
Delen via

item (Mailbox requirement set 1.13)


item is used to access the currently selected message, meeting request, or appointment. You can determine the type of the item by using the itemType property.

Requirement Value
Minimum mailbox requirement set version 1.1
Minimum permission level restricted
Applicable Outlook mode Appointment Organizer, Appointment Attendee,
Message Compose, or Message Read


Android and iOS: There are limitations on when add-ins activate and which APIs are available. To learn more, refer to Add mobile support to an Outlook add-in.


Property Minimum
permission level
Details by mode Return type Minimum
requirement set
attachments read item Appointment Attendee Array.<AttachmentDetails> 1.1
Message Read Array.<AttachmentDetails> 1.1
bcc read item Message Compose Recipients 1.1
body read item Appointment Organizer Body 1.1
Appointment Attendee Body 1.1
Message Compose Body 1.1
Message Read Body 1.1
categories read item Appointment Organizer Categories 1.8
Appointment Attendee Categories 1.8
Message Compose Categories 1.8
Message Read Categories 1.8
cc read item Message Compose Recipients 1.1
Message Read Array.<EmailAddressDetails> 1.1
conversationId read item Message Compose String 1.1
Message Read String 1.1
dateTimeCreated read item Appointment Attendee Date 1.1
Message Read Date 1.1
dateTimeModified read item Appointment Attendee Date 1.1
Message Read Date 1.1
delayDeliveryTime read item Message Compose DelayDeliveryTime 1.13
end read item Appointment Organizer Time 1.1
Appointment Attendee Date 1.1
Message Read
(Meeting Request)
Date 1.1
enhancedLocation read item Appointment Organizer EnhancedLocation 1.8
Appointment Attendee EnhancedLocation 1.8
from read/write item Message Compose From 1.7
read item Message Read EmailAddressDetails 1.1
internetHeaders read item Message Compose InternetHeaders 1.8
internetMessageId read item Message Read String 1.1
itemClass read item Appointment Attendee String 1.1
Message Read String 1.1
itemId read item Appointment Attendee String 1.1
Message Read String 1.1
itemType read item Appointment Organizer MailboxEnums.ItemType 1.1
Appointment Attendee MailboxEnums.ItemType 1.1
Message Compose MailboxEnums.ItemType 1.1
Message Read MailboxEnums.ItemType 1.1
location read item Appointment Organizer Location 1.1
Appointment Attendee String 1.1
Message Read
(Meeting Request)
String 1.1
normalizedSubject read item Appointment Attendee String 1.1
Message Read String 1.1
notificationMessages read item Appointment Organizer NotificationMessages 1.3
Appointment Attendee NotificationMessages 1.3
Message Compose NotificationMessages 1.3
Message Read NotificationMessages 1.3
optionalAttendees read item Appointment Organizer Recipients 1.1
Appointment Attendee Array.<EmailAddressDetails> 1.1
organizer read/write item Appointment Organizer Organizer 1.7
read item Appointment Attendee EmailAddressDetails 1.1
recurrence read item Appointment Organizer Recurrence 1.7
Appointment Attendee Recurrence 1.7
Message Read
(Meeting Request)
Recurrence 1.7
requiredAttendees read item Appointment Organizer Recipients 1.1
Appointment Attendee Array.<EmailAddressDetails> 1.1
sender read item Message Read EmailAddressDetails 1.1
sensitivityLabel read/write item Appointment Organizer SensitivityLabel 1.13
Message Compose SensitivityLabel 1.13
seriesId read item Appointment Organizer String 1.7
Appointment Attendee String 1.7
Message Compose String 1.7
Message Read String 1.7
sessionData read item Appointment Organizer SessionData 1.11
Message Compose SessionData 1.11
start read item Appointment Organizer Time 1.1
Appointment Attendee Date 1.1
Message Read
(Meeting Request)
Date 1.1
subject read item Appointment Organizer Subject 1.1
Appointment Attendee String 1.1
Message Compose Subject 1.1
Message Read String 1.1
to read item Message Compose Recipients 1.1
Message Read Array.<EmailAddressDetails> 1.1


Method Minimum
permission level
Details by mode Minimum
requirement set
addFileAttachmentAsync(uri, attachmentName, [options], [callback]) read/write item Appointment Organizer 1.1
Message Compose 1.1
addFileAttachmentFromBase64Async(base64File, attachmentName, [options], [callback]) read/write item Appointment Organizer 1.8
Message Compose 1.8
addHandlerAsync(eventType, handler, [options], [callback]) read item Appointment Organizer 1.7
Appointment Attendee 1.7
Message Compose 1.7
Message Read 1.7
addItemAttachmentAsync(itemId, attachmentName, [options], [callback]) read/write item Appointment Organizer 1.1
Message Compose 1.1
close() restricted Appointment Organizer 1.3
Message Compose 1.3
disableClientSignatureAsync([options], [callback]) read/write item Appointment Organizer 1.10
Message Compose 1.10
displayReplyAllForm(formData) read item Appointment Attendee 1.1
Message Read 1.1
displayReplyAllFormAsync(formData, [options], [callback]) read item Appointment Attendee 1.9
Message Read 1.9
displayReplyForm(formData) read item Appointment Attendee 1.1
Message Read 1.1
displayReplyFormAsync(formData, [options], [callback]) read item Appointment Attendee 1.9
Message Read 1.9
getAllInternetHeadersAsync([options], [callback]) read item Message Read 1.8
getAttachmentContentAsync(attachmentId, [options], [callback]) read item Appointment Organizer 1.8
Appointment Attendee 1.8
Message Compose 1.8
Message Read 1.8
getAttachmentsAsync([options], [callback]) read item Appointment Organizer 1.8
Message Compose 1.8
getComposeTypeAsync([options], callback) read item Message Compose 1.10
getEntities() (deprecated) read item Appointment Attendee 1.1
Message Read 1.1
getEntitiesByType(entityType) (deprecated) restricted Appointment Attendee 1.1
Message Read 1.1
getFilteredEntitiesByName(name) (deprecated) read item Appointment Attendee 1.1
Message Read 1.1
getInitializationContextAsync([options], [callback]) read item Appointment Organizer 1.8
Appointment Attendee 1.8
Message Compose 1.8
Message Read 1.8
getItemIdAsync([options], callback) read item Appointment Organizer 1.8
Message Compose 1.8
getRegExMatches() read item Appointment Attendee 1.1
Message Read 1.1
getRegExMatchesByName(name) read item Appointment Attendee 1.1
Message Read 1.1
getSelectedDataAsync(coercionType, [options], callback) read item Appointment Organizer 1.2
Message Compose 1.2
getSelectedEntities() (deprecated) read item Appointment Attendee 1.6
Message Read 1.6
getSelectedRegExMatches() read item Appointment Attendee 1.6
Message Read 1.6
getSharedPropertiesAsync([options], callback) read item Appointment Organizer 1.8 (shared folder support)

1.13 (shared mailbox support)
Appointment Attendee 1.8 (shared folder support)

1.13 (shared mailbox support)
Message Compose 1.8 (shared folder support)

1.13 (shared mailbox support)
Message Read 1.8 (shared folder support)

1.13 (shared mailbox support)
isClientSignatureEnabledAsync([options], callback) read item Appointment Organizer 1.10
Message Compose 1.10
loadCustomPropertiesAsync(callback, [userContext]) read item Appointment Organizer 1.1
Appointment Attendee 1.1
Message Compose 1.1
Message Read 1.1
removeAttachmentAsync(attachmentId, [options], [callback]) read/write item Appointment Organizer 1.1
Message Compose 1.1
removeHandlerAsync(eventType, [options], [callback]) read item Appointment Organizer 1.7
Appointment Attendee 1.7
Message Compose 1.7
Message Read 1.7
saveAsync([options], callback) read/write item Appointment Organizer 1.3
Message Compose 1.3
setSelectedDataAsync(data, [options], callback) read/write item Appointment Organizer 1.2
Message Compose 1.2


You can subscribe to and unsubscribe from the following events using addHandlerAsync and removeHandlerAsync respectively.


Events are only available with task pane implementation.

Event Description Minimum
requirement set
AppointmentTimeChanged The date or time of the selected appointment or series has changed. 1.7
AttachmentsChanged An attachment has been added to or removed from the item. 1.8
EnhancedLocationsChanged The location of the selected appointment has changed. 1.8
InfobarClicked An action has been selected from a notification message. 1.10
RecipientsChanged The recipient list of the selected item or appointment location has changed. 1.7
RecurrenceChanged The recurrence pattern of the selected series has changed. 1.7
SensitivityLabelChanged The sensitivity label of a message or appointment in compose mode has changed. 1.13


The following JavaScript code example shows how to access the subject property of the current item in Outlook.

// The initialize function is required for all apps.
Office.initialize = function () {
  // Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready function.
  $(document).ready(function () {
    // After the DOM is loaded, app-specific code can run.
    var item = Office.context.mailbox.item;
    var subject = item.subject;
    // Continue with processing the subject of the current item,
    // which can be a message or appointment.