XlBuiltInDialog enumeration (Excel)
Specifies which dialog box to display.
Name | Value | Description |
xlDialogActivate | 103 | Activate dialog box |
xlDialogActiveCellFont | 476 | Active Cell Font dialog box |
xlDialogAddChartAutoformat | 390 | Add Chart Autoformat dialog box |
xlDialogAddinManager | 321 | Addin Manager dialog box |
xlDialogAlignment | 43 | Alignment dialog box |
xlDialogApplyNames | 133 | Apply Names dialog box |
xlDialogApplyStyle | 212 | Apply Style dialog box |
xlDialogAppMove | 170 | AppMove dialog box |
xlDialogAppSize | 171 | AppSize dialog box |
xlDialogArrangeAll | 12 | Arrange All dialog box |
xlDialogAssignToObject | 213 | Assign To Object dialog box |
xlDialogAssignToTool | 293 | Assign To Tool dialog box |
xlDialogAttachText | 80 | Attach Text dialog box |
xlDialogAttachToolbars | 323 | Attach Toolbars dialog box |
xlDialogAutoCorrect | 485 | Auto Correct dialog box |
xlDialogAxes | 78 | Axes dialog box |
xlDialogBorder | 45 | Border dialog box |
xlDialogCalculation | 32 | Calculation dialog box |
xlDialogCellProtection | 46 | Cell Protection dialog box |
xlDialogChangeLink | 166 | Change Link dialog box |
xlDialogChartAddData | 392 | Chart Add Data dialog box |
xlDialogChartLocation | 527 | Chart Location dialog box |
xlDialogChartOptionsDataLabelMultiple | 724 | Chart Options DataLabel Multiple dialog box |
xlDialogChartOptionsDataLabels | 505 | Chart Options DataLabels dialog box |
xlDialogChartOptionsDataTable | 506 | Chart Options DataTable dialog box |
xlDialogChartSourceData | 540 | Chart SourceData dialog box |
xlDialogChartTrend | 350 | Chart Trend dialog box |
xlDialogChartType | 526 | Chart Type dialog box |
xlDialogChartWizard | 288 | ChartWizard dialog box |
xlDialogCheckboxProperties | 435 | Checkbox Properties dialog box |
xlDialogClear | 52 | Clear dialog box |
xlDialogColorPalette | 161 | Color Palette dialog box |
xlDialogColumnWidth | 47 | Column Width dialog box |
xlDialogCombination | 73 | Combination dialog box |
xlDialogConditionalFormatting | 583 | Conditional Formatting dialog box |
xlDialogConsolidate | 191 | Consolidate dialog box |
xlDialogCopyChart | 147 | Copy Chart dialog box |
xlDialogCopyPicture | 108 | Copy Picture dialog box |
xlDialogCreateList | 796 | Create List dialog box |
xlDialogCreateNames | 62 | Create Names dialog box |
xlDialogCreatePublisher | 217 | Create Publisher dialog box |
xlDialogCreateRelationship | 1272 | Create Relationship dialog box |
xlDialogCustomizeToolbar | 276 | Customize Toolbar dialog box |
xlDialogCustomViews | 493 | Custom Views dialog box |
xlDialogDataDelete | 36 | Data Delete dialog box |
xlDialogDataLabel | 379 | Data Label dialog box |
xlDialogDataLabelMultiple | 723 | Data Label Multiple dialog box |
xlDialogDataSeries | 40 | Data Series dialog box |
xlDialogDataValidation | 525 | Data Validation dialog box |
xlDialogDefineName | 61 | Define Name dialog box |
xlDialogDefineStyle | 229 | Define Style dialog box |
xlDialogDeleteFormat | 111 | Delete Format dialog box |
xlDialogDeleteName | 110 | Delete Name dialog box |
xlDialogDemote | 203 | Demote dialog box |
xlDialogDisplay | 27 | Display dialog box |
xlDialogDocumentInspector | 862 | Document Inspector dialog box |
xlDialogEditboxProperties | 438 | Editbox Properties dialog box |
xlDialogEditColor | 223 | Edit Color dialog box |
xlDialogEditDelete | 54 | Edit Delete dialog box |
xlDialogEditionOptions | 251 | Edition Options dialog box |
xlDialogEditSeries | 228 | Edit Series dialog box |
xlDialogErrorbarX | 463 | Errorbar X dialog box |
xlDialogErrorbarY | 464 | Errorbar Y dialog box |
xlDialogErrorChecking | 732 | Error Checking dialog box |
xlDialogEvaluateFormula | 709 | Evaluate Formula dialog box |
xlDialogExternalDataProperties | 530 | External Data Properties dialog box |
xlDialogExtract | 35 | Extract dialog box |
xlDialogFileDelete | 6 | File Delete dialog box |
xlDialogFileSharing | 481 | File Sharing dialog box |
xlDialogFillGroup | 200 | Fill Group dialog box |
xlDialogFillWorkgroup | 301 | Fill Workgroup dialog box |
xlDialogFilter | 447 | Dialog Filter dialog box |
xlDialogFilterAdvanced | 370 | Filter Advanced dialog box |
xlDialogFindFile | 475 | Find File dialog box |
xlDialogFont | 26 | Font dialog box |
xlDialogFontProperties | 381 | Font Properties dialog box |
xlDialogFormatAuto | 269 | Format Auto dialog box |
xlDialogFormatChart | 465 | Format Chart dialog box |
xlDialogFormatCharttype | 423 | Format Charttype dialog box |
xlDialogFormatFont | 150 | Format Font dialog box |
xlDialogFormatLegend | 88 | Format Legend dialog box |
xlDialogFormatMain | 225 | Format Main dialog box |
xlDialogFormatMove | 128 | Format Move dialog box |
xlDialogFormatNumber | 42 | Format Number dialog box |
xlDialogFormatOverlay | 226 | Format Overlay dialog box |
xlDialogFormatSize | 129 | Format Size dialog box |
xlDialogFormatText | 89 | Format Text dialog box |
xlDialogFormulaFind | 64 | Formula Find dialog box |
xlDialogFormulaGoto | 63 | Formula Goto dialog box |
xlDialogFormulaReplace | 130 | Formula Replace dialog box |
xlDialogFunctionWizard | 450 | Function Wizard dialog box |
xlDialogGallery3dArea | 193 | Gallery 3D Area dialog box |
xlDialogGallery3dBar | 272 | Gallery 3D Bar dialog box |
xlDialogGallery3dColumn | 194 | Gallery 3D Column dialog box |
xlDialogGallery3dLine | 195 | Gallery 3D Line dialog box |
xlDialogGallery3dPie | 196 | Gallery 3D Pie dialog box |
xlDialogGallery3dSurface | 273 | Gallery 3D Surface dialog box |
xlDialogGalleryArea | 67 | Gallery Area dialog box |
xlDialogGalleryBar | 68 | Gallery Bar dialog box |
xlDialogGalleryColumn | 69 | Gallery Column dialog box |
xlDialogGalleryCustom | 388 | Gallery Custom dialog box |
xlDialogGalleryDoughnut | 344 | Gallery Doughnut dialog box |
xlDialogGalleryLine | 70 | Gallery Line dialog box |
xlDialogGalleryPie | 71 | Gallery Pie dialog box |
xlDialogGalleryRadar | 249 | Gallery Radar dialog box |
xlDialogGalleryScatter | 72 | Gallery Scatter dialog box |
xlDialogGoalSeek | 198 | Goal Seek dialog box |
xlDialogGridlines | 76 | Gridlines dialog box |
xlDialogImportTextFile | 666 | Import Text File dialog box |
xlDialogInsert | 55 | Insert dialog box |
xlDialogInsertHyperlink | 596 | Insert Hyperlink dialog box |
xlDialogInsertObject | 259 | Insert Object dialog box |
xlDialogInsertPicture | 342 | Insert Picture dialog box |
xlDialogInsertTitle | 380 | Insert Title dialog box |
xlDialogLabelProperties | 436 | Label Properties dialog box |
xlDialogListboxProperties | 437 | Listbox Properties dialog box |
xlDialogMacroOptions | 382 | Macro Options dialog box |
xlDialogMailEditMailer | 470 | Mail Edit Mailer dialog box |
xlDialogMailLogon | 339 | Mail Logon dialog box |
xlDialogMailNextLetter | 378 | Mail Next Letter dialog box |
xlDialogMainChart | 85 | Main Chart dialog box |
xlDialogMainChartType | 185 | Main Chart Type dialog box |
xlDialogManageRelationships | 1271 | Manage Relationships dialog box |
xlDialogMenuEditor | 322 | Menu Editor dialog box |
xlDialogMove | 262 | Move dialog box |
xlDialogMyPermission | 834 | My Permission dialog box |
xlDialogNameManager | 977 | NameManager dialog box |
xlDialogNew | 119 | New dialog box |
xlDialogNewName | 978 | NewName dialog box |
xlDialogNewWebQuery | 667 | New Web Query dialog box |
xlDialogNote | 154 | Note dialog box |
xlDialogObjectProperties | 207 | Object Properties dialog box |
xlDialogObjectProtection | 214 | Object Protection dialog box |
xlDialogOpen | 1 | Open dialog box |
xlDialogOpenLinks | 2 | Open Links dialog box |
xlDialogOpenMail | 188 | Open Mail dialog box |
xlDialogOpenText | 441 | Open Text dialog box |
xlDialogOptionsCalculation | 318 | Options Calculation dialog box |
xlDialogOptionsChart | 325 | Options Chart dialog box |
xlDialogOptionsEdit | 319 | Options Edit dialog box |
xlDialogOptionsGeneral | 356 | Options General dialog box |
xlDialogOptionsListsAdd | 458 | Options Lists Add dialog box |
xlDialogOptionsME | 647 | OptionsME dialog box |
xlDialogOptionsTransition | 355 | Options Transition dialog box |
xlDialogOptionsView | 320 | Options View dialog box |
xlDialogOutline | 142 | Outline dialog box |
xlDialogOverlay | 86 | Overlay dialog box |
xlDialogOverlayChartType | 186 | Overlay ChartType dialog box |
xlDialogPageSetup | 7 | Page Setup dialog box |
xlDialogParse | 91 | Parse dialog box |
xlDialogPasteNames | 58 | Paste Names dialog box |
xlDialogPasteSpecial | 53 | Paste Special dialog box |
xlDialogPatterns | 84 | Patterns dialog box |
xlDialogPermission | 832 | Permission dialog box |
xlDialogPhonetic | 656 | Phonetic dialog box |
xlDialogPivotCalculatedField | 570 | Pivot Calculated Field dialog box |
xlDialogPivotCalculatedItem | 572 | Pivot Calculated Item dialog box |
xlDialogPivotClientServerSet | 689 | Pivot Client Server Set dialog box |
xlDialogPivotFieldGroup | 433 | Pivot Field Group dialog box |
xlDialogPivotFieldProperties | 313 | Pivot Field Properties dialog box |
xlDialogPivotFieldUngroup | 434 | Pivot Field Ungroup dialog box |
xlDialogPivotShowPages | 421 | Pivot Show Pages dialog box |
xlDialogPivotSolveOrder | 568 | Pivot Solve Order dialog box |
xlDialogPivotTableOptions | 567 | PivotTable Options dialog box |
xlDialogPivotTableSlicerConnections | 1183 | PivotTable Slicer Connections dialog box |
xlDialogPivotTableWhatIfAnalysisSettings | 1153 | PivotTable What If Analysis Settings dialog box |
xlDialogPivotTableWizard | 312 | PivotTable Wizard dialog box |
xlDialogPlacement | 300 | Placement dialog box |
xlDialogPrint | 8 | Print dialog box |
xlDialogPrinterSetup | 9 | Printer Setup dialog box |
xlDialogPrintPreview | 222 | Print Preview dialog box |
xlDialogPromote | 202 | Promote dialog box |
xlDialogProperties | 474 | Properties dialog box |
xlDialogPropertyFields | 754 | Property Fields dialog box |
xlDialogProtectDocument | 28 | Protect Document dialog box |
xlDialogProtectSharing | 620 | Protect Sharing dialog box |
xlDialogPublishAsWebPage | 653 | Publish As WebPage dialog box |
xlDialogPushbuttonProperties | 445 | Pushbutton Properties dialog box |
xlDialogRecommendedPivotTables | 1258 | Recommended PivotTables dialog box |
xlDialogReplaceFont | 134 | Replace Font dialog box |
xlDialogRoutingSlip | 336 | This object or member has been deprecated, but it remains part of the object model for backward compatibility. You should not use it in new applications. |
xlDialogRowHeight | 127 | Row Height dialog box |
xlDialogRun | 17 | Run dialog box |
xlDialogSaveAs | 5 | SaveAs dialog box |
xlDialogSaveCopyAs | 456 | SaveCopyAs dialog box |
xlDialogSaveNewObject | 208 | Save New Object dialog box |
xlDialogSaveWorkbook | 145 | Save Workbook dialog box |
xlDialogSaveWorkspace | 285 | Save Workspace dialog box |
xlDialogScale | 87 | Scale dialog box |
xlDialogScenarioAdd | 307 | Scenario Add dialog box |
xlDialogScenarioCells | 305 | Scenario Cells dialog box |
xlDialogScenarioEdit | 308 | Scenario Edit dialog box |
xlDialogScenarioMerge | 473 | Scenario Merge dialog box |
xlDialogScenarioSummary | 311 | Scenario Summary dialog box |
xlDialogScrollbarProperties | 420 | Scrollbar Properties dialog box |
xlDialogSearch | 731 | Search dialog box |
xlDialogSelectSpecial | 132 | Select Special dialog box |
xlDialogSendMail | 189 | Send Mail dialog box |
xlDialogSeriesAxes | 460 | Series Axes dialog box |
xlDialogSeriesOptions | 557 | Series Options dialog box |
xlDialogSeriesOrder | 466 | Series Order dialog box |
xlDialogSeriesShape | 504 | Series Shape dialog box |
xlDialogSeriesX | 461 | Series X dialog box |
xlDialogSeriesY | 462 | Series Y dialog box |
xlDialogSetBackgroundPicture | 509 | Set Background Picture dialog box |
xlDialogSetManager | 1109 | Set Manager dialog box |
xlDialogSetMDXEditor | 1208 | Set MDX Editor dialog box |
xlDialogSetPrintTitles | 23 | Set Print Titles dialog box |
xlDialogSetTupleEditorOnColumns | 1108 | Set Tuple Editor On Columns dialog box |
xlDialogSetTupleEditorOnRows | 1107 | Set Tuple Editor On Rows dialog box |
xlDialogSetUpdateStatus | 159 | Set Update Status dialog box |
xlDialogShowDetail | 204 | Show Detail dialog box |
xlDialogShowToolbar | 220 | Show Toolbar dialog box |
xlDialogSize | 261 | Size dialog box |
xlDialogSlicerCreation | 1182 | Slicer Creation dialog box |
xlDialogSlicerPivotTableConnections | 1184 | Slicer PivotTable Connections dialog box |
xlDialogSlicerSettings | 1179 | Slicer Settings dialog box |
xlDialogSort | 39 | Sort dialog box |
xlDialogSortSpecial | 192 | Sort Special dialog box |
xlDialogSparklineInsertColumn | 1134 | Sparkline Insert Column dialog box |
xlDialogSparklineInsertLine | 1133 | Sparkline Insert Line dialog box |
xlDialogSparklineInsertWinLoss | 1135 | Sparkline Insert Win Loss dialog box |
xlDialogSplit | 137 | Split dialog box |
xlDialogStandardFont | 190 | Standard Font dialog box |
xlDialogStandardWidth | 472 | Standard Width dialog box |
xlDialogStyle | 44 | Style dialog box |
xlDialogSubscribeTo | 218 | Subscribe To dialog box |
xlDialogSubtotalCreate | 398 | Subtotal Create dialog box |
xlDialogSummaryInfo | 474 | Summary Info dialog box |
xlDialogTable | 41 | Table dialog box |
xlDialogTabOrder | 394 | Tab Order dialog box |
xlDialogTextToColumns | 422 | Text To Columns dialog box |
xlDialogUnhide | 94 | Unhide dialog box |
xlDialogUpdateLink | 201 | Update Link dialog box |
xlDialogVbaInsertFile | 328 | VBA Insert File dialog box |
xlDialogVbaMakeAddin | 478 | VBA Make Addin dialog box |
xlDialogVbaProcedureDefinition | 330 | VBA Procedure Definition dialog box |
xlDialogView3d | 197 | View 3D dialog box |
xlDialogWebOptionsBrowsers | 773 | Web Options Browsers dialog box |
xlDialogWebOptionsEncoding | 686 | Web Options Encoding dialog box |
xlDialogWebOptionsFiles | 684 | Web Options Files dialog box |
xlDialogWebOptionsFonts | 687 | Web Options Fonts dialog box |
xlDialogWebOptionsGeneral | 683 | Web Options General dialog box |
xlDialogWebOptionsPictures | 685 | Web Options Pictures dialog box |
xlDialogWindowMove | 14 | Window Move dialog box |
xlDialogWindowSize | 13 | Window Size dialog box |
xlDialogWorkbookAdd | 281 | Workbook Add dialog box |
xlDialogWorkbookCopy | 283 | Workbook Copy dialog box |
xlDialogWorkbookInsert | 354 | Workbook Insert dialog box |
xlDialogWorkbookMove | 282 | Workbook Move dialog box |
xlDialogWorkbookName | 386 | Workbook Name dialog box |
xlDialogWorkbookNew | 302 | Workbook New dialog box |
xlDialogWorkbookOptions | 284 | Workbook Options dialog box |
xlDialogWorkbookProtect | 417 | Workbook Protect dialog box |
xlDialogWorkbookTabSplit | 415 | Workbook Tab Split dialog box |
xlDialogWorkbookUnhide | 384 | Workbook Unhide dialog box |
xlDialogWorkgroup | 199 | Workgroup dialog box |
xlDialogWorkspace | 95 | Workspace dialog box |
xlDialogZoom | 256 | Zoom dialog box |
Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and provide feedback.