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SearchAsyncClient Class

  • java.lang.Object

public final class SearchAsyncClient

This class provides a client that contains the operations for querying an index and uploading, merging, or deleting documents in an Azure AI Search service.


Conceptually, a document is an entity in your index. Mapping this concept to more familiar database equivalents: a search index equates to a table, and documents are roughly equivalent to rows in a table. Documents exist only in an index, and are retrieved only through queries that target the documents collection (/docs) of an index. All operations performed on the collection such as uploading, merging, deleting, or querying documents take place in the context of a single index, so the URL format document operations will always include /indexes/[index name]/docs for a given index name.

This client provides an asynchronous API for accessing and performing operations on indexed documents. This client assists with searching your indexed documents, autocompleting partially typed search terms based on documents within the index, suggesting the most likely matching text in documents as a user types. The client provides operations for adding, updating, and deleting documents from an index.

Getting Started

Authenticating and building instances of this client are handled by SearchClientBuilder. This sample shows you how to authenticate and create an instance of the client:

SearchAsyncClient searchAsyncClient = new SearchClientBuilder()
     .credential(new AzureKeyCredential("{key}"))

For more information on authentication and building, see the SearchClientBuilder documentation.


The following examples all use a simple Hotel data set that you can import into your own index from the Azure portal. These are just a few of the basics - please check out our Samples for much more.

Upload a Document

The following sample uploads a new document to an index.

List<Hotel> hotels = new ArrayList<>();
 hotels.add(new Hotel().setHotelId("100"));
 hotels.add(new Hotel().setHotelId("200"));
 hotels.add(new Hotel().setHotelId("300"));

For a synchronous sample see uploadDocuments(Iterable<?> documents).

Merge a Document

The following sample merges documents in an index.

List<Hotel> hotels = new ArrayList<>();
 hotels.add(new Hotel().setHotelId("100"));
 hotels.add(new Hotel().setHotelId("200"));

For a synchronous sample see mergeDocuments(Iterable<?> documents).

Delete a Document

The following sample deletes a document from an index.

SearchDocument documentId = new SearchDocument();
 documentId.put("hotelId", "100");

For a synchronous sample see deleteDocuments(Iterable<?> documents).

Get a Document

The following sample gets a document from an index.

Hotel hotel = searchAsyncClient.getDocument("100", Hotel.class).block();
 if (hotel != null) {
     System.out.printf("Retrieved Hotel %s%n", hotel.getHotelId());

For a synchronous sample see getDocument(String key, Class<T> modelClass).

Search Documents

The following sample searches for documents within an index.

SearchDocument searchDocument = new SearchDocument();
 searchDocument.put("hotelId", "8");
 searchDocument.put("description", "budget");
 searchDocument.put("descriptionFr", "motel");

 SearchDocument searchDocument1 = new SearchDocument();
 searchDocument1.put("hotelId", "9");
 searchDocument1.put("description", "budget");
 searchDocument1.put("descriptionFr", "motel");

 List<SearchDocument> searchDocuments = new ArrayList<>();

 SearchPagedFlux results ="SearchText");
 results.getTotalCount().subscribe(total -> System.out.printf("There are %s results", total));

For a synchronous sample see search(String searchText).

Make a Suggestion

The following sample suggests the most likely matching text in documents.

SuggestPagedFlux results = searchAsyncClient.suggest("searchText", "sg");
 results.subscribe(item -> {
     System.out.printf("The text '%s' was found.%n", item.getText());

For a synchronous sample see suggest(String searchText, String suggesterName).

Provide an Autocompletion

The following sample provides autocompletion for a partially typed query.

AutocompletePagedFlux results = searchAsyncClient.autocomplete("searchText", "sg");
 results.subscribe(item -> {
     System.out.printf("The text '%s' was found.%n", item.getText());

For a synchronous sample see autocomplete(String searchText, String suggesterName).

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
Mono<T> getDocument(String key, Class<T> modelClass)

Retrieves a document from the Azure AI Search index.

Mono<Response<T>> getDocumentWithResponse(String key, Class<T> modelClass, List<String> selectedFields)

Retrieves a document from the Azure AI Search index.

AutocompletePagedFlux autocomplete(String searchText, String suggesterName)

Autocompletes incomplete query terms based on input text and matching terms in the index.

AutocompletePagedFlux autocomplete(String searchText, String suggesterName, AutocompleteOptions autocompleteOptions)

Autocompletes incomplete query terms based on input text and matching terms in the index.

Mono<IndexDocumentsResult> deleteDocuments(Iterable<?> documents)

Deletes a collection of documents from the target index.

Mono<Response<IndexDocumentsResult>> deleteDocumentsWithResponse(Iterable<?> documents, IndexDocumentsOptions options)

Deletes a collection of documents from the target index.

Mono<Long> getDocumentCount()

Queries the number of documents in the search index.

Mono<Response<Long>> getDocumentCountWithResponse()

Queries the number of documents in the search index.

String getEndpoint()

Gets the endpoint for the Azure AI Search service.

String getIndexName()

Gets the name of the Azure AI Search index.

Mono<IndexDocumentsResult> indexDocuments(IndexDocumentsBatch<?> batch)

Sends a batch of upload, merge, and/or delete actions to the search index.

Mono<Response<IndexDocumentsResult>> indexDocumentsWithResponse(IndexDocumentsBatch<?> batch, IndexDocumentsOptions options)

Sends a batch of upload, merge, and/or delete actions to the search index.

Mono<IndexDocumentsResult> mergeDocuments(Iterable<?> documents)

Merges a collection of documents with existing documents in the target index.

Mono<Response<IndexDocumentsResult>> mergeDocumentsWithResponse(Iterable<?> documents, IndexDocumentsOptions options)

Merges a collection of documents with existing documents in the target index.

Mono<IndexDocumentsResult> mergeOrUploadDocuments(Iterable<?> documents)

This action behaves like merge if a document with the given key already exists in the index.

Mono<Response<IndexDocumentsResult>> mergeOrUploadDocumentsWithResponse(Iterable<?> documents, IndexDocumentsOptions options)

This action behaves like merge if a document with the given key already exists in the index.

SearchPagedFlux search(String searchText)

Searches for documents in the Azure AI Search index.

SearchPagedFlux search(String searchText, SearchOptions searchOptions)

Searches for documents in the Azure AI Search index.

SuggestPagedFlux suggest(String searchText, String suggesterName)

Suggests documents in the index that match the given partial query.

SuggestPagedFlux suggest(String searchText, String suggesterName, SuggestOptions suggestOptions)

Suggests documents in the index that match the given partial query.

Mono<IndexDocumentsResult> uploadDocuments(Iterable<?> documents)

Uploads a collection of documents to the target index.

Mono<Response<IndexDocumentsResult>> uploadDocumentsWithResponse(Iterable<?> documents, IndexDocumentsOptions options)

Uploads a collection of documents to the target index.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Method Details


public Mono getDocument(String key, Class modelClass)

Retrieves a document from the Azure AI Search index.

View naming rules for guidelines on constructing valid document keys.

Code Sample

Get dynamic SearchDocument.

SEARCH_ASYNC_CLIENT.getDocument("hotelId", SearchDocument.class)
     .subscribe(result -> {
         for (Map.Entry<String, Object> keyValuePair : result.entrySet()) {
             System.out.printf("Document key %s, Document value %s", keyValuePair.getKey(),


key - The key of the document to retrieve.
modelClass - The model class converts to.


the document object


public Mono> getDocumentWithResponse(String key, Class modelClass, List selectedFields)

Retrieves a document from the Azure AI Search index.

View naming rules for guidelines on constructing valid document keys.

Code Sample

Get dynamic SearchDocument.

SEARCH_ASYNC_CLIENT.getDocumentWithResponse("hotelId", SearchDocument.class, null)
     .subscribe(resultResponse -> {
         System.out.println("The status code of the response is " + resultResponse.getStatusCode());
         for (Map.Entry<String, Object> keyValuePair : resultResponse.getValue().entrySet()) {
             System.out.printf("Document key %s, Document value %s", keyValuePair.getKey(),


key - The key of the document to retrieve.
modelClass - The model class converts to.
selectedFields - List of field names to retrieve for the document; Any field not retrieved will have null or default as its corresponding property value in the returned object.


a response containing the document object


public AutocompletePagedFlux autocomplete(String searchText, String suggesterName)

Autocompletes incomplete query terms based on input text and matching terms in the index.

Code Sample

Autocomplete text from documents in service.

SEARCH_ASYNC_CLIENT.autocomplete("searchText", "sg")
     .subscribe(result -> System.out.printf("The complete term is %s", result.getText()));


searchText - search text
suggesterName - suggester name


auto complete result.


public AutocompletePagedFlux autocomplete(String searchText, String suggesterName, AutocompleteOptions autocompleteOptions)

Autocompletes incomplete query terms based on input text and matching terms in the index.

Code Sample

Autocomplete text from documents in service with option.

SEARCH_ASYNC_CLIENT.autocomplete("searchText", "sg",
     new AutocompleteOptions().setAutocompleteMode(AutocompleteMode.ONE_TERM_WITH_CONTEXT))
     .subscribe(result ->
         System.out.printf("The complete term is %s", result.getText())


searchText - search text
suggesterName - suggester name
autocompleteOptions - autocomplete options


auto complete result.


public Mono deleteDocuments(Iterable documents)

Deletes a collection of documents from the target index.

Code Sample

Delete dynamic SearchDocument.

SearchDocument searchDocument = new SearchDocument();
 searchDocument.put("hotelId", "1");
 searchDocument.put("hotelName", "test");
     .subscribe(result -> {
         for (IndexingResult indexingResult : result.getResults()) {
             System.out.printf("Does document with key %s delete successfully? %b%n", indexingResult.getKey(),


documents - collection of documents to delete from the target Index. Fields other than the key are ignored.


document index result.


public Mono> deleteDocumentsWithResponse(Iterable documents, IndexDocumentsOptions options)

Deletes a collection of documents from the target index.

Code Sample

Delete dynamic SearchDocument.

SearchDocument searchDocument = new SearchDocument();
 searchDocument.put("hotelId", "1");
 searchDocument.put("hotelName", "test");
 searchAsyncClient.deleteDocumentsWithResponse(Collections.singletonList(searchDocument), null)
     .subscribe(resultResponse -> {
         System.out.println("The status code of the response is " + resultResponse.getStatusCode());
         for (IndexingResult indexingResult : resultResponse.getValue().getResults()) {
             System.out.printf("Does document with key %s delete successfully? %b%n", indexingResult.getKey(),


documents - collection of documents to delete from the target Index. Fields other than the key are ignored.
options - Options that allow specifying document indexing behavior.


response containing the document index result.


public Mono getDocumentCount()

Queries the number of documents in the search index.

Code Sample

Get document count.

     .subscribe(count -> System.out.printf("There are %d documents in service.", count));


the number of documents.


public Mono> getDocumentCountWithResponse()

Queries the number of documents in the search index.

Code Sample

Get document count.

     .subscribe(countResponse -> {
         System.out.println("The status code of the response is " + countResponse.getStatusCode());
         System.out.printf("There are %d documents in service.", countResponse.getValue());


response containing the number of documents.


public String getEndpoint()

Gets the endpoint for the Azure AI Search service.


the endpoint value.


public String getIndexName()

Gets the name of the Azure AI Search index.


the indexName value.


public Mono indexDocuments(IndexDocumentsBatch batch)

Sends a batch of upload, merge, and/or delete actions to the search index.

Code Sample

Index batch operation on dynamic SearchDocument.

SearchDocument searchDocument1 = new SearchDocument();
 searchDocument1.put("hotelId", "1");
 searchDocument1.put("hotelName", "test1");
 SearchDocument searchDocument2 = new SearchDocument();
 searchDocument2.put("hotelId", "2");
 searchDocument2.put("hotelName", "test2");
 IndexDocumentsBatch<SearchDocument> indexDocumentsBatch = new IndexDocumentsBatch<>();
     .subscribe(result -> {
         for (IndexingResult indexingResult : result.getResults()) {
             System.out.printf("Does document with key %s finish successfully? %b%n", indexingResult.getKey(),


batch - The batch of index actions


Response containing the status of operations for all actions in the batch.


public Mono> indexDocumentsWithResponse(IndexDocumentsBatch batch, IndexDocumentsOptions options)

Sends a batch of upload, merge, and/or delete actions to the search index.

Code Sample

Index batch operation on dynamic SearchDocument.

SearchDocument searchDocument1 = new SearchDocument();
 searchDocument1.put("hotelId", "1");
 searchDocument1.put("hotelName", "test1");
 SearchDocument searchDocument2 = new SearchDocument();
 searchDocument2.put("hotelId", "2");
 searchDocument2.put("hotelName", "test2");
 IndexDocumentsBatch<SearchDocument> indexDocumentsBatch = new IndexDocumentsBatch<>();
 searchAsyncClient.indexDocumentsWithResponse(indexDocumentsBatch, null)
     .subscribe(resultResponse -> {
         System.out.println("The status code of the response is " + resultResponse.getStatusCode());
         for (IndexingResult indexingResult : resultResponse.getValue().getResults()) {
             System.out.printf("Does document with key %s finish successfully? %b%n", indexingResult.getKey(),


batch - The batch of index actions
options - Options that allow specifying document indexing behavior.


Response containing the status of operations for all actions in the batch


public Mono mergeDocuments(Iterable documents)

Merges a collection of documents with existing documents in the target index.

If the type of the document contains non-nullable primitive-typed properties, these properties may not merge correctly. If you do not set such a property, it will automatically take its default value (for example, 0 for int or false for boolean), which will override the value of the property currently stored in the index, even if this was not your intent. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that you always declare primitive-typed properties with their class equivalents (for example, an integer property should be of type Integer instead of int).

Code Sample

Merge dynamic SearchDocument.

SearchDocument searchDocument = new SearchDocument();
 searchDocument.put("hotelName", "merge");
     .subscribe(result -> {
         for (IndexingResult indexingResult : result.getResults()) {
             System.out.printf("Does document with key %s merge successfully? %b%n", indexingResult.getKey(),


documents - collection of documents to be merged


document index result


public Mono> mergeDocumentsWithResponse(Iterable documents, IndexDocumentsOptions options)

Merges a collection of documents with existing documents in the target index.

If the type of the document contains non-nullable primitive-typed properties, these properties may not merge correctly. If you do not set such a property, it will automatically take its default value (for example, 0 for int or false for boolean), which will override the value of the property currently stored in the index, even if this was not your intent. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that you always declare primitive-typed properties with their class equivalents (for example, an integer property should be of type Integer instead of int).

Code Sample

Merge dynamic SearchDocument.

SearchDocument searchDocument = new SearchDocument();
 searchDocument.put("hotelName", "test");
 searchAsyncClient.mergeDocumentsWithResponse(Collections.singletonList(searchDocument), null)
     .subscribe(resultResponse -> {
         System.out.println("The status code of the response is " + resultResponse.getStatusCode());
         for (IndexingResult indexingResult : resultResponse.getValue().getResults()) {
             System.out.printf("Does document with key %s merge successfully? %b%n", indexingResult.getKey(),


documents - collection of documents to be merged
options - Options that allow specifying document indexing behavior.


response containing the document index result.


public Mono mergeOrUploadDocuments(Iterable documents)

This action behaves like merge if a document with the given key already exists in the index. If the document does not exist, it behaves like upload with a new document.

If the type of the document contains non-nullable primitive-typed properties, these properties may not merge correctly. If you do not set such a property, it will automatically take its default value (for example, 0 for int or false for boolean), which will override the value of the property currently stored in the index, even if this was not your intent. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that you always declare primitive-typed properties with their class equivalents (for example, an integer property should be of type Integer instead of int).

Code Sample

Merge or upload dynamic SearchDocument.

SearchDocument searchDocument = new SearchDocument();
 searchDocument.put("hotelId", "1");
 searchDocument.put("hotelName", "test");
     .subscribe(result -> {
         for (IndexingResult indexingResult : result.getResults()) {
             System.out.printf("Does document with key %s mergeOrUpload successfully? %b%n",
                 indexingResult.getKey(), indexingResult.isSucceeded());


documents - collection of documents to be merged, if exists, otherwise uploaded


document index result


public Mono> mergeOrUploadDocumentsWithResponse(Iterable documents, IndexDocumentsOptions options)

This action behaves like merge if a document with the given key already exists in the index. If the document does not exist, it behaves like upload with a new document.

If the type of the document contains non-nullable primitive-typed properties, these properties may not merge correctly. If you do not set such a property, it will automatically take its default value (for example, 0 for int or false for boolean), which will override the value of the property currently stored in the index, even if this was not your intent. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that you always declare primitive-typed properties with their class equivalents (for example, an integer property should be of type Integer instead of int).

Code Sample

Merge or upload dynamic SearchDocument.

SearchDocument searchDocument = new SearchDocument();
 searchDocument.put("hotelId", "1");
 searchDocument.put("hotelName", "test");
 searchAsyncClient.mergeOrUploadDocumentsWithResponse(Collections.singletonList(searchDocument), null)
     .subscribe(resultResponse -> {
         System.out.println("The status code of the response is " + resultResponse.getStatusCode());
         for (IndexingResult indexingResult : resultResponse.getValue().getResults()) {
             System.out.printf("Does document with key %s mergeOrUpload successfully? %b%n",
                 indexingResult.getKey(), indexingResult.isSucceeded());


documents - collection of documents to be merged, if exists, otherwise uploaded
options - Options that allow specifying document indexing behavior.


document index result


public SearchPagedFlux search(String searchText)

Searches for documents in the Azure AI Search index.

If searchText is set to null or "*" all documents will be matched, see simple query syntax in Azure AI Search for more information about search query syntax.

The SearchPagedFlux will iterate through search result pages until all search results are returned. Each page is determined by the $skip and $top values and the Search service has a limit on the number of documents that can be skipped, more information about the $skip limit can be found at Search Documents REST API and reading the $skip description. If the total number of results exceeds the $skip limit the SearchPagedFlux won't prevent you from exceeding the $skip limit. To prevent exceeding the limit you can track the number of documents returned and stop requesting new pages when the limit is reached.

Code Sample

Search text from documents in service.

SearchPagedFlux searchPagedFlux ="searchText");
     count -> System.out.printf("There are around %d results.", count));

 AtomicLong numberOfDocumentsReturned = new AtomicLong();
     .takeUntil(page -> {
         if (numberOfDocumentsReturned.addAndGet(page.getValue().size()) >= SEARCH_SKIP_LIMIT) {
             // Reached the $skip limit, stop requesting more documents.
             return true;

         return false;
     .subscribe(resultResponse -> {
         for (SearchResult result: resultResponse.getValue()) {
             SearchDocument searchDocument = result.getDocument(SearchDocument.class);
             for (Map.Entry<String, Object> keyValuePair: searchDocument.entrySet()) {
                 System.out.printf("Document key %s, document value %s", keyValuePair.getKey(), keyValuePair.getValue());


searchText - A full-text search query expression.


A SearchPagedFlux that iterates over SearchResult objects and provides access to the SearchPagedResponse object for each page containing HTTP response and count, facet, and coverage information.


public SearchPagedFlux search(String searchText, SearchOptions searchOptions)

Searches for documents in the Azure AI Search index.

If searchText is set to null or "*" all documents will be matched, see simple query syntax in Azure AI Search for more information about search query syntax.

The SearchPagedFlux will iterate through search result pages until all search results are returned. Each page is determined by the $skip and $top values and the Search service has a limit on the number of documents that can be skipped, more information about the $skip limit can be found at Search Documents REST API and reading the $skip description. If the total number of results exceeds the $skip limit the SearchPagedFlux won't prevent you from exceeding the $skip limit. To prevent exceeding the limit you can track the number of documents returned and stop requesting new pages when the limit is reached.

Code Sample

Search text from documents in service with option.

SearchPagedFlux pagedFlux ="searchText",
     new SearchOptions().setOrderBy("hotelId desc"));

 pagedFlux.getTotalCount().subscribe(count -> System.out.printf("There are around %d results.", count));

 AtomicLong numberOfDocumentsReturned = new AtomicLong();
     .takeUntil(page -> {
         if (numberOfDocumentsReturned.addAndGet(page.getValue().size()) >= SEARCH_SKIP_LIMIT) {
             // Reached the $skip limit, stop requesting more documents.
             return true;

         return false;
     .subscribe(searchResultResponse -> searchResultResponse.getValue().forEach(searchDocument -> {
         for (Map.Entry<String, Object> keyValuePair
             : searchDocument.getDocument(SearchDocument.class).entrySet()) {
             System.out.printf("Document key %s, document value %s", keyValuePair.getKey(),


searchText - A full-text search query expression.
searchOptions - Parameters to further refine the search query


A SearchPagedFlux that iterates over SearchResult objects and provides access to the SearchPagedResponse object for each page containing HTTP response and count, facet, and coverage information.


public SuggestPagedFlux suggest(String searchText, String suggesterName)

Suggests documents in the index that match the given partial query.

Code Sample

Suggest text from documents in service.

SEARCH_ASYNC_CLIENT.suggest("searchText", "sg")
     .subscribe(results -> {
         for (Map.Entry<String, Object> keyValuePair: results.getDocument(SearchDocument.class).entrySet()) {
             System.out.printf("Document key %s, document value %s", keyValuePair.getKey(),


searchText - The search text.
suggesterName - The name of the suggester.


A SuggestPagedFlux that iterates over SuggestResult objects and provides access to the SuggestPagedResponse object for each page containing HTTP response and coverage information.


public SuggestPagedFlux suggest(String searchText, String suggesterName, SuggestOptions suggestOptions)

Suggests documents in the index that match the given partial query.

Code Sample

Suggest text from documents in service with option.

SEARCH_ASYNC_CLIENT.suggest("searchText", "sg",
     new SuggestOptions().setOrderBy("hotelId desc"))
     .subscribe(results -> {
         for (Map.Entry<String, Object> keyValuePair: results.getDocument(SearchDocument.class).entrySet()) {
             System.out.printf("Document key %s, document value %s", keyValuePair.getKey(),


searchText - The search text.
suggesterName - The name of the suggester.
suggestOptions - Parameters to further refine the suggestion query.


A SuggestPagedFlux that iterates over SuggestResult objects and provides access to the SuggestPagedResponse object for each page containing HTTP response and coverage information.


public Mono uploadDocuments(Iterable documents)

Uploads a collection of documents to the target index.

Code Sample

Upload dynamic SearchDocument.

SearchDocument searchDocument = new SearchDocument();
 searchDocument.put("hotelId", "1");
 searchDocument.put("hotelName", "test");
     .subscribe(result -> {
         for (IndexingResult indexingResult : result.getResults()) {
             System.out.printf("Does document with key %s upload successfully? %b%n",
                 indexingResult.getKey(), indexingResult.isSucceeded());


documents - collection of documents to upload to the target Index.


The result of the document indexing actions.


public Mono> uploadDocumentsWithResponse(Iterable documents, IndexDocumentsOptions options)

Uploads a collection of documents to the target index.

Code Sample

Upload dynamic SearchDocument.

SearchDocument searchDocument = new SearchDocument();
 searchDocument.put("hotelId", "1");
 searchDocument.put("hotelName", "test");
 searchAsyncClient.uploadDocumentsWithResponse(Collections.singletonList(searchDocument), null)
     .subscribe(resultResponse -> {
         System.out.println("The status code of the response is " + resultResponse.getStatusCode());
         for (IndexingResult indexingResult : resultResponse.getValue().getResults()) {
             System.out.printf("Does document with key %s upload successfully? %b%n", indexingResult.getKey(),


documents - collection of documents to upload to the target Index.
options - Options that allow specifying document indexing behavior.


A response containing the result of the document indexing actions.

Applies to