Delen via

OpenAIClient Class

  • java.lang.Object

public final class OpenAIClient

Initializes a new instance of the synchronous OpenAIClient type.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
BinaryData generateSpeechFromText(String deploymentOrModelName, SpeechGenerationOptions speechGenerationOptions)

Generates text-to-speech audio from the input text.

Response<BinaryData> generateSpeechFromTextWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, BinaryData speechGenerationOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Generates text-to-speech audio from the input text.

AudioTranscription getAudioTranscription(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.

String getAudioTranscriptionAsPlainText(String deploymentOrModelName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data.

String getAudioTranscriptionText(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.

Response<String> getAudioTranscriptionTextWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.

Response<AudioTranscription> getAudioTranscriptionWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.

AudioTranslation getAudioTranslation(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.

String getAudioTranslationAsPlainText(String deploymentOrModelName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data.

String getAudioTranslationText(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.

Response<String> getAudioTranslationTextWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.

Response<AudioTranslation> getAudioTranslationWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.

ChatCompletions getChatCompletions(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages.

IterableStream<ChatCompletions> getChatCompletionsStream(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages in streaming mode.

Response<IterableStream<ChatCompletions>> getChatCompletionsStreamWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages in streaming mode.

Response<ChatCompletions> getChatCompletionsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages.

Response<BinaryData> getChatCompletionsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, BinaryData chatCompletionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages.

Completions getCompletions(String deploymentOrModelName, CompletionsOptions completionsOptions)

Gets completions for the provided input prompts.

Completions getCompletions(String deploymentOrModelName, String prompt)

Gets completions for the provided input prompt.

IterableStream<Completions> getCompletionsStream(String deploymentOrModelName, CompletionsOptions completionsOptions)

Gets completions as a stream for the provided input prompts.

Response<Completions> getCompletionsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, CompletionsOptions completionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets completions for the provided input prompts.

Response<BinaryData> getCompletionsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, BinaryData completionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets completions for the provided input prompts.

Embeddings getEmbeddings(String deploymentOrModelName, EmbeddingsOptions embeddingsOptions)

Return the embeddings for a given prompt.

Response<Embeddings> getEmbeddingsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, EmbeddingsOptions embeddingsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Return the embeddings for a given prompt.

Response<BinaryData> getEmbeddingsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, BinaryData embeddingsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Return the embeddings for a given prompt.

ImageGenerations getImageGenerations(String deploymentOrModelName, ImageGenerationOptions imageGenerationOptions)

Creates an image given a prompt.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Method Details


public BinaryData generateSpeechFromText(String deploymentOrModelName, SpeechGenerationOptions speechGenerationOptions)

Generates text-to-speech audio from the input text.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
speechGenerationOptions - A representation of the request options that control the behavior of a text-to-speech operation.


the response.


public Response generateSpeechFromTextWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, BinaryData speechGenerationOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Generates text-to-speech audio from the input text.

Request Body Schema

     input: String (Required)
     voice: String(alloy/echo/fable/onyx/nova/shimmer) (Required)
     response_format: String(mp3/opus/aac/flac) (Optional)
     speed: Double (Optional)

Response Body Schema



deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
speechGenerationOptions - A representation of the request options that control the behavior of a text-to-speech operation.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


the response body along with Response<T>.


public AudioTranscription getAudioTranscription(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data. Audio will be transcribed in the written language corresponding to the language it was spoken in.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
fileName - The file name that is represented in the file field of AudioTranscriptionOptions.
audioTranscriptionOptions - The configuration information for an audio transcription request.


AudioTranscription transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data.


public String getAudioTranscriptionAsPlainText(String deploymentOrModelName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data. Audio will be transcribed in the written language corresponding to the language it was spoken in.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
audioTranscriptionOptions - The configuration information for an audio transcription request.


transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data.


public String getAudioTranscriptionText(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data. Audio will be transcribed in the written language corresponding to the language it was spoken in.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
fileName - The file name that is represented in the file field of AudioTranscriptionOptions.
audioTranscriptionOptions - The configuration information for an audio transcription request.


transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data.


public Response getAudioTranscriptionTextWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data. Audio will be transcribed in the written language corresponding to the language it was spoken in.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
fileName - The file name that is represented in the file field of AudioTranscriptionOptions.
audioTranscriptionOptions - The configuration information for an audio transcription request.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data.


public Response getAudioTranscriptionWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data. Audio will be transcribed in the written language corresponding to the language it was spoken in.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
fileName - The file name that is represented in the file field of AudioTranscriptionOptions.
audioTranscriptionOptions - The configuration information for an audio transcription request.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


AudioTranscription transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data along with Response<T>.


public AudioTranslation getAudioTranslation(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
fileName - The file name that is represented in the file field of AudioTranslationOptions.
audioTranslationOptions - The configuration information for an audio translation request.


AudioTranscription english language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.


public String getAudioTranslationAsPlainText(String deploymentOrModelName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
audioTranslationOptions - The configuration information for an audio translation request.


english language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data.


public String getAudioTranslationText(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
fileName - The file name that is represented in the file field of AudioTranslationOptions.
audioTranslationOptions - The configuration information for an audio translation request.


english language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.


public Response getAudioTranslationTextWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
fileName - The file name that is represented in the file field of AudioTranslationOptions.
audioTranslationOptions - The configuration information for an audio translation request.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


english language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data along with Response<T>.


public Response getAudioTranslationWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
fileName - The file name that is represented in the file field of AudioTranslationOptions.
audioTranslationOptions - The configuration information for an audio translation request.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


AudioTranslation english language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data along with Response<T>.


public ChatCompletions getChatCompletions(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
chatCompletionsOptions - The configuration information for a chat completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


chat completions for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


public IterableStream getChatCompletionsStream(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages in streaming mode. Chat completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.

Code Samples

openAIClient.getChatCompletionsStream(deploymentOrModelId, new ChatCompletionsOptions(chatMessages))
         .forEach(chatCompletions -> {
             if (CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(chatCompletions.getChoices())) {
             ChatResponseMessage delta = chatCompletions.getChoices().get(0).getDelta();
             if (delta.getRole() != null) {
                 System.out.println("Role = " + delta.getRole());
             if (delta.getContent() != null) {
                 String content = delta.getContent();


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
chatCompletionsOptions - The configuration information for a chat completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


chat completions stream for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


public Response<>> getChatCompletionsStreamWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages in streaming mode. Chat completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.

Code Samples

     .getChatCompletionsStreamWithResponse(deploymentOrModelId, new ChatCompletionsOptions(chatMessages),
         new RequestOptions().setHeader("my-header", "my-header-value"))
     .forEach(chatCompletions -> {
         if (CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(chatCompletions.getChoices())) {
         ChatResponseMessage delta = chatCompletions.getChoices().get(0).getDelta();
         if (delta.getRole() != null) {
             System.out.println("Role = " + delta.getRole());
         if (delta.getContent() != null) {
             String content = delta.getContent();


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
chatCompletionsOptions - The configuration information for a chat completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


chat completions stream for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


public Response getChatCompletionsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.

Request Body Schema

     messages (Required): [
             role: String(system/assistant/user) (Required)
             content: String (Optional)
     max_tokens: Integer (Optional)
     temperature: Double (Optional)
     top_p: Double (Optional)
     logit_bias (Optional): {
         String: int (Optional)
     user: String (Optional)
     n: Integer (Optional)
     stop (Optional): [
         String (Optional)
     presence_penalty: Double (Optional)
     frequency_penalty: Double (Optional)
     stream: Boolean (Optional)
     model: String (Optional)

Response Body Schema

     id: String (Required)
     created: int (Required)
     choices (Required): [
             message (Optional): {
                 role: String(system/assistant/user) (Required)
                 content: String (Optional)
             index: int (Required)
             finish_reason: String(stopped/tokenLimitReached/contentFiltered) (Required)
             delta (Optional): {
                 role: String(system/assistant/user) (Optional)
                 content: String (Optional)
     usage (Required): {
         completion_tokens: int (Required)
         prompt_tokens: int (Required)
         total_tokens: int (Required)


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
chatCompletionsOptions - The configuration information for a chat completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


chat completions for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data along with Response<T>.


public Response getChatCompletionsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, BinaryData chatCompletionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.

Request Body Schema

     messages (Required): [
             role: String(system/assistant/user) (Required)
             content: String (Optional)
     max_tokens: Integer (Optional)
     temperature: Double (Optional)
     top_p: Double (Optional)
     logit_bias (Optional): {
         String: int (Optional)
     user: String (Optional)
     n: Integer (Optional)
     stop (Optional): [
         String (Optional)
     presence_penalty: Double (Optional)
     frequency_penalty: Double (Optional)
     stream: Boolean (Optional)
     model: String (Optional)

Response Body Schema

     id: String (Required)
     created: int (Required)
     choices (Required): [
             message (Optional): {
                 role: String(system/assistant/user) (Required)
                 content: String (Optional)
             index: int (Required)
             finish_reason: String(stopped/tokenLimitReached/contentFiltered) (Required)
             delta (Optional): {
                 role: String(system/assistant/user) (Optional)
                 content: String (Optional)
     usage (Required): {
         completion_tokens: int (Required)
         prompt_tokens: int (Required)
         total_tokens: int (Required)


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
chatCompletionsOptions - The configuration information for a chat completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


chat completions for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data along with Response<T>.


public Completions getCompletions(String deploymentOrModelName, CompletionsOptions completionsOptions)

Gets completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
completionsOptions - The configuration information for a completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


public Completions getCompletions(String deploymentOrModelName, String prompt)

Gets completions for the provided input prompt. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
prompt - The prompt to generate completion text from.


completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


public IterableStream getCompletionsStream(String deploymentOrModelName, CompletionsOptions completionsOptions)

Gets completions as a stream for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
completionsOptions - The configuration information for a completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


an IterableStream<T> of completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


public Response getCompletionsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, CompletionsOptions completionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.

Request Body Schema

     prompt (Required): [
         String (Required)
     max_tokens: Integer (Optional)
     temperature: Double (Optional)
     top_p: Double (Optional)
     logit_bias (Optional): {
         String: int (Optional)
     user: String (Optional)
     n: Integer (Optional)
     logprobs: Integer (Optional)
     echo: Boolean (Optional)
     stop (Optional): [
         String (Optional)
     presence_penalty: Double (Optional)
     frequency_penalty: Double (Optional)
     best_of: Integer (Optional)
     stream: Boolean (Optional)
     model: String (Optional)

Response Body Schema

     id: String (Required)
     created: int (Required)
     choices (Required): [
             text: String (Required)
             index: int (Required)
             logprobs (Required): {
                 tokens (Required): [
                     String (Required)
                 token_logprobs (Required): [
                     double (Required)
                 top_logprobs (Required): [
                         String: double (Required)
                 text_offset (Required): [
                     int (Required)
             finish_reason: String(stopped/tokenLimitReached/contentFiltered) (Required)
     usage (Required): {
         completion_tokens: int (Required)
         prompt_tokens: int (Required)
         total_tokens: int (Required)


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
completionsOptions - The configuration information for a completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data along with Response<T>.


public Response getCompletionsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, BinaryData completionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.

Request Body Schema

     prompt (Required): [
         String (Required)
     max_tokens: Integer (Optional)
     temperature: Double (Optional)
     top_p: Double (Optional)
     logit_bias (Optional): {
         String: int (Optional)
     user: String (Optional)
     n: Integer (Optional)
     logprobs: Integer (Optional)
     echo: Boolean (Optional)
     stop (Optional): [
         String (Optional)
     presence_penalty: Double (Optional)
     frequency_penalty: Double (Optional)
     best_of: Integer (Optional)
     stream: Boolean (Optional)
     model: String (Optional)

Response Body Schema

     id: String (Required)
     created: int (Required)
     choices (Required): [
             text: String (Required)
             index: int (Required)
             logprobs (Required): {
                 tokens (Required): [
                     String (Required)
                 token_logprobs (Required): [
                     double (Required)
                 top_logprobs (Required): [
                         String: double (Required)
                 text_offset (Required): [
                     int (Required)
             finish_reason: String(stopped/tokenLimitReached/contentFiltered) (Required)
     usage (Required): {
         completion_tokens: int (Required)
         prompt_tokens: int (Required)
         total_tokens: int (Required)


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
completionsOptions - The configuration information for a completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data along with Response<T>.


public Embeddings getEmbeddings(String deploymentOrModelName, EmbeddingsOptions embeddingsOptions)

Return the embeddings for a given prompt.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
embeddingsOptions - The configuration information for an embeddings request. Embeddings measure the relatedness of text strings and are commonly used for search, clustering, recommendations, and other similar scenarios.


representation of the response data from an embeddings request. Embeddings measure the relatedness of text strings and are commonly used for search, clustering, recommendations, and other similar scenarios.


public Response getEmbeddingsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, EmbeddingsOptions embeddingsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Return the embeddings for a given prompt.

Request Body Schema

     user: String (Optional)
     model: String (Optional)
     input (Required): [
         String (Required)

Response Body Schema

     data (Required): [
             embedding (Required): [
                 double (Required)
             index: int (Required)
     usage (Required): {
         prompt_tokens: int (Required)
         total_tokens: int (Required)


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
embeddingsOptions - The configuration information for an embeddings request. Embeddings measure the relatedness of text strings and are commonly used for search, clustering, recommendations, and other similar scenarios.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


representation of the response data from an embeddings request. Embeddings measure the relatedness of text strings and are commonly used for search, clustering, recommendations, and other similar scenarios along with Response<T>.


public Response getEmbeddingsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, BinaryData embeddingsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Return the embeddings for a given prompt.

Request Body Schema

     user: String (Optional)
     model: String (Optional)
     input (Required): [
         String (Required)

Response Body Schema

     data (Required): [
             embedding (Required): [
                 double (Required)
             index: int (Required)
     usage (Required): {
         prompt_tokens: int (Required)
         total_tokens: int (Required)


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
embeddingsOptions - The configuration information for an embeddings request. Embeddings measure the relatedness of text strings and are commonly used for search, clustering, recommendations, and other similar scenarios.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


representation of the response data from an embeddings request. Embeddings measure the relatedness of text strings and are commonly used for search, clustering, recommendations, and other similar scenarios along with Response<T>.


public ImageGenerations getImageGenerations(String deploymentOrModelName, ImageGenerationOptions imageGenerationOptions)

Creates an image given a prompt.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
imageGenerationOptions - Represents the request data used to generate images.


the result of a successful image generation operation.

Applies to