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System.RoundDateTime(DateTime [, BigInteger] [, Text]) Method

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 1.0.

Rounds a DateTime.


NewDatetime :=   System.RoundDateTime(Datetime: DateTime [, Precision: BigInteger] [, Direction: Text])


This method can be invoked without specifying the data type name.


 Type: DateTime
The DateTime that you want to round.

[Optional] Precision
 Type: BigInteger
This optional parameter determines the precision used when rounding. The default value is 1000, which rounds to the nearest second. You can only use positive BigIntegers.

[Optional] Direction
 Type: Text
This optional parameter specifies how to round the DateTime. The default rounding method is '='. You can change the method by using the following options:

  • '=' rounds up or down to the nearest value (default). Values of 5 or greater are rounded up. Values less than 5 are rounded down.
  • '>' rounds up
  • '<' rounds down

Return Value

 Type: DateTime
The rounded result.


A variable of type DateTime is stored as a 64 bit integer. The integer value is the number of milliseconds since year 0. When you call RoundDateTime, the DateTime integer value is rounded as a numeric variable.

If you use 1 for the Precision parameter, then the resulting DateTime is rounded to the nearest millisecond. If you use 1000 for the Precision parameter, which is the default value, then the resulting DateTime will be rounded to the nearest second.

We recommend that you do not use a value greater than 60*60*1000, which is the number of milliseconds in an hour, for the Precision parameter. The Regional and Language Options in Windows affect how the hour and date parts of a DateTime are rounded. To display a DateTime in a specific format, we recommend that you use the Format method instead of the RoundDateTime method.


This example shows how to use the RoundDateTime method to round to the nearest second.

    Text000: Label 'RoundDateTime(%1, %2) returns %3.';
    DateToRound := 20081127D;  
    TimeToRound := 093524.567T;  
    DateTimeToRound := CreateDateTime(DateToRound, TimeToRound);  
    Precision := 1000L;  
    FormatString := '<Month,2>/<Day,2>/<Year> <Hours24,2>:<Minutes,2>:<Seconds,2>.<Thousands,3>';  
    Result := RoundDateTime(DateTimeToRound, Precision);  
    Message(TEXT000, Format(DateTimeToRound,0,FormatString), Precision, Format(Result,0,FormatString)); 

The message window displays the following:

RoundDateTime(11/27/08 09:35:24.567, 1000) returns 11/27/08 09:35:25.000.

System Data Type
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