a new entity model that is generated from a database.
  • A local Internet Information Services (IIS) Express instance is displayed when you browse from a web page that is in a cloud service project.
  • "Application/JavaScript" content of JavaScript files is not registered to Visual Studio 2012.
  • Right-to-Left is not supported in JavaScript Windows Store app templates.
  • Visual Studio 2012 does not support the WinJS Software Development Kit (SDK).
  • Visual Studio 2012 crashes when you save a read-only manifest and then select Cancel to dismiss the dialog box.

Web Publish

  • You cannot install the Web Deploy component when you set up Visual Studio 2012.
  • Web Tools Extensions (WTE) website publish operation does an unnecessary precompilation.

Build Automation in TFS

  • A Build Scheduling job fails two times in TFS.
  • "TF50620: The Team Foundation identity scope A5BD927E-17AE-41F9-B8F3-34BE44653408 does not exist" error, and you cannot upgrade to Visual Studio 2012.1.
  • Message queue settings are lost.
  • You cannot scroll in web browsers for the summary and log views of build files in Team System Web Access (TSWA).

Cloud Intelligence and Admin in TFS

  • Visual SourceSafe (VSS) installer compliance issues.
  • Visual Studio 2012.1 milestone information in ReleaseManifest.xml.
  • "Object doesn't support this property or method" error when you access the Team Profile page.

Collaboration in TFS

  • PowerPoint Storyboarding stops working when you uninstall Visual Studio 2012.1.

Services Framework in TFS

  • "An error occurred while executing the following script: upd_IdentitySnapshotToDev11M36.sql. Failed batch starts on the line 242. Statement line: 2." error when you attach a collection to a Visual Studio 2012.1 server.
  • You cannot upgrade to Visual Studio 2012 if the database collation name contains "90" and this instance is hosted on Microsoft SQL Server 2012.
  • Rebranded URLs (for example are not supported in the Visual Studio 2012 client.
  • "Exception of type 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.HostShutdownException' was thrown" error when you try to delete a project of an offline collection.
  • LocalScopeId value is not changed in tbl_GroupScope when you change the Server ID.
  • You cannot detach and reattach a cloned collection database instance, and it fails with an index violation.
  • Decreased performance when you use the complex identity or group membership topography.

Version Control in TFS

  • Query plan in the prc_CheckIn process causes large memory estimates.
  • "Cannot insert NULL value (QU1)" exception in the TFS 2012 service, and the VC++ UpdateLocalVersion command fails.

.NET Runtime

  • "Code Analysis errors of the same type - CA2149 Transparent code must not reference security critical items" error when you create a new application by using the default "Windows Phone XAML and Direct3D" project template.


  • The sort algorithm of the FSharp.Core.dll assembly may produce incorrect results, and you cannot deploy the applications that contains F# code to Windows Store.


  • "Not a valid Win32 application" error when you try to use ClickOnce to deploy a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application to Windows XP.

C++ Compiler

  • Incorrect code is generated for bit field swap on the ARM compiler.
  • Debug Interface Access (DIA) ARM stack unwinder displays empty stack when the CPU contains an invalid address.
  • WinCE default entry point is _stdcall instead of _cdecl.
  • The image base symbol name of WinCE is ImageBase instead of CeImageBase.
  • Single VC++ file takes a long time to compile.
  • No sign targets are called for the vcredist_x86, vcredist_x64, or vcredist_arm files.


  • "Microsoft XP support for Visual Studio" error when you install the XP targeting package.

C++ Editor

  • You may lose the property sheet changes in Property Manager.
  • "Exception 0xC0000005; SQLCEOLEDB40.DLL!unloaded" error when you run VC++ applications in Visual Studio 2012.
  • "Exception 0xC0000005;MICROSOFT.VISUALSTUDIO.CPPSVC.INTERNAL.DLL!" error when you run VC++ applications in Visual Studio 2012.
  • You encounter a deadlock between the Devenv.exe and VCPkgSrv.exe files.
  • VC++ project system does not support transitive closure of SDKs.

Standard C++ Library

  • Potential branding issue during installation.
  • Application intermittently crashes when you create an async operation with Parallel Patterns Library (PPL).

C Runtime (CRT)

  • Replace mempcy function for ARM CPU with a faster version from Windows.

Visual Studio Fundamentals

  • NetFx payloads are not the re-signed version in TFS and in team agents.
  • Test professional and feedback client Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) are not included in the list of the Visual Studio 2012.1 bundle.
  • The message on the Visual Studio 2012.1 "uninstall finished" page uses the information icon instead of the warning icon.
  • ProjectReference and SKURef are not updated for the Visual Studio 2012.1 MSP with WDExpress core MSI file.
  • Visual Studio 2012 does not contain the TFS_ServerCore.msi package.
  • Threaded wait dialog title bar colors do not work well with a custom Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 color theme.

Visual Studio IDE

  • Crash occurs when you try to close Visual Studio 2012.
  • "Exception 0xC0000005; DEVENV.EXE!CDevEnvAppId::Run" error when you change the default installation path in Visual Studio 2012.
  • Chrome does not automatically appear in the list of the Browse With dialog in Visual Studio 2012.
  • You cannot start .VSIX setups after you install the July 2012 update in Visual Studio 2012 RC.


  • Some IntelliSense texts are not translated.


  • Data Sources window is disabled after you build a project. Additionally, a "data sources are not supported by the current project" warning is displayed.

Code Analysis

  • "MSBuild could not locate the Code Analysis tool" error when you run code analysis in Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop.


  • No feedback when you cannot create stubs or shims for an assembly by using the Fakes function.

My Work

  • You encounter crash and data loss issues in the code review workflow.
  • The work items that are under the selected area path do not show in the "Available Work Items" section of MyWork.
  • The feature enablement infobar does not go away when you upgrade TFS 2010 to TFS 2012.



  • "'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TraceLogPackage.TraceLogPackage, Microsoft.IntelliTrace.Package.11.0.0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' package did not load correctly" error when you debug a new project in Visual Studio 2012.

Code Map

  • Flag icons on Code Map are not updated.


  • You cannot debug the T4 template by using the Entity Framework templates.

Lab Manager

  • You cannot create network isolation environments on Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1) hosts.
  • You cannot create the TestEnvironment.xml file by using Build Verification Testing (BVT) scripts.
  • LoadTestScenario case fails in the BVT rolling build.
  • "Specified cast is not valid" exception when you try to stop recording for an editing task scenario.
  • You cannot obtain VC++ runtime from Visual Studio 2012 remote store.
  • Test-signing time is too long in Visual Studio 2012.



  • Anonymous
    January 17, 2013
    Good post, thanks!!!

  • Anonymous
    January 17, 2013

  • Anonymous
    January 23, 2013
    Many companies require all web traffic go through proxy.  Please provide option to enter proxy info!!!

  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2013
    I have big problem when i working with solutions which locating in network drive , when i try to close VS i getting deadlocks.

  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2013
    Artur, I would rasie a support issue and see if the support folks can help you out on this one. I know we had a dedlock issue with C++ in DevEnv but we got it fixed. Z

  • Anonymous
    February 11, 2013
    zainab, Yes,but i have it with C# solutions in network drive's(ASP.NET MVC 3/4).

  • Anonymous
    February 12, 2013
    Artur, I would definitely raise a support issue.  Check to make sure others at your company aren't having the same issue first as it could be an internal issue. Then move on to contacting our support folks to see if they can resolve the problem. Z

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2013
    Zainnab, I have one another question, with latest update for IIS Express , we seen one thing, when we debugging with projects on network drive, on every request iis reloading all dll's , it's a bug or feature ?

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2013
    Artur, That doesn't sound like expected behavior. It appears you have several issues going on. At the risk of sounding repetitive, you should raise this with our support folks and get to the root cause if you can. Z

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2013
    Thanks for answer, Zainnab, but we working in express editions of Visual Studio 2012, that mean we haven't support tickets. Do you know another way out ?

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2013
    Artur, I'm pretty sure you know what I'm going to say here: Never, ever use Express editions to do professional work. Those editions were designed for hobbyists and students to learn on and are missing a lot of features. With that said, if you are a hobbyist or a student then one of the best places to get free help is either the MSDN Forums ( and/or StackOverflow ( Both provide a great community experience and, many times, the exact answer you need. Of course, there is no guarantee your will get your answer but it's pretty rare that a questions doesn't get some kind of answer over time. Z

  • Anonymous
    February 08, 2014
    PLEASE HELP:  Upon installing visual sku this is always the error: EventType : clr20r3     P1 : procession.exe     P2 : 2.2.2128.0     P3 : 4fa94155     P4 :     P5 :     P6 : 4ba1e1a5 P7 : 1a4     P8 : 42     P9 : solenium.common.exception  

  • Anonymous
    February 08, 2014
    Rundazan, This is a common error with the .NET Framework that can happen. Refer to this article on deciphering this message and getting to the root cause: Z

  • Anonymous
    September 01, 2014
    This is a common error with the .NET Framework that can happen. Refer to this article on deciphering this message and getting to the root cause: