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Configure the Backup BizTalk Server Job

After you install and configure BizTalk Server, configure the Backup BizTalk Server job to back up your data.

Starting with BizTalk Server 2016 Feature Pack 2, you can backup your databases and log files to an Azure blob storage account.


The Backup BizTalk Server (BizTalkMgmtDb) job includes the following steps:

  • Step 1 – Set Compression Option: Enable or disable compression during backup

  • Step 2 – BackupFull: Runs full database backups of the BizTalk Server databases

  • Step 3 – MarkAndBackUpLog: Backs up the BizTalk Server database logs

  • Step 4 – Clear Backup History: Choose how long the backup history is kept

To configure this job, you'll need to:

  • Identify the primary and destination SQL Servers and other backup options

  • Choose a Windows user account to back up your databases, and create a SQL Server login for this account

  • Map SQL Server logins to the BTS_BACKUP_USERS database role in the BizTalk Server databases

  • Ensure MSDTC service is active on all nodes. Otherwise, adding a linked server between the source node and the destination node fails.

Before you begin

  • Certain configuration and backup operations require membership in the sysadmin SQL Server role. To back up your BizTalk Server databases, sign in the primary server with an account that is a member of the SQL Server sysadmin Server role. BizTalk Server configuration adds the BTS_BACKUP_USERS database role. The user account you use to back up your databases does not require System Administrator (sysadmin SQL Server role) permissions on all the SQL Servers that may be involved in a backup, except for the primary server.

  • Decide which sign in account you use to run your BizTalk Server database backups. You can use a local account, and you can use more than one account. But it is generally simpler and more secure to create one dedicated Windows domain user account specifically for this purpose. You must configure a SQL Server logon account for this user, and the user must be mapped to a SQL Server login for all of the SQL Servers that participate in the backup process, either as primary (source) or secondary (destination) servers. Assign this user to the BizTalk BTS_BACKUP_USERS database role for each of the BizTalk Server databases you back up.

  • The Backup BizTalk Server job does not delete outdated backup files, so you need to manually manage those backup files to conserve disk space. After you have created a new full backup of your databases, you should move the outdated backup files onto an archival storage device to reclaim space on the primary disk. See the SSIS packages to manage these files.

  • BizTalk Server does not write tracking data directly to the BizTalk Tracking database; rather it caches the data in the MessageBox database, and then moves it to the BizTalk Tracking database. If MessageBox data loss occurs, some tracking data may also be lost.


  • Sign in to SQL Server using an account that is a member of the sysadmin SQL Server role.

  • Configure the SQL Server Agent service to run under a domain account (recommended, although local accounts can be used), with a mapped user login on each instance of SQL Server.

  • To use an Azure blob storage account, you need a general purpose storage account, a container within your blob storage account, a shared access signature (SAS), and a SQL credential using the SAS. Once created, have your blob service endpoint URL ready, which is something like


    If you don't have an existing blob storage account configured with a SAS, then the SAS PowerShell script can create it, and the container. SQL Server Backup to URL provides an overview, and the specific steps.

Configure the job

  1. On the SQL Server that hosts the BizTalk Management database, open SQL Server Management Studio, and connect to your SQL Server.

  2. Expand SQL Server Agent, and expand Jobs.

  3. Right-click Backup BizTalk Server (BizTalkMgmtDb) and select Properties. In the job properties, select Steps.

  4. Select the Set Compression Option step, and select Edit:

    This step calls the sp_SetBackupCompression stored procedure in the BizTalk management database (BizTalkMgmtDb) to set the value on the adm_BackupSettings table. The stored procedure has one parameter: @bCompression. By default, it is set to 0 (backup compression is off). To apply compression, change the value to 1:

    exec [dbo].[sp_SetBackupCompression] @bCompression = 1 /*0 - Do not use Compression, 1 - Use Compression */  

    Select OK.

  5. Select the BackupFull step, and select Edit. In the Command box, update the parameter values:

    1. Frequency: The default is d (daily); which is the recommended setting. Other values include h (hourly), w (weekly), m (monthly), or y (yearly).

    2. Name: The default is BTS. The name is used as part of the backup file name.

    3. Location of backup files: Replace '<destination path>' with the full path (the path must include the single quotes) to the computer and folder where you want to back up the BizTalk Server databases, or the blob service endpoint URL to an Azure blob storage account.


      • If you enter a local path, then you have to manually copy all the files to the same folder on the destination system whenever the Backup BizTalk Server job creates new files.

        To use a remote path, enter a UNC share such as \\<ServerName>\<SharedDrive>\, where <ServerName> is the name of the server where you want the files, and <SharedDrive> is name of the shared drive or folder.

        Backing up data over a network is subject to any network issues. When using a remote location, verify the backup succeeded when the Backup BizTalk Server job finishes.

      • To avoid potential data loss, configure the backup disk to be a different disk than the database data and log disks. This is necessary so you can access the backups if the data or log disk fails.

      • When backing up to an Azure blob account, enter the Blob service endpoint URL and the container name, which are listed in your blob service properties in the Azure portal.

    4. Optional. Force full backup after partial backup failures (@ForceFullBackupAfterPartialSetFailure): The default is 0. If a log backup fails, no full backups are ran until the next full backup frequency interval is reached. Replace with 1 if you want a full backup ran whenever a log backup failure occurs.

    5. Optional. Local time hour for the backup process to run (@BackupHour): The default is NULL. The backup job is not associated with the time zone of the BizTalk Server computer, and runs at midnight UTC time (0000). If you want to backup at a specific hour in the time zone of the BizTalk Server computer, enter an integer value from 0 (midnight) to 23 (11 PM) as the local time hour.

    6. Optional. Use local time (@UseLocalTime): Tells the procedure to use local time. The default value is 0, and uses current UTC time – GETUTCDATE() – 2007-05-04 01:34:11.933. If set to 1, then it uses local time – GETDATE() – 2007-05-03 18:34:11.933

    In the following example, daily backups are created at 2am, and stored in the m:\ drive:

    exec [dbo].[sp_BackupAllFull_Schedule]   
    'd' /* Frequency */,   
    'BTS' /* Name */,   
    'm:\BizTalkBackups' /* location of backup files */,   
    '0' /* 0 (default) or 1 ForceFullBackupAfterPartialSetFailure */,   
    '2' /* local time hour for the backup process to run */  

    In the following example, weekly backups are created at midnight UTC time, and stored in your Azure blob account:

    exec [dbo].[sp_BackupAllFull_Schedule]   
    'w' /* Frequency */,   
    'BTS' /* Name */,   
    '' /* location of backup files */,   
    '1' /* 0 (default) or 1 ForceFullBackupAfterPartialSetFailure */

    Select OK.

  6. Select the MarkAndBackupLog step, and select Edit. In the Command box, update the parameter values:

    1. @MarkName: This is part of the naming convention for backup files: <Server Name>_<Database Name>_Log_< Log Mark Name >_<Timestamp>

    2. @BackupPath: Full destination path (including single quotes) to the computer and folder to store the BizTalk Server database logs, or the Azure blob storage account and container. The <destination path> can also be local or a UNC path to another server.

      The MarkAndBackupLog step marks the logs for backup, and then backs them up.


    To avoid potential data loss and for performance improvement, the <destination path> should be set to a different computer, or hard drive, different from what is used to store the original database logs.

    Select OK.

  7. Select the Clear Backup History step, and select Edit. In the Command box, update the parameter values:

    1. @DaysToKeep: Default value is 14 days. Determines how long the backup history is kept in the Adm_BackupHistory table. Periodically clearing the backup history helps maintain the Adm_BackupHistory table to an appropriate size.

    2. Optional. @UseLocalTime: Tells the procedure to use local time. The default value is 0. It uses current UTC time – GETUTCDATE() – 2007-05-04 01:34:11.933. If set to 1, then it uses local time – GETDATE() – 2007-05-03 18:34:11.933

    exec [dbo].[sp_DeleteBackupHistory] @DaysToKeep=14, @UseLocalTime =1 


    This step does not delete backup files from the destination path.

    Select OK and close all property windows.

  8. Optional. Change the backup schedule. See How to Schedule the Backup BizTalk Server Job.


    The Backup BizTalk Server job runs the first time you configure it. By default, on subsequent runs, the Backup BizTalk Server job completes a full backup once a day, and completes log backups every 15 minutes.

  9. Right-click the Backup BizTalk Server job, and select Enable. The status should change to Success.

Execute Backup_Setup_All_Procs.sql and LogShipping_Destination_Logic.sql

BizTalk Server 2016 Feature Pack 2 (FP2) used the Backup_Setup_All_Procs.sql and LogShipping_Destination_Logic.sql scripts in \Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server *your version*\Schema.

If your Backup BizTalk Server job is already configured, and you want to switch to using Azure blob (instead of a disk), then also do the following:

  1. On the SQL Server, execute the Backup_Setup_All_Procs.sql script against all custom databases that are being backed up by the Backup BizTalk Server job. By default, FP2 automatically updates BizTalk databases; it does not update any custom databases (those databases in the adm_OtherBackupDatabases table in BizTalkMgmtDb).

    Back Up Custom Databases provides more details on custom databases.

  2. If you use log shipping, execute the LogShipping_Destination_Logic.sql script on the destination system within SQL Server. If you don't use log shipping, then do not execute this script.

    Configure the Destination System for Log Shipping provides more details on the destination system.

sp_ForceFullBackup stored procedure

The sp_ForceFullBackup stored procedure in the BizTalkMgmtDb database can be used to run an ad-hoc full backup of the data and log files. The stored procedure updates the adm_ForceFullBackup table with a value 1. The next time the Backup BizTalk Server job is ran, a full database backup set is created.

Next Steps

Configure the Destination System for Log Shipping
Schedule the Backup BizTalk Server Job
Azure storage accounts
SQL Server Backup to URL