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IConventionComplexTypeBuilder Interface


Provides a simple API surface for configuring an IConventionComplexProperty from conventions.

This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally not used in application code.

public interface IConventionComplexTypeBuilder : Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.Builders.IConventionTypeBaseBuilder
type IConventionComplexTypeBuilder = interface
    interface IConventionTypeBaseBuilder
    interface IConventionAnnotatableBuilder
Public Interface IConventionComplexTypeBuilder
Implements IConventionTypeBaseBuilder


See Model building conventions for more information and examples.



Gets the property being configured.


Gets the model builder.

(Inherited from IConventionAnnotatableBuilder)


CanHaveComplexIndexerProperty(Type, String, Type, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given complex indexer property can be added to this type.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
CanHaveComplexProperty(MemberInfo, Type, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given complex property can be added to this type.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
CanHaveComplexProperty(Type, String, Type, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given complex property can be added to this type.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
CanHaveIndexerProperty(Type, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given indexer property can be added to this type.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
CanHaveProperty(MemberInfo, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given property can be added to this type.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
CanHaveProperty(Type, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given property can be added to this type.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
CanIgnore(String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given member name can be ignored from the given configuration source.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
CanRemoveAnnotation(String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether an annotation with the given name can be removed using this configuration source.

(Inherited from IConventionAnnotatableBuilder)
CanRemoveComplexProperty(IConventionComplexProperty, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the complex property can be removed from this type.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
CanRemoveProperty(IConventionProperty, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the property can be removed from this type.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
CanSetAnnotation(String, Object, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether an annotation with the given name and value can be set from this configuration source.

(Inherited from IConventionAnnotatableBuilder)
CanSetChangeTrackingStrategy(Nullable<ChangeTrackingStrategy>, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given change tracking strategy can be set from the current configuration source.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
CanSetPropertyAccessMode(Nullable<PropertyAccessMode>, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given PropertyAccessMode can be set from the current configuration source.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
ComplexIndexerProperty(Type, String, Type, Boolean)

Returns an object that can be used to configure the complex indexer property with the given name. If no matching property exists, then a new property will be added.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
ComplexProperty(MemberInfo, Type, Boolean)

Returns an object that can be used to configure the complex property with the given member info. If no matching property exists, then a new property will be added.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
ComplexProperty(Type, String, Type, Boolean)

Returns an object that can be used to configure the complex property with the given name. If no matching property exists, then a new property will be added.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
CreateUniqueProperty(Type, String, Boolean)

Creates a property with a name that's different from any existing properties.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
GetOrCreateProperties(IEnumerable<MemberInfo>, Boolean)

Returns the existing properties matching the given members or creates them.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
GetOrCreateProperties(IReadOnlyList<String>, Boolean)

Returns the existing properties with the given names or creates them if matching CLR members are found.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
HasAnnotation(String, Object, Boolean)

Sets the annotation stored under the given name. Overwrites the existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists with same or lower ConfigurationSource.

HasChangeTrackingStrategy(Nullable<ChangeTrackingStrategy>, Boolean)

Configures the ChangeTrackingStrategy to be used for this complex type. This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the complex type.

HasNoAnnotation(String, Boolean)

Removes the annotation with the given name from this object.

HasNoComplexProperty(IConventionComplexProperty, Boolean)

Removes a complex property from this complex type.

HasNonNullAnnotation(String, Object, Boolean)

Sets the annotation stored under the given name. Overwrites the existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists with same or lower ConfigurationSource. Removes the annotation if null value is specified.

HasNoProperty(IConventionProperty, Boolean)

Removes a property from this complex type.

Ignore(String, Boolean)

Excludes the given property from the complex type and prevents conventions from adding a matching property or navigation to the type.

IndexerProperty(Type, String, Boolean)

Returns an object that can be used to configure the indexer property with the given name. If no matching property exists, then a new property will be added.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
IsIgnored(String, Boolean)

Indicates whether the given member name is ignored for the given configuration source.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
Property(MemberInfo, Boolean)

Returns an object that can be used to configure the property with the given member info. If no matching property exists, then a new property will be added.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
Property(Type, String, Boolean, Boolean)

Returns an object that can be used to configure the property with the given name. If no matching property exists, then a new property will be added.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
RemoveAnnotation(String, Boolean)

Removes the annotation with the given name from this object.

(Inherited from IConventionAnnotatableBuilder)

Removes properties in the given list if they are not part of any metadata object.

SetOrRemoveAnnotation(String, Object, Boolean)

Sets or removes the annotation stored under the given name.

(Inherited from IConventionAnnotatableBuilder)
UsePropertyAccessMode(Nullable<PropertyAccessMode>, Boolean)

Sets the PropertyAccessMode to use for all properties of this complex type.

Applies to