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Queries for the ASCDeviceEvents table

For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.

Azure Sphere device authentication and attestation failures

A list of Azure Sphere device authentication and attestation failures for the last week, sorted by time.

| where OperationName == "DeviceCertificateEvent" and
        Properties.EventType == "DeviceAttestationFailure" or Properties.EventType == "DeviceCertificateEvent" and
        ResultType == "Failure" // Filter by time by adding " | where TimeGenerated > ago(7d) " for last 7 days of data or using time picker in the UI
| project TimeGenerated, DeviceId, Properties, ResultDescription, Location
| sort by TimeGenerated desc
| limit 100

Azure Sphere device events timeline

A sorted timeline of all events generated by an Azure Sphere device during the last week, to monitor and troubleshoot any unexpected failures.

| where OperationName == "DeviceCertificateEvent" or Properties.DeviceTelemetryEventCategory == "AppCrash" // Remove/Add filters to see all/specific events. Filter data by Device by adding " | where DeviceId == "Your Device ID" " 
| project TimeGenerated, OperationName, ResultType, ResultDescription, Properties, Location
| sort by TimeGenerated desc
| limit 100

Azure Sphere device heartbeat events timechart

A timechart of all certificate generation events initiated by Azure Sphere devices over the last week, to continuously monitor device health and see trends.

let Interval = timespan(1d); // Interval for the Chart 
| where OperationName == "DeviceCertificateEvent" and 
        Properties.EventType == "DeviceCertificatesGenerate" and 
        ResultType == "Success"
| summarize Device_Heartbeat_Events=count() by bin(TimeGenerated, Interval)
| render timechart

Azure Sphere devices not updated to latest OS

A list of Azure Sphere devices that have not been updated to the latest OS version over the last week.

| where OperationName == "DeviceUpdateEvent" and  
        todouble(Properties.InstalledOSVersion) != todouble(Properties.TargetedOSVersion) // Filter by time by adding " | where TimeGenerated > ago(7d) " for last 7 days of data or using time picker in the UI
| summarize by DeviceId
| limit 100

Azure Sphere device telemetry events summary

A piechart summarizing the share of each of the event categories generated by Azure Sphere Devices over the last week, to monitor the overall device health.

| where OperationName == "DeviceTelemetryEvent" // Filter by time by adding " | where TimeGenerated > ago(7d) " for last 7 days of data or using time picker in the UI
| summarize count() by tostring(Properties.DeviceTelemetryEventCategory)
| render piechart