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EF Core Tools & Extensions

These tools and extensions provide additional functionality for Entity Framework Core.


Extensions are built by a variety of sources and aren't maintained as part of the Entity Framework Core project. When considering a third party extension, be sure to evaluate its quality, licensing, compatibility, support, etc. to ensure it meets your requirements. In particular, an extension built for an older version of EF Core may need updating before it will work with the latest versions.


EF Core Power Tools

EF Core Power Tools is a Visual Studio extension that exposes various EF Core design-time tasks in a simple user interface. It includes reverse engineering of DbContext and entity classes from existing databases and SQL Server DACPACs, management of database migrations, and model visualizations. For EF Core: 6-8.

GitHub wiki

EF Core Power Tools CLI

EF Core Power Tools CLI is a .NET global command line tool. It enables advanced reverse engineering of DbContext and entity classes from existing databases and SQL Server DACPACs. For EF Core: 6-8.



LLBLGen Pro is an entity modeling solution with support for Entity Framework and Entity Framework Core. It lets you easily define your entity model and map it to your database, using database first or model first, so you can get started writing queries right away. For EF Core: 2-8.


Devart Entity Developer

Entity Developer is a powerful O/RM designer for ADO.NET Entity Framework, NHibernate, LinqConnect, Telerik Data Access, and LINQ to SQL. It supports designing EF Core models visually, using model first or database first approaches, and C# or Visual Basic code generation. For EF Core: 2-7.


DevMagic EF Core Sidekick

EF Core Sidekick is a Visual Studio extension that enhances the power of auto code generation in Visual Studio. It provides a set of tools and templates for generating EF Core entities and derived DbContext from existing database, and then generating services and REST APIs from the entities. For EF Core: 6-8.

Visual Studio Marketplace | Website

Entity Framework Visual Editor

Entity Framework Visual Editor is a Visual Studio extension that adds an O/RM designer for visual design of EF 6, and EF Core classes. Code is generated using T4 templates so can be customized to suit any needs. It supports inheritance, unidirectional and bidirectional associations, enumerations, and the ability to color-code your classes and add text blocks to explain potentially arcane parts of your design. For EF Core: 2-8.

Visual Studio Marketplace


IWAPI (Instant Web API) is a scaffolding engine for .NET Core that can automate the generation of DbContext classes, entities, models and creates a working Web API from any SQL Server database.



efmig is a multi-platform GUI application that speeds up daily development when working with Entity Framework Core. It covers the most popular use cases such as migration code and script generation with simple, one-click interface. For EF Core: 2-8.

GitHub repository


With Entity Framework Core query plan debugger visualizer, you can view the query plan of your queries directly inside Visual Studio. Currently, the visualizer supports SQL Server and PostgreSQL. For EF Core: 7-8.

Visual Studio Marketplace



A plugin library that enables automatically recording the data changes performed by EF Core into a history table. For EF Core: 2-6.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Second level caching is a query cache. The results of EF commands will be stored in the cache, so that the same EF commands will retrieve their data from the cache rather than executing them against the database again. For EF Core: 3-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Allows customization of classes reverse engineered from an existing database using the Entity Framework Core tool chain with Handlebars templates. For EF Core: 2-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


NeinLinq extends LINQ providers such as Entity Framework to enable reusing functions, rewriting queries, and building dynamic queries using translatable predicates and selectors. For EF Core: 3-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


EF Core extensions for Bulk operations (Insert, Update, Delete). For EF Core: 2-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Adds design-time pluralization. For EF Core: 2-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Extends Verify to allow snapshot testing with Entity Framework. For EF Core: 3-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Provides a wrapper around SQL Server Express LocalDB to simplify running tests against Entity Framework. For EF Core: 3-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Flexible projection magic for EF Core. Use properties, methods, and extension methods in your query without client evaluation. For EF Core: 3-6, 8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Triggers for EF Core. Respond to changes in your DbContext before and after they are committed to the database. Triggers are fully asynchronous and support dependency injection, inheritance, cascading and more. For EF Core: 3-6.

GitHub repository | NuGet

Entity Framework Plus

Extends your DbContext with features such as: Include Filter, Auditing, Caching, Query Future, Batch Delete, Batch Update, and more. For EF Core: 2-8.

Website | GitHub repository | NuGet

Entity Framework Extensions

Extends your DbContext with high-performance bulk operations: BulkSaveChanges, BulkInsert, BulkUpdate, BulkDelete, BulkMerge, and more. For EF Core: 2-8.

Website | NuGet


Add support for calling extension methods in LINQ lambdas. For EF Core: 3-6.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Alternative (not MS based) Language Integrated Query (LINQ) technology for relational databases. It allows you to use C# to write strongly typed SQL queries. For EF Core: 3-8.

  • Full C# support for query creation: multiple statements inside lambda, variables, functions, etc.
  • No semantic gap with SQL. EntityLinq declares SQL statements (like SELECT, FROM, WHERE) as first class C# methods, combining familiar syntax with intellisense, type safety and refactoring.

As a result SQL becomes just "another" class library exposing its API locally, literally "Language Integrated SQL".

Website | NuGet


This will automatically make all your table and column names have snake_case, all UPPER or all lower case naming. For EF Core: 3-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


This plugin allows you to opt into some check constraints - just activate it and they'll automatically get created for you. For EF Core: 5-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Adds native support to EntityFrameworkCore for SQL Server for the NodaTime types. For EF Core: 3-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet



The SQL Server hierarchyid data type is supported directly within EF Core as of EF Core 8.

Adds hierarchyid support to the SQL Server EF Core provider. For EF Core: 3-7.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Alternative translator of LINQ queries to SQL expressions. For EF Core: 2-8.

Includes support for advanced SQL features such as CTEs, bulk copy, table hints, windowed functions, temporary tables, and database-side create/update/delete operations.

GitHub repository | NuGet


An implementation for soft deleting entities. For EF Core: 3-6.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Extends EF Core to resolve connection strings from App.config. For EF Core: 3-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet

Detached Mapper

A DTO-Entity mapper with composition/aggregation handling (similar to GraphDiff). For EF Core: 3-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Adds support for NodaTime types when using SQLite. For EF Core: 5-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Enables reverse engineering an EF Core model from a SQL Server data-tier application package (.dacpac). For EF Core: 6-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Generate DGML (Graph) content that visualizes your DbContext. Adds the AsDgml() extension method to the DbContext class. For EF Core: 6-7.

GitHub repository | NuGet



Raw SQL queries against unmapped types is supported directly within EF Core as of EF Core 8.

Provides the SqlQueryAsync<T> and SqlQueryValueAsync<T> methods to help you populate arbitrary classes or a list of primitive types from a raw SQL query. For EF Core: 6-7.

GitHub repository | NuGet



SQL Server DateOnly and TimeOnly mapping is supported directly within EF Core as of EF Core 8.

Use the DateOnly and TimeOnly .NET types with the EF Core SQL Server provider. For EF Core: 6-7.

GitHub repository | NuGet


When using Entity Framework Core all database exceptions are wrapped in DbUpdateException. EntityFramework.Exceptions handles all the database-specific details to find which constraint was violated and allows you to use typed exceptions such as UniqueConstraintException, CannotInsertNullException, MaxLengthExceededException, NumericOverflowException, ReferenceConstraintException when your query violates database constraints.

Supports SQL Server, Postgres, MySql, SQLite and Oracle. For EF Core: 3-8.

GitHub Repository


Adds F# design-time support to EF Core. For EF Core: 5-6.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Adds VB design-time support to EF Core. For EF Core: 5-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Extension for Entity Framework that allows you to create and manage multiple query filters. For EF Core: 5-7.

GitHub repository


This is a library for Pagination on EntityFrameworkCore. Works well with Entity Framework Core as an extension, and supports both asynchronous and synchronous. It also has many useful features commonly used especially on web development. For EF Core: 2-7.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Fluent API to declare triggers in Context.OnModelCreating which are later built into migrations. Providers to Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server and SQLite. For EF Core: 5-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Cloning entities using EF Core configuration. You can use the Include method to specify related data to be cloned. For EF Core: 5-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet

Zomp EF Core Extensions

Provides window (analytics) functions and binary functions for EF Core. Providers: SQL Server, SQLite, PostgreSQL. For EF Core: 6-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Extension for EF Core that provides alternative Include syntax in order to better support the following scenarios:

  • Loading multiple entities on the same level (siblings).
  • Writing extension methods that are independent of nesting level.

For EF Core: 6-7.

GitHub repository | NuGet

Entity Framework Ruler

Adds design-time customization of the reverse engineered model including:

  • Class, property and navigation naming
  • Skipping the scaffolding of any schema, table, or column.
  • Overriding property types, especially for enums.
  • EF6 EDMX support, providing a smooth 3-step upgrade path from EF6 to EF Core.

For EF Core: 6-8.

GitHub repository | CLI Tool NuGet | Design NuGet


A source generator that can generate strongly-typed-id classes automatically for entities. For EF Core: 7.

GitHub repository


The Dynamic LINQ library let you execute query with dynamic string and provide some utilities methods such as ParseLambda, Parse, and CreateClass. For EF Core: 2-8.

Website | GitHub repository | NuGet


EfCoreNexus helps integrating the entity framework core into blazor apps. Via reflection it adds the entitiy classes automatically and provides you with basic crud functionality for them without writing additional code.

For EF Core: 8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Update an entity graph in store to a given one by inserting, updating and removing the respective entities. For EF Core: 6-7.

GitHub repository


Persisted computed properties in EF Core that update automatically on save changes. For EF Core: 8.

GitHub repository | NuGet

API Integrations

These packages are designed to integrate directly with EF Core to expose various APIs.

.NET Aspire

Enhance the local development experience by simplifying the management of your cloud-native app's configuration and interconnections. For EF Core: 8.

Website | GitHub repository | NuGet


Build your own GraphQL endpoint on top of any resource.

GitHub repository | NuGet


Add Entity Framework IQueryable support to GraphQL. For EF Core: 6-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


GraphQL server with tight EntityFramework integration. For EF Core: 5-8.

GitHub repository | NuGet


A standard for implementing REST APIs with specifications for discovery, filtering, sorting, projections, navigations, bulk operations, and more.

GitHub repository | NuGet

Extensions for unsupported EF Core versions

nHydrate ORM for Entity Framework

An O/RM that creates strongly-typed, extendable classes for Entity Framework. The generated code is Entity Framework Core. There is no difference. This is not a replacement for EF or a custom O/RM. It is a visual, modeling layer that allows a team to manage complex database schemas. It works well with SCM software like Git, allowing multi-user access to your model with minimal conflicts. The installer tracks model changes and creates upgrade scripts. For EF Core: 3.

Github repository


A plugin for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore to support repository, unit of work patterns, and multiple databases with distributed transaction supported. For EF Core: 2-3.

GitHub repository


Revival of [Index] attribute (with extension for model building). For EF Core: 2-5.

GitHub repository | NuGet



SQL Server temporal tables are supported directly within EF Core as of EF Core 6.

Easily perform temporal queries on your favorite database using introduced extension methods: AsTemporalAll(), AsTemporalAsOf(date), AsTemporalFrom(startDate, endDate), AsTemporalBetween(startDate, endDate), AsTemporalContained(startDate, endDate). For EF Core: 3-5.

GitHub repository | NuGet



SQL Server temporal tables are supported directly within EF Core as of EF Core 6.

Extension library for Entity Framework Core which allows developers who use SQL Server to easily use temporal tables. For EF Core: 2-5.

GitHub repository | NuGet



SQL Server temporal tables are supported directly within EF Core as of EF Core 6.

LINQ extensions to Entity Framework Core 3.1 to support Microsoft SQL Server Temporal Table Querying. For EF Core: 3.

GitHub repository | NuGet


NCache Entity Framework Core Provider is a distributed second level cache provider for caching query results. The distributed architecture of NCache makes it more scalable and highly available. For EF Core: 2-3.

Website | NuGet


Life cycle hooks (for SaveChanges). For EF Core: 2-3.

GitHub repository | NuGet