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Azure Core Test shared library for Java - version 1.26.2

This library contains core classes used to test Azure SDK client libraries.

Newer SDK tests utilize the Azure SDK Tools Test Proxy to record and playback HTTP interactions. To migrate from existing TestBase to use the test proxy, or to learn more about using the test proxy, refer to the test proxy migration guide.

Table of contents

Getting started

To use this package, add the following to your pom.xml.


Key concepts

  • Run tests in Record mode: To record means to intercept any HTTP request, store it in a file, then store the response received from the live resource that was originally targeted.
  • Run tests in Playback mode: To playback means to intercept any HTTP request and to respond to it with the stored response of a previously recorded matching request.
  • Run tests in Live mode: To run live means to not intercept any HTTP request and to send them to the Azure service directly.
  • Sanitize sensitive information: Sensitive information means content like passwords, unique identifiers or personal information should be cleaned up from the recordings.
  • TestProxyTestBase: Base test class that creates an InterceptorManager and enables the test to use test-proxy for running the test. It either plays back test session data or records the test session.
  • InterceptorManager: A class that keeps track of network calls by either reading the data from an existing test session record or recording the network calls in memory. Test session records are saved or read from ".assets/{library-level}/src/test/resources/session-records/{TestFileName.testName}.json".
  • TestProxyRecordPolicy: Pipeline policy that records network calls using the test-proxy.
  • TestProxyPlaybackClient: HTTP client that plays back responses from the recorded data of session-record using test proxy.

Write or run tests

Set up test resources

Live Azure resources will be necessary in order to run live tests and produce recordings.

If you haven't yet set up a test-resources.json file for test resource deployment and/or want to use test resources of your own, you can just configure credentials to target these resources instead.

To create a test-resources.json file:

  1. Create an Azure Resource Management Template for your specific service and the configuration you need. This can be done in the Portal by creating a resource, and at the very last step (Review + Create), clicking "Download a template for automation".
  2. Save this template to a test-resources.json file under the directory that contains your package (sdk/<my-service>/test-resources.json) file. You can refer to Table's as an example.
  3. Add templates for any additional resources in a grouped "resources" section of test-resources.json (example).
  4. Add an "outputs" section to test-resources.json that describes any environment variables necessary for accessing these resources (example).

Configure credentials

Java SDK tests uses EnvironmentVariables to store test credentials.

If using a New-TestResources script from /eng/common/TestResources, the script should output any environment variables necessary to run live tests for the service. After storing these variables in your local environment variables -- with appropriate formatting -- your credentials and test configuration variables will be set in your environment when running tests.

If your service doesn't have a test-resources.json file for test deployment, you'll need to set environment variables for AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID, AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_ID, and AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET at minimum.

  1. Set the AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID variable to your organization's subscription ID. You can find it in the "Overview" section of the "Subscriptions" blade in the Azure Portal.
  2. Define the AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_ID, and AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET of a test service principal. If you do not have a service principal, use the Azure CLI's az ad sp create-for-rbac command ( ideally, using your alias as the service principal's name prefix):
az login
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "{your alias}-tests" --role Contributor

The command will output a set of credentials. Set values for AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_ID, and AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET in your environment variables.

Start the test proxy server

The test proxy has to be available in order for tests to work; this is done automatically when the test is extended from TestProxyTestBase. The method is responsible for starting test proxy.

public class MyTest extends TestProxyTestBase {
    // method in TestProxyTestBase 
    public static void setupTestProxy(TestInfo testInfo) {
        // Start the test proxy server

For more details about how this starts up the test proxy, or the test proxy itself, refer to the test proxy migration guide.

Write your tests

Each of the SDKs should include client sync and async testing in their tests directory (sdk/{service}/{package}/tests) with the naming pattern {ServiceName} and {ServiceName} The {ServiceName}ClientTest will be responsible for testing the synchronous client, and the {ServiceName}AsyncClientTest will be responsible for testing the asynchronous client. The {ServiceName}ClientTest and the {ServiceName}AsyncClientTest both will extend the {ServiceName}ClientTestBase which then extends the TestProxyTestBase class. The {ServiceName}ClientTestBase will be responsible for initializing the clients, preparing test data, registering sanitizers/matchers etc. (in this example we use Tables SDK for the sake of demonstration):

 * Set the AZURE_TEST_MODE environment variable to either PLAYBACK or RECORD to determine if tests are playback or
 * record. By default, tests are run in playback mode.
public static class ClientTests extends TestProxyTestBase {

     * Use JUnit annotation here for your testcase
    public void testMethodName() {
        HttpPipelineBuilder pipelineBuilder = new HttpPipelineBuilder();
        if (interceptorManager.isRecordMode()) {
            // Add a policy to record network calls.
        if (interceptorManager.isPlaybackMode()) {
            // Use a playback client when running in playback mode

        Mono<HttpResponse> response =
   HttpRequest(HttpMethod.GET, ""));

        // Validate test results.
        assertEquals(200, response.block().getStatusCode());

Configure live or playback testing mode

"Live" tests refer to tests that make requests to actual Azure resources. "Playback" tests require a recording for each test; the test proxy will compare the requests/responses that would be made during each test with requests/responses in the recording.

To run live tests, set the environment variable AZURE_TEST_MODE to LIVE. To run tests in playback, set AZURE_TEST_MODE to PLAYBACK or leave it unset.

Run and record tests

Set the environment variable AZURE_TEST_MODE to RECORD to run your test(s) in record mode.

After tests finish running, there should be a folder called src/test/resources/session-records in your package directory. Each recording in this folder will be a .json file that captures the HTTP traffic that was generated while running the test matching the file's name. If you set the AZURE_TEST_MODE environment variable to " PLAYBACK" and re-run tests, they should pass again -- this time, in playback mode (i.e. without making actual HTTP requests, using the recorded data from json recording file).

Run tests with out-of-repo recordings

If the package being tested stores its recordings outside the azure-sdk-for-java repository -- i.e. the recording migration guide has been followed and the package contains an assets.json file -- there won't be a src/test/resources/session-records folder in the tests directory. Instead, the package's assets.json file will point to a tag in the azure-sdk-assets repository that contains the recordings. This is the preferred recording configuration.

Running live or playback tests is the same in this configuration as it was in the previous section. The only changes are to the process of updating recordings.

Update test recordings


  • The targeted library is already migrated to use the test proxy.
  • Git version > 2.30.0 is to on the machine and in the path. Git is used by the script and test proxy.
  • Global git config settings are configured for and
    • These settings are also set with environment variables GIT_COMMIT_OWNER and GIT_COMMIT_EMAIL, respectively (in your environment or your local .env file).
  • Membership in the azure-sdk-write GitHub group.
  • test-proxy tool installed

Test recordings will be updated if tests are run and the environment variable AZURE_TEST_MODE is set to RECORD. Since the recordings themselves are no longer in the azure-sdk-for-java repo, though, these updates will be reflected in a git-excluded .assets folder at the root of the repo.

The .assets folder contains one or more directories with random names, which each are a git directory containing recordings. If you cd into the folder containing your package's recordings, you can use git status to view the recording updates you've made. You can also use other git commands; for example, git diff {file name} to see specific file changes, or git restore {file name} to undo changes you don't want to keep.

To find the directory containing your package's recordings, open the .breadcrumb file in the .assets folder. This file lists a package name on each line, followed by the recording directory name; for example:


The recording directory in this case is 2Wm2Z8745, the string between the two semicolons.

After verifying that your recording updates look correct, you can use the test-proxy push -a assets.json command to push these recordings to the azure-sdk-assets repo. This command should be provided a relative path to your package's assets.json file. For example, from the root of the azure-sdk-for-java repo:

test-proxy push -a sdk/{service}/{package}/assets.json

The verbs that can be provided to this script are "push", "restore", and "reset":

  • push: pushes recording updates to a new assets repo tag and updates the tag pointer in assets.json.
  • restore: fetches recordings from the assets repo, based on the tag pointer in assets.json.
  • reset: discards any pending changes to recordings, based on the tag pointer in assets.json.

After pushing your recordings, the assets.json file for your package will be updated to point to a new Tag that contains the updates. Include this assets.json update in any pull request to update the recordings pointer in the upstream repo.

Sanitize secrets

The .json files created from running tests in record mode can include authorization details, account names, shared access signatures, and other secrets. The recordings are included in our public GitHub repository, making it important for us to remove any secrets from these recordings before committing them to the repository.

There are two primary ways to keep secrets from being written into recordings:

  1. Default sanitizers, similar to the use of the RecordingRedactor are already registered in the TestProxyUtils for default redactions.
  2. Custom sanitizers can be added using TestProxySanitizer and interceptorManager.addSanitizers() method for addressing specific service sanitization needs. For example, registering a custom sanitizer for redacting the value of json key modelId from the response body looks like the following:
    List<TestProxySanitizer> customSanitizer = new ArrayList<>();
    // sanitize value for key: "modelId" in response json body
        new TestProxySanitizer("$..modelId", "REPLACEMENT_TEXT", TestProxySanitizerType.BODY_KEY));
    if (interceptorManager.isRecordMode()) {
        // Add a policy to record network calls.
    if (interceptorManager.isPlaybackMode()) {
        // Use a playback client when running in playback mode
        // Add matchers only in playback mode
        interceptorManager.addMatchers(Arrays.asList(new CustomMatcher()
    if (!interceptorManager.isLiveMode()) {
        // Add sanitizers when running in playback or record mode

Note: Sanitizers must only be added once the playback client or record policy is registered. Look at the TableClientTestBase class for example.

Detailed information about the sanitizers supported by Test Proxy can be found here.

Customizing what gets recorded

Some tests send large request bodies that are not meaningful and should not be stored in the session records. In order to disable storing the request body for a specific request, add the RecordWithoutRequestBody annotation to the test method.



If you encounter any bugs with these SDKs, please file issues via Issues or checkout StackOverflow for Azure Java SDK.

Next steps

Other useful packages are:

  • azure-core: Contains core classes and functionality used by all client libraries.


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When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repositories using our CLA.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.
