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Sample code for DevTools

Use the Demos repo to learn how to use Microsoft Edge to develop webpages and web apps. There are various ways to view, download, and modify these demo webpages, including:

  • DevTools in Microsoft Edge.
  • Visual Studio Code, with optional DevTools.
  • Visual Studio, with optional DevTools.

To view the source code for a rendered demo webpage in DevTools in Microsoft Edge:

  1. In a Readme page, click the Demo link. The live page opens in Microsoft Edge.

  2. Right-click the demo webpage, and then select Inspect to open DevTools.

List of DevTools samples

The following demos demonstrate DevTools features.

Demo name Description Repo directory Live demo page
CSS mirroring sourcemaps Used for Update .css files from within the Styles tab (CSS mirror editing) for the DevTools extension for Visual Studio Code. /css-mirroring-sourcemaps-demo/ n/a
TODO app Simple To Do app with vanilla JavaScript. Used for screenshots in the Microsoft Edge DevTools documentation, and for Opening DevTools and the DevTools browser for the DevTools extension for Visual Studio Code. /demo-to-do/ My tasks
Detached elements Chat-like demo. Used for Debug DOM memory leaks with the Detached Elements tool. /detached-elements/ Simulate traffic
3D View Used for Navigate webpage layers, z-index, and DOM using the 3D View tool. /devtools-3d/ Microsoft Edge DevTools 3D View tool demo
Accessibility testing Used for Accessibility-testing features. /devtools-a11y-testing/ Animal shelter
DevTools issue: animating a CSS property that requires layout Illustrates the Issues and Elements tools warning when CSS properties that require layout are animated. /devtools-animated-property-issue/ Animated CSS property demo
Console panel demo pages Used for Console overview, Log messages in the Console tool, and Fix JavaScript errors that are reported in the Console. /devtools-console/ DevTools Console panel demo pages
DOM interaction from the Console demo page Used for Interact with the DOM using the Console. /devtools-console-dom-interactions/ DevTools Console tool DOM interactions demo
Contrast bug fix Used for Improving contrast in Microsoft Edge DevTools: A bugfix case study. /devtools-contrast-bugfix/ Testing all badges in DevTools for contrast issues
CSS Examples Used for Get started viewing and changing CSS. /devtools-css-get-started/ CSS Examples
DOM Examples Used for Get started viewing and changing the DOM. /devtools-dom-get-started/ DOM Examples
Explain Console errors and warnings in Copilot in Edge Generates errors in the Console that can then be explained by using Copilot in Edge. /devtools-explain-error/ Explaining console errors demo
Inspect tool Used for Analyze pages using the Inspect tool. /devtools-inspect/ Inspect Demo
Debugging JavaScript that adds two numbers Used for Get started debugging JavaScript. /devtools-js-get-started/ Demo: Debugging JavaScript with Microsoft Edge DevTools
Memory heap snapshot Used for Record heap snapshots using the Memory tool. /devtools-memory-heap-snapshot/ n/a
Performance Activity Tabs Used for View activities in a table, about the Performance tool's Bottom-Up, Call Tree, and Event Log tabs. /devtools-performance-activitytabs/ Activity Tabs Demo
Sluggish Animation Used for Introduction to the Performance tool. /devtools-performance-get-started/ Sluggish Animation
postMessage Trace Events Tests postMessage trace events in the Performance tool. Used for View messages between windows, iframes, and dedicated workers in Performance features reference. /devtools-postmessage-perf-timeline/ postMessage Trace Events demo
CSS :target pseudo-class Used for Support forcing the :target CSS state. /devtools-target-pseudo/ CSS :target pseudo-class demo
Heap Snapshot Visualizer Source code for the Heap Snapshot Visualizer extension for DevTools. /heap-snapshot-visualizer/ n/a
JSON dummy data Simple JSON files. Used for View formatted JSON responses or files. /json-dummy-data/ JSON dummy data
Inspect Network Activity Used for Inspect network activity. /network-tutorial/ Inspect Network Activity Demo
Photo gallery Used for The truth about CSS selector performance. /photo-gallery/ Photo Gallery
Slow Calendar Simple calendar demo app to test various DevTools features such as the Performance tool and source map support. /slow-calendar/ Slow Calendar
Workspaces Use for Edit files with Workspaces (Filesystem tab), in the Sources tool. /workspaces/ DevTools Workspaces Demo

A few of these samples are shown below.

To Do demo

This simple To Do list webpage is used to demonstrate various DevTools features. It has an .html file, a .js file, and .css files:

To Do demo and DevTools with the Sources tool selected

Demo webpage with accessibility issues

This Animal Shelter demo webpage is useful for exploring various DevTools features, including accessibility testing features.

  1. Open the Demo webpage with accessibility issues in a new window or tab.

  2. Right-click anywhere in the rendered webpage and then select Inspect. DevTools opens next to the demo webpage.

The 'Demo webpage with accessibility issues'


These articles walk you through using this demo webpage:

Source code repo

This is the source code repo and its directory which stores the files for this demo webpage:

  • MicrosoftEdge/Demos > devtools-a11y-testing - Contains files including:

    • index.html - The demo webpage, including page sections and input forms that send data to the buttons.js JavaScript file. To view the rendered webpage, use the demo webpage link above.

    • buttons.js - Contains the JavaScript code that's used by the demo webpage.

    • styles.css, light-theme.css, and dark-theme.css - CSS files that control the presentation of the demo webpage.

    • Image files that are used in the demo webpage.

Demo webpage: Debugging JavaScript with DevTools

This demo webpage is useful for exploring the Sources tool, especially the JavaScript debugger.

  1. Open the demo webpage Get started Debugging JavaScript with DevTools in a new window or tab.

  2. Right-click anywhere in the rendered webpage and then select Inspect. DevTools opens next to the demo webpage.

The 'Get started Debugging JavaScript with DevTools' demo webpage


These articles or article sections walk you through using this demo webpage:

  • The basic approach to using a debugger in Sources tool overview. This article section briefly walks you through the steps to use the JavaScript debugger in the Sources tool, to find the bug in the demo webpage. To fix the bug, you convert the input strings to numbers before adding them.

  • Get started debugging JavaScript - A more in-depth walkthrough of using the demo webpage along with the debugger, demonstrating various features of the debugger, and setting different kinds of breakpoints.

Source code repo

This is the source code repo and its directory which stores the files for this demo webpage:

  • MicrosoftEdge/Demos > devtools-js-get-started - Contains the files:

    • - Contains links to the rendered demo webpage and the in-depth tutorial article about using the demo webpage.

    • index.html - The webpage with an input form that sends data to the JavaScript file, and that displays the result of the JavaScript.

    • get-started.js - The JavaScript file that's used by the form in the demo webpage.

Download or clone the Demos repo

The Demos repo is useful for following the various DevTools documentation.

Download the Demos repo

To download the Demos repo:

  1. In a new window or tab, go to the MicrosoftEdge / Demos repo.

  2. Click the Code dropdown button, and then click Download ZIP.

    The .zip file is placed in your download directory. Unzip these webpage source files into a suitable location.

To download a single directory of the Demos repo:

  1. Go to and then paste the URL

    The .zip file is placed in your download directory. Unzip these webpage source files into a suitable location.

See also:

Clone the Demos repo

Cloning a repo enables updating your local copy when the repo is updated. The GitHub UI and various tools support cloning. We'll show cloning by using Visual Studio Code, but you can use many other coding tools, such as GitHub Desktop, Visual Studio, or git bash shell.

To clone the repo:

  1. In a new window or tab, go to the MicrosoftEdge / Demos repo.

  2. If the green Code button isn't shown, click Demos in the path Microsoft Edge / Demos in the upper left to go to the main page of the repo.

  3. Click the Code dropdown button, and then click the Copy button next to the URL You can then paste the URL into git bash or a Visual Studio Code dialog, for example.

    Or, click the Code dropdown button, and then click Open with Visual Studio if it appears. A list of Handler Selector items is offered, one per Visual Studio instance installed. This option appears only if you're logged in.

    Cloning the MicrosoftEdge/Demos repo

  4. In Visual Studio Code, in the Activity Bar, click the Source Control (Source Control icon) button, and then click the Clone Repository button.

  5. In the Provide repository URL text box, paste the copied URL: and then press Enter. A folder selection dialog opens.

    The Clone Repository button in Visual Studio Code

  6. Navigate to your desired path, such as C:\Users\username\Documents\GitHub or Users/username/GitHub, and then click the Select Repository Location button.

  7. The message Cloning git repository appears, then you're prompted to open the cloned repository. Click the Open button:

    Prompted to open the cloned repo

  8. If prompted Do you trust..., click the Yes button. Or, click the No button and continue with most parts of this walkthrough.

    The Explorer tree lists many demos, including demo-to-do.

See also:

Open a demo folder in the Sources tool and edit a file

To use this section, first Download or clone the Demos repo.

To edit local files in the Sources tool, you might need to first click the Allow button to grant read/write access. To do that, follow the steps in Opening a folder from the Filesystem (Workspace) tab in the Sources tool below.

See also:

  • Approaches compared in Microsoft Edge DevTools extension for Visual Studio Code. Summarizes and compares several options for editing webpage files.

Opening a folder from the Filesystem (Workspace) tab in the Sources tool

After downloading or cloning the Demos repo:

  1. In Microsoft Edge, open a new tab.

  2. Right-click the webpage, and then select Inspect. Or, press Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows, Linux) or Command+Option+I (macOS). DevTools opens.

  3. In DevTools, on the main toolbar, select the Sources tab. If that tab isn't visible, click the More tabs (More tabs icon) button.

  4. In the Sources tab, on the left, select the Filesystem tab, which is grouped with the Page tab. If the Filesystem tab isn't displayed, click the More tabs (More tabs button) button.

  5. Click + Add folder to workspace. A folder selection dialog opens.

  6. Select a specific folder, such as demo-to-do, or select the Demos root folder:

    Selecting the demo-to-do directory

  7. Above DevTools, your're prompted "DevTools requests full access to (directory)". Click the Allow button:

    DevTools requests access to add a folder to a workspace in the Filesystem tab

To edit the files, see the editing steps in the next section.

See also:

Opening a local HTML file from the browser's File Open dialog and editing it from the Page tab of the Sources tool

To edit files in the Sources tool, before doing the steps in this section, you might need to click the Allow button to grant read/write access by following the steps in Opening a folder from the Filesystem (Workspace) tab in the Sources tool above.

To open an .html file and edit it:

  1. In Microsoft Edge, open a new tab, and then press Ctrl+O (Windows/Linux) or Command+O (macOS). A file selection dialog opens.

  2. Select an HTML file from the local copy of the Demos repo, such as C:\Users\username\Documents\GitHub\Demos\demo-to-do\index.html. The .html file is opened and rendered in Microsoft Edge.

  3. Right-click the webpage, and then select Inspect. Or, press Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows, Linux) or Command+Option+I (macOS). DevTools opens.

  4. In DevTools, on the main toolbar, select the Sources tab. If that tab isn't visible, click the More tabs (The More tabs icon) button.

  5. In DevTools, on the left, select the Page tab, and then select the HTML file, such as index.html or (index).

  6. Press Esc to open the Quick View panel at the bottom of DevTools.

  7. In the Quick View toolbar, click the More Tools (More Tools icon) button, and then select the Changes tool.

  8. In the middle, editor pane of the Sources tool, edit the .html file. For example, in demo-to-do/index.html folder, in the <h1> heading line, change My tasks to My modified tasks:

    <h1>📋 My modified tasks</h1>

    If editing isn't enabled, click the Allow button to grant read/write access to the folder by doing the steps in Opening a folder from the Filesystem (Workspace) tab in the Sources tool above.

    The change is displayed in the Changes tool in the Quick View panel, and an asterisk is added to the file name in the index.html tab in the Sources tool:

    The modified demo-to-do page before saving changes

  9. Press Ctrl+S (Windows, Linux) or Command+S (macOS) to save the change. The asterisk is removed from the index.html tab in the Sources tool.

  10. Refresh the page. The change is displayed in the rendered webpage; for example, the word modified is added to the title:

    The modified demo-to-do page after saving changes and refreshing

Opening a local HTML file from File Explorer and editing it in the browser

  1. In File Explorer on Windows, or Finder on macOS, select an HTML file from the local copy of the Demos repo, such as C:\Users\username\Documents\GitHub\Demos\demo-to-do\index.html. The .html file is opened and rendered in Microsoft Edge.

  2. Follow the steps in the sections above.

Open a demo folder in Visual Studio Code

After downloading or cloning the Demos repo:

  1. In Visual Studio Code, in the Activity Bar, click the Explorer (Explorer icon) button. The Explorer pane opens.

  2. In the Explorer pane, click the Open Folder button. The Open Folder dialog opens. Navigate to the demo-to-do folder in the Demo repo that you cloned, select the folder or go into it, and then click the Select Folder button:

    Selecting the demo-to-do folder

    An example of a repo location where the Demos repo has been cloned is shown above. The demo-to-do folder of the cloned Demos repo opens in the Explorer of Visual Studio Code:

    Opened the demo-to-do folder initially

Or, you can open the root folder of the Demos repo, to explore all of the demo folders in the Explorer pane.

See also:

URL patterns for rendered demo webpages and source code

Most of the Readme files in the Demos repo have a link that opens the rendered .html file from the server. Sometimes you have a URL for an HTML source file at, but instead you need to derive the server URL to display the rendered file, rather than displaying the code listing of the .html source code in the GitHub directory.

To convert from the URL for the source code directory at to the URL for a rendered demo webpage at, the pattern is as follows.

Suppose the URL for the webpage's source code at is:


The key components of that URL are:


In contrast, the desired URL pattern is:

  • https://[org][repo]/[path]

To fill in that URL pattern, in this example:

  • [org] is MicrosoftEdge.
  • [repo] is Demos.
  • [path] is demo-to-do.

Therefore, the resulting server URL for the rendered demo webpage is:


These URLs aren't case-sensitive.

See also

Opening and editing files:

Downloading and cloning:

Running a local web server: