Queries for the SecurityEvent table
For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.
Security Events most common event IDs
This query displays a descending list of the amount of events ingested per EventId for Security-Auditing.
| where EventSourceName == "Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing"
| summarize EventCount = count() by EventID
| sort by EventCount desc
Members added to security groups
Who was added to security-enabled group over the last day?
// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where EventID in (4728, 4732, 4756) // these event IDs indicate a member was added to a security-enabled group
| summarize count() by SubjectAccount, Computer, _ResourceId
// This query requires the Security solution
Uses of clear text password
List all accounts that logged on using a clear-text password over the last day.
// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where EventID == 4624 // event ID 4624: "an account was successfully logged on",
| where LogonType == 8 // logon type 8: "NetworkCleartext"
| summarize count() by TargetAccount, Computer, _ResourceId // count the reported security events for each account
// This query requires the Security solution
Windows failed logins
Find reports of Windows accounts that failed to login.
// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where EventID == 4625
| summarize count() by TargetAccount, Computer, _ResourceId // count the reported security events for each account
// This query requires the Security solution
All Security Activities
Security activities sorted by time (newest first).
| project TimeGenerated, Account, Activity, Computer
| sort by TimeGenerated desc
Security Activities on the Device
Security activities on a specific device sorted by time (newest first).
//| where Computer == "COMPUTER01.contoso.com" // Replace with a specific computer name
| project TimeGenerated, Account, Activity, Computer
| sort by TimeGenerated desc
Security Activities for Admin
Security activities on a specific device for administrator sorted by time (newest first).
//| where Computer == "COMPUTER01.contoso.com" // Replace with a specific computer name
| where TargetUserName == "Administrator"
| project TimeGenerated, Account, Activity, Computer
| sort by TimeGenerated desc
Logon Activity by Device
Counts logon activities per device.
| where EventID == 4624
| summarize LogonCount = count() by Computer
Devices With More Than 10 Logons
Counts logon activities per devices with more than 10 logons.
| where EventID == 4624
| summarize LogonCount = count() by Computer
| where LogonCount > 10
Accounts Terminated Antimalware
Accounts which terminated Microsoft Antimalware.
| where EventID == 4689
| where Process has "MsMpEng.exe" or ParentProcessName has "MsMpEng.exe"
| summarize TerminationCount = count() by Account
Devices with Antimalware Terminated
Devices which terminated Microsoft Antimalware.
| where EventID == 4689
| where Process has "MsMpEng.exe" or ParentProcessName has "MsMpEng.exe"
| summarize TerminationCount = count() by Computer
Devices Where Hash Was Executed
Devices where hash.exe was executed more than 5 times.
| where EventID == 4688
| where Process has "hash.exe" or ParentProcessName has "hash.exe"
| summarize ExecutionCount = count() by Computer
| where ExecutionCount > 5
Process Names Executed
Lists number of executions per process.
| where EventID == 4688
| summarize ExecutionCount = count() by NewProcessName
Devices With Security Log Cleared
Devices with securtiy log cleared.
| where EventID == 1102
| summarize LogClearedCount = count() by Computer
Logon Activity by Account
Logon activity by account.
| where EventID == 4624
| summarize LogonCount = count() by Account
Accounts With Less Than 5 Times Logons
Logon activity for accounts with less than 5 logons.
| where EventID == 4624
| summarize LogonCount = count() by Account
| where LogonCount < 5
Remoted Logged Accounts on Devices
Remoted logged accounts on a specific device.
| where EventID == 4624 and (LogonTypeName == "3 - Network" or LogonTypeName == "10 - RemoteInteractive")
//| where Computer == "Computer01.contoso.com" // Replace with a specific computer name
| summarize RemoteLogonCount = count() by Account
Computers With Guest Account Logons
Computers with logons from guest accounts.
| where EventID == 4624 and TargetUserName == 'Guest' and LogonType in (10, 3)
| summarize count() by Computer
Members Added to Security Enabled Groups
Members added to the security enabled groups.
| where EventID in (4728, 4732, 4756)
| summarize count() by SubjectAccount
Domain Security Policy Changes
Counts events of domain policy changed.
| where EventID == 4739
| summarize count() by DomainPolicyChanged
System Audit Policy Changes
System audit policy changed events by computer.
| where EventID == 4719
| summarize count() by Computer
Suspicious Executables
Lists suspicious executables.
| where EventID == 8002 and Fqbn == '-'
| summarize ExecutionCountHash=count() by FileHash
| where ExecutionCountHash <= 5
Logons With Clear Text Password
Logons with clear text password by target account.
| where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 8
| summarize count() by TargetAccount
Computers With Cleaned Event Logs
Computers with cleaned event logs.
| where EventID in (1102, 517) and EventSourceName == 'Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog'
| summarize count() by Computer
Accounts Failed to Logon
Counts failed logons by target account.
| where EventID == 4625
| summarize count() by TargetAccount
Locked Accounts
Counts locked acounts by target account.
| where EventID == 4740
| summarize count() by TargetAccount
Change or Reset Passwords Attempts
Counts change/reset paswords attempts per target account.
| where EventID in (4723, 4724)
| summarize count() by TargetAccount
Groups Created or Modified
Groups created or modified per target account.
| where EventID in (4727, 4731, 4735, 4737, 4754, 4755)
| summarize count() by TargetAccount
Remote Procedure Call Attempts
Counts remote procedure call attempts per computer.
| where EventID == 5712
| summarize count() by Computer
User Accounts Changed
Counts user account changes per target account.
| where EventID in (4720, 4722)
| summarize by TargetAccount