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userSecurityState resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Contains stateful information about the user account.


Property Type Description
aadUserId String AAD User object identifier (GUID) - represents the physical/multi-account user entity.
accountName String Account name of user account (without Active Directory domain or DNS domain) - (also called mailNickName).
domainName String NetBIOS/Active Directory domain of user account (that is, domain\account format).
emailRole emailRole For email-related alerts - user account's email 'role'. Possible values are: unknown, sender, recipient.
isVpn Boolean Indicates whether the user logged on through a VPN.
logonDateTime DateTimeOffset Time at which the sign-in occurred. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
logonId String User sign-in ID.
logonIp String IP Address the sign-in request originated from.
logonLocation String Location (by IP address mapping) associated with a user sign-in event by this user.
logonType logonType Method of user sign in. Possible values are: unknown, interactive, remoteInteractive, network, batch, service.
onPremisesSecurityIdentifier String Active Directory (on-premises) Security Identifier (SID) of the user.
riskScore String Provider-generated/calculated risk score of the user account. Recommended value range of 0-1, which equates to a percentage.
userAccountType userAccountSecurityType User account type (group membership), per Windows definition. Possible values are: unknown, standard, power, administrator.
userPrincipalName String User sign-in name - internet format: (user account name)@(user account DNS domain name).

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "aadUserId": "String",
  "accountName": "String",
  "domainName": "String",
  "emailRole": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.emailRole",
  "isVpn": true,
  "logonDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "logonId": "String",
  "logonIp": "String",
  "logonLocation": "String",
  "logonType": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.logonType",
  "onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": "String",
  "riskScore": "String",
  "userAccountType": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.userAccountSecurityType",
  "userPrincipalName": "String"