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Quickstart: Access the Kubernetes API of the Fleet resource

If your Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager resource was created with the hub cluster enabled, then it can be used to centrally control scenarios like Kubernetes resource propagation. In this article, you learn how to access the Kubernetes API of the hub cluster managed by the Fleet resource.


If you don't have an Azure subscription, create an Azure free account before you begin.

Access the Kubernetes API of the Fleet resource

  1. Set the following environment variables for your subscription ID, resource group, and Fleet resource:

    export SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<subscription-id>
    export GROUP=<resource-group-name>
    export FLEET=<fleet-name>
  2. Set the default Azure subscription to use using the az account set command.

    az account set --subscription ${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}
  3. Get the kubeconfig file of the hub cluster Fleet resource using the az fleet get-credentials command.

    az fleet get-credentials --resource-group ${GROUP} --name ${FLEET}

    Your output should look similar to the following example output:

    Merged "hub" as current context in /home/fleet/.kube/config
  4. Set the following environment variable for the id of the hub cluster Fleet resource:

    export FLEET_ID=/subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resourceGroups/${GROUP}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/${FLEET}
  5. Authorize your identity to the hub cluster Fleet resource's Kubernetes API server using the following commands:

    For the ROLE environment variable, you can use one of the following four built-in role definitions as the value:

    • Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager RBAC Reader
    • Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager RBAC Writer
    • Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager RBAC Admin
    • Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager RBAC Cluster Admin
    export IDENTITY=$(az ad signed-in-user show --query "id" --output tsv)
    export ROLE="Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager RBAC Cluster Admin"
    az role assignment create --role "${ROLE}" --assignee ${IDENTITY} --scope ${FLEET_ID}

    Your output should look similar to the following example output:

      "canDelegate": null,
      "condition": null,
      "conditionVersion": null,
      "description": null,
      "id": "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/<FLEET>/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/<assignment>",
      "name": "<name>",
      "principalId": "<id>",
      "principalType": "User",
      "resourceGroup": "<GROUP>",
      "roleDefinitionId": "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/18ab4d3d-a1bf-4477-8ad9-8359bc988f69",
      "scope": "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/<FLEET>",
      "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments"
  6. Verify you can access the API server using the kubectl get memberclusters command.

    kubectl get memberclusters

    If successful, your output should look similar to the following example output:

    NAME           JOINED   AGE
    aks-member-1   True     2m
    aks-member-2   True     2m
    aks-member-3   True     2m

Next steps