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ISqlExpressionFactory Interface


A factory for creating SqlExpression instances.

public interface ISqlExpressionFactory
type ISqlExpressionFactory = interface
Public Interface ISqlExpressionFactory


The service lifetime is Scoped. This means that each DbContext instance will use its own instance of this service. The implementation may depend on other services registered with any lifetime. The implementation does not need to be thread-safe.


Add(SqlExpression, SqlExpression, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a SqlBinaryExpression which represents an addition.

And(SqlExpression, SqlExpression, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a SqlBinaryExpression which represents a bitwise AND operation.

AndAlso(SqlExpression, SqlExpression)

Creates a SqlBinaryExpression which represents a logical AND operation.


Applies default type mapping to given SqlExpression.

ApplyTypeMapping(SqlExpression, RelationalTypeMapping)

Applies type mapping to the given SqlExpression.

Case(IReadOnlyList<CaseWhenClause>, SqlExpression)

Creates a new CaseExpression which represent a CASE statement in a SQL tree.

Case(SqlExpression, CaseWhenClause[])

Creates a new CaseExpression which represent a CASE statement in a SQL tree.

Case(SqlExpression, IReadOnlyList<CaseWhenClause>, SqlExpression)

Creates a new CaseExpression which represent a CASE statement in a SQL tree.

Coalesce(SqlExpression, SqlExpression, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a SqlFunctionExpression which represents a COALESCE operation.

Constant(Object, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlConstantExpression which represents a constant in a SQL tree.

Constant(Object, Type, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlConstantExpression which represents a constant in a SQL tree.

Convert(SqlExpression, Type, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlUnaryExpression which represent casting a SQL expression to different type.

Divide(SqlExpression, SqlExpression, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a SqlBinaryExpression which represents a division.

Equal(SqlExpression, SqlExpression)

Creates a SqlBinaryExpression which represents an equality comparison.


Creates a new ExistsExpression which represents an EXISTS operation in a SQL tree.

Exists(SelectExpression, Boolean)

Creates a new ExistsExpression which represents an EXISTS operation in a SQL tree.


Finds the type mapping for a given Type.


Creates a new SqlFragmentExpression which represents a SQL token.

Function(SqlExpression, String, IEnumerable<SqlExpression>, Boolean, Boolean, IEnumerable<Boolean>, Type, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlFunctionExpression which represents a function call in a SQL tree.

Function(SqlExpression, String, IEnumerable<SqlExpression>, Type, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlFunctionExpression which represents a function call in a SQL tree.

Function(SqlExpression, String, Type, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlFunctionExpression which represents a function call in a SQL tree.

Function(String, IEnumerable<SqlExpression>, Boolean, IEnumerable<Boolean>, Type, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlFunctionExpression which represents a function call in a SQL tree.

Function(String, IEnumerable<SqlExpression>, Type, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlFunctionExpression which represents a function call in a SQL tree.

Function(String, String, IEnumerable<SqlExpression>, Boolean, IEnumerable<Boolean>, Type, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlFunctionExpression which represents a function call in a SQL tree.

Function(String, String, IEnumerable<SqlExpression>, Type, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlFunctionExpression which represents a function call in a SQL tree.

Function(String, String, Type, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlFunctionExpression which represents a function call in a SQL tree.

Function(String, Type, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlFunctionExpression which represents a function call in a SQL tree.


Gets the relational database type for a given object, throwing if no mapping is found.

GreaterThan(SqlExpression, SqlExpression)

Creates a SqlBinaryExpression which represents a greater than comparison.

GreaterThanOrEqual(SqlExpression, SqlExpression)

Creates a SqlBinaryExpression which represents a greater than or equal comparison.

In(SqlExpression, IReadOnlyList<SqlExpression>)

Creates a new InExpression which represents an IN operation in a SQL tree.

In(SqlExpression, SelectExpression)

Creates a new InExpression which represents an IN operation in a SQL tree.

In(SqlExpression, SelectExpression, Boolean)

Creates a new InExpression which represents an IN operation in a SQL tree.

In(SqlExpression, SqlExpression, Boolean)

Creates a new InExpression which represents an IN operation in a SQL tree.

In(SqlExpression, SqlParameterExpression)

Creates a new InExpression which represents an IN operation in a SQL tree.


Creates a new SqlUnaryExpression which represent inequality to null.


Creates a new SqlUnaryExpression which represent equality to null.

LessThan(SqlExpression, SqlExpression)

Creates a SqlBinaryExpression which represents a less than comparison.

LessThanOrEqual(SqlExpression, SqlExpression)

Creates a SqlBinaryExpression which represents a less than or equal comparison.

Like(SqlExpression, SqlExpression, SqlExpression)

Creates a new InExpression which represents a LIKE in a SQL tree.

MakeBinary(ExpressionType, SqlExpression, SqlExpression, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlBinaryExpression with the given arguments.

MakeUnary(ExpressionType, SqlExpression, Type, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlUnaryExpression with the given arguments.

Modulo(SqlExpression, SqlExpression, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a SqlBinaryExpression which represents a modulo operation.

Multiply(SqlExpression, SqlExpression, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a SqlBinaryExpression which represents a multiplication.


Creates a new SqlUnaryExpression which represent a negation operation in a SQL tree.

NiladicFunction(SqlExpression, String, Boolean, Boolean, Type, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlFunctionExpression which represents a niladic function call in a SQL tree.

NiladicFunction(String, Boolean, Type, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlFunctionExpression which represents a niladic function call in a SQL tree.

NiladicFunction(String, String, Boolean, Type, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a new SqlFunctionExpression which represents a niladic function call in a SQL tree.


Creates a new SqlUnaryExpression which represent a NOT operation in a SQL tree.

NotEqual(SqlExpression, SqlExpression)

Creates a SqlBinaryExpression which represents an inequality comparison.

Or(SqlExpression, SqlExpression, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a SqlBinaryExpression which represents a bitwise OR operation.

OrElse(SqlExpression, SqlExpression)

Creates a SqlBinaryExpression which represents a logical OR operation.


Creates a new SelectExpression which represents a SELECT in a SQL tree projecting an entity type from a table source created using default mapping in the model.

Select(IEntityType, String, Expression)

Creates a new SelectExpression which represents a SELECT in a SQL tree projecting an entity type from a table source created using a custom SQL.

Select(IEntityType, TableExpressionBase)

Creates a new SelectExpression which represents a SELECT in a SQL tree projecting an entity type from a table source.


Creates a new SelectExpression which represents a SELECT in a SQL tree projecting a SqlExpression or 1 from no table and without any composition.

Subtract(SqlExpression, SqlExpression, RelationalTypeMapping)

Creates a SqlBinaryExpression which represents a subtraction.

Applies to