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Microsoft Host Integration Server TN3270 Emulator

Microsoft Host Integration Server TN3270 is graphical user interface to work within a 3270 terminal emulation session, when connected to a remote IBM mainframe computer across a TCP/IP.

Run TN3270 Emulator

To run TN3270 Emulator, on the Start menu, point to All Programs, Microsoft Host Integration Server 2020, and then click TN3270 Emulator.


The File menu allows you to open new display session windows, close a session window, save and load display settings.


To create a new TN3270 Emulator window for a new TN3270 session:

  1. Click File menu, and then click New.

  2. A new TN3270 Emulator window appears.


To open an existing Microsoft TN3270 Emulator Configuration Files (*.MSEMU):

  1. Click File menu, and then click Open.

  2. In the Open dialog, specify a File name, and then click Open.

  3. A new TN3720 Emulator window appears, using the settings saved in the MSEMU file.


To save settings in a Microsoft TN3270 Emulator Configuration File (*.MSEMU):

  1. Click File menu, and then click Save.

  2. When prompted by the Save As dialog, enter a File name, and then click Save.

Save As

To save settings to a different Microsoft TN3270 Emulator Configuration File (*MSEMU):

  1. Click File menu, and then click Save As.

  2. When prompted by the Save As dialog, enter a File name, and then click Save.


To exit the Microsoft TN3270 Emulator program:

  1. Click File menu, and then click Exit.

  2. Microsoft TN3270 Emulator window is closed.

File menu keyboard shortcuts

Menu Action Shortcut
Create a new TN3270 Emulator windows ALT+F,N
Open an existing TN3270 Emulator window ALT+F,O
Save settings in a TN3270 Emulator configuration file ALT+F,S
Save settings to a different TN3720 Emulator configuration file ALT+F,A
Exit TN3270 Emulator program ALT+F,X


The Edit menu allows you to select, copy and paste within the current session window.


To copy selection to the Windows Clipboard:

  1. Click Edit, and then click Copy.

  2. Selected window contents are copied to the Windows Clipboard.


To paste contents of the Windows Clipboard to the cursor position:

  1. Click Edit, and then click Paste.

  2. Contents of Windows Clipboard are pasted to the cursor position.

Select All

To copy all window content to the Windows Clipboard:

  1. Click Edit, and then click Select All.

  2. All window content is copied to the Windows Clipboard.

Edit menu keyboard shortcuts

Menu Action Shortcut
Copy window contents to Windows Clipboard ALT+E,C
Paste Windows Clipboard content to cursor position ALT+E,P
Select all windows content to Windows Clipboard ALT+E,S


The View menu allows you to toggle on and off the menu, toolbar, and status bar for the current session window.


Show or hide Toolbar at top of window:

  1. Click View menu, and then click Toolbar.

  2. Toolbar appears or disappears.

Status Bar

Show or hide Status bar at top of window:

  1. Click View menu, and then click Status bar.

  2. Toolbar appears or disappears.

View menu keyboard shortcuts

Menu Action Shortcut
Show or hide Toolbar ALT+V,T
Show or hide Status bar ALT+V,S


The Session menu allows you to control the TN3270 display, define settings, disconnect and connection sessions.

Host Settings

To configure host settings for connectivity:

  1. Click Session menu, and then click Host Settings.

  2. In the Host Settings dialog, specify the required and optional settings, and then click OK.

Server Name

The Server name instructs the emulator the TCP/IP address or alias to use when connecting to the remote IBM mainframe system across a TCP/IP network connection. This required setting accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string. The TCP/IP address or alias can be defined in either IPv4 or IPv6 format.


The Port instructs the emulator the TCP/IP port to use when connecting to the remote IBM mainframe system across a TCP/IP network connection. This optional setting accepts an integer value. The default value is 23.

Device Type

The Device type instructs the emulator what IBM 3270 model terminal device type to emulate. This optional setting accepts an enumerated value. The default value is IBM 3270 Model 2.

LU Name

The LU name instructs the emulator what Logical Unit to use. This required setting accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string.

Host Code Page

The Host code page instructs the emulator what encoding scheme to use. This optional setting accepts an enumerated value. The default value is IBM EBCDIC US-Canada (37).

Certificate Check

The Certificate check instructs the emulator to verify the Secure Sockets Layer Version 3.0 server certificate.

Auto Connect

The Auto connect instructs the emulator to automatically connect when the TN3270 Emulator program start. This optional setting accepts a Boolean value. The default is true.

Connect and Disconnect

To connect a host session:

  1. Click Session menu, and then click Connect.

    To disconnect a host session:

  2. Click Session menu, and then click Disconnect.


To set font options:

  1. Click Session menu, and then click Font.

  2. In the Font dialog, optionally select choice of Font, Font style, Size, Script, and then click OK.



To set emulator screen attribute color mappings:

  1. Click Session menu, click Background, and then click Color.

  2. In the Color Mappings dialog, click an emulator screen attribute.

  3. In the Color dialog, click the color to map to the emulator screen attribute, and then click OK.


To set background image:

  1. Click Session menu, click Background, and then click Image.

  2. In the Open dialog, click an image, and then click OK.


To set a block cursor:

  1. Click Session menu, click Cursor, and then click Block.

  2. The emulator will display a block cursor.

    To set a blinking cursor:

  3. Click Session menu, click Cursor, and then click Blink.

  4. The emulator will display a blinking cursor.


To set a custom session title:

  1. Click Session menu, and then click Title.

  2. In the Custom Session Title dialog, enter a Custom title value, and then click OK.

  3. The TN3270 Emulator window title will display the custom session title.

Session menu keyboard shortcuts

Menu Action Shortcut
Session host settings ALT+S,H
Session connect to host ALT+S,C
Session disconnect from host ALT+S,D
Session font ALT+S,F
Session background settings ALT+S,B
Session cursor type ALT+S,U
Session custom title ALT+S,T
Host settings server name ALT+S,H,N
Host settings port ALT+S,H,P
Host settings device type ALT+S,H,D
Host settings LU name ALT+S,H,L
Host settings host code page ALT+S,H,C
Host settings security ALT+S,H,S
Host settings certificate check ALT+S,H,F
Host settings auto connect ALT+S,H,A
Background color ALT+S,B,O
Background image ALT+S,B,I
Cursor block ALT+S,U,B
Cursor blink ALT+S,U,L


The Keyboard menu allows you to toggle the Quick Pad, and open the Keyboard Mapper dialog.

Quick Pad

To display the keyboard Quick Pad:

  1. Click Keyboard menu, and then click Quick Pad.

  2. Emulator displays Quick Pad.


To display the keyboard Mapper:

  1. Click Keyboard menu, and then click Mapper.

  2. In the Keyboard Mapper dialog, click host actions in the Actions list, click keys to associate with the host actions, and then click OK.

Keyboard menu shortcuts

Menu Action Shortcut
Keyboard quick pad ALT+K,Q
Keyboard mapper ALT+K,K


The Tools menu allows you to control the Macro editor, and to open the File Transfer dialog.



To start to record a macro:

  1. Click Tools menu, click Macro, and then click Record.

  2. The emulator will start record user input and host response.


To stop recording a macro:

  1. Click Tools menu, click Macro, and then click Stop.

  2. The emulator will stop recording user input and host response.


To play a recorded macro:

  1. Click Tools menu, click Macro, and then click Play.

  2. The emulator will play a recorded macro.

Save Macro

To save a recorded macro:

  1. Click Tools menu, click Macro, and then click Save.

  2. The emulator will save a recorded macro.

Load Macro

To load a recorded macro:

  1. Click Tools menu, click Macro, and then click Load.

  2. The emulator will load a recorded macro.

File Transfer

To transfer files between Windows operating system and host system, you can use the Microsoft Host Integration Server 2020 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Utility.

To launch the HIS 2020 FTP Utility:

  1. Click Tools menu, and then click File Transfer.

  2. The HIS 2020 FTP Utility dialog will appear.

Tools menu keyboard shortcuts

Menu Action Shortcut
Tools macro record ALT+T,M,R
Tools macro stop ALT+T,M,S
Tools macro play ALT+T,M,P
Tools macro save ALT+T,M,A
Tools macro load ALT+T,M,L
Tools file transfer ALT+T,F


The Help menu allows you to access on-line documentation, navigate to community resources, and view the about box containing product name and version information.

View Help

To view help documentation content:

  1. Click Help menu, and then click View Help.

  2. The emulator will load local or on-line help content.


To view information about the TN3270 Emulator:

  1. Click Help menu, and then click About.

  2. The emulator will load local or on-line help content.

Help menu keyboard shortcuts

Menu Action Shortcut
Help view help documentation content ALT+H,W
Help about ALT+H,A

Host File Transfer Protocol Utility


The File menu allows you to open new Host FTP Utility windows, close a window, save and load settings.


To create a new Host FTP Utility window for a new Host FTP session:

  1. Click File menu, and then click New.

  2. A new Host FTP Utility window appears.


To open an existing Microsoft File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Configuration Files (*.MSFTP):

  1. Click File menu, and then click Open.

  2. In the Open dialog, specify a File name, and then click Open.

  3. A new Host FTP Utility window appears, using the settings saved in the MSFTP file.


To save settings in a Microsoft File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Configuration File (*.MSFTP):

  1. Click File menu, and then click Save.

  2. When prompted by the Save As dialog, enter a File name, and then click Save.

Save As

To save settings to a different Microsoft File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Configuration File (*.MSFTP):

  1. Click File menu, and then click Save As.

  2. When prompted by the Save As dialog, enter a File name, and then click Save.


To exit the Host FTP Utility program:

  1. Click File menu, and then click Exit.

  2. Microsoft Host FTP Utility window is closed.

File menu keyboard shortcuts

Menu Action Shortcut
Create a new Host FTP Utility windows ALT+F,N
Open an existing Host FTP Utility window ALT+F,O
Save settings in a Host FTP Utility configuration file ALT+F,S
Save settings to a different Host FTP Utility configuration file ALT+F,A
Exit Host FTP Utility program ALT+F,X


The Host menu allows you to control the Host FTP Utility host connection settings.

Host Settings

To configure host settings for connectivity:

  1. Click Session menu, and then click Host Settings.

  2. In the Host Settings dialog, specify the required and optional settings, and then click OK.

Host Address

The Host address instructs the utility the TCP/IP address or alias to use when connecting to the remote IBM mainframe system across a TCP/IP network connection. This required setting accepts a string value. The default value is an empty string. The TCP/IP address or alias can be defined in either IPv4 or IPv6 format.


The Port value instructs the utility the TCP/IP port to use when connecting to the remote IBM mainframe system across a TCP/IP network connection. This optional setting accepts an integer value. The default value is 23.

User ID

The User ID instructs the utility the authentication credentials to present when connecting to the remote IBM mainframe system using File Transfer Protocol (FTP).


The Password instructs the utility the authentication credentials to present when connecting to the remote IBM mainframe system using File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

Host menu keyboard shortcuts

Menu Action Shortcut
Host settings dialog ALT+O,H
Host address ALT+O,H,H
Host port ALT+O,H,P
Host User ID ALT+O,H,U
Host password ALT+O,H,A


The Transfer menu allows you to upload and download files.


To upload a file:

  1. Define a host Dataset Name and Local Windows operating system filename.

  2. Click Transfer menu, and then click Upload.

  3. The utility displays status information in the bottom pane.


To download a file:

  1. Define a host Dataset Name and Local Windows operating system filename.

  2. Click Transfer menu, and then click Download.

  3. The utility displays status information in the bottom pane.

Transfer menu keyboard shortcuts

Menu Action Shortcut
Transfer to upload file ALT+R,U
Transfer to download fie ALT+R,D


The Tools menu allows you to delete local files and set file transfer options.


To delete a file:

  1. Click Tools menu, click filename, and then click Delete.

  2. Utility deletes the file.


To set file transfer options:

  1. Click Tools, and then click Options.

  2. The utility displays the FTP Options dialog.


The mode instructs the utility to transfer binary or ASCII string data.

Use Passive

The Use Passive instructs the utility to use FTP passive mode as opposed to the default FTP active mode transfer.

Enable SSL

The Enable SSL instructs the utility to use Secure Sockets Layer Version 3.0.

Tools menu keyboard shortcuts

Menu Action Shortcut
Tools delete file ALT+T,D
Tools file transfer options ALT+T,O