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(LVA) Print a statement of foreign receipts and payments via foreign banks

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2


This topic has not been fully updated for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2.

If a company that operates in Latvia receives payments from a foreign bank and deposits the payments into another foreign bank, or makes payments from a foreign bank, the company reports these payments on a monthly basis if their value exceeded a certain amount of Latvian Lats. You can use the Statement of foreign payments via foreign banks to print a report for this purpose.


To print this monthly statement, you must create and post all bank transactions in the Vendor payment journal lines form or Customer payment journal lines form or General journal lines form. For more information, see "Create and post a journal for foreign receipts and payments".

  1. Click Cash and bank management > Common > Bank accounts. Select the bank account to view the transactions for. On the Action Pane, click Transactions.

  2. Select the bank, and then click Transactions to open the Bank transactions form. Enter the required details.

  3. In the Notification to the central bank tab, view or modify the following fields:

    • Purpose text – Modify a brief description about the purpose for which this code is used in the report, if needed.

    • Central Bank Purpose Code – View or modify the code used when reporting to the central bank.

    • Correspondent country – View or modify the country code used when reporting to the central bank.

    • Payment registration number – Modify the payment registration number assigned by the bank, if needed.

  4. Press CTRL+S or close the form.

  5. Click Cash and bank management > Inquiries > Bank transactions.

  6. Select the correspondent country and add or modify the amount criterion for bank transaction specified by Latvian Central Bank.

  7. Click OK to open the Bank transactions form to view the details on notification to the central bank, and modify them if needed.

  8. Press CTRL+S or close the form.

  9. Click Cash and bank management > Reports > Transactions > Foreign payments made through foreign banks.

  10. In the Person responsible for payments field, select or modify the code of the employee who is responsible for submitting the report.

  11. In the Month field, select or modify the month to submit the report.

  12. In the Year field, select or modify the year of submission for the report.


    Values in the other fields are displayed as seen in the Bank account transactions form. Click Select to open the Statement of foreign payments via foreign banks – Report form and modify these fields if necessary. You can also reset the amount criterion.

  13. Click OK to print the statement.

See also

(LVA) Vendor payment journal lines (modified form)

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