accessPackageAnswerChoice resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Indicates an answer option for an accessPackageMultipleChoiceQuestion. Multiple accessPackageAnswerChoices can be added to an accessPackageMultipleChoiceQuestion.
Property | Type | Description |
actualValue | String | The actual value of the selected choice. This is typically a string value which is understandable by applications. Required. |
localizations | accessPackageLocalizedText collection | The text of the answer choice represented in a format for a specific locale. |
text | String | The string to display for this answer; if an Accept-Language header is provided, and there is a matching localization in localizations , this string will be the matching localized string; otherwise, this string remains as the default non-localized string. Required. |
JSON representation
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.accessPackageAnswerChoice",
"actualValue": "String",
"text": "String",
"localizations": [
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.accessPackageLocalizedText"