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Merges Command

Displays detailed information about past merges between the specified source and destination branches.

tf merges [/server:servername] [source] destination [/recursive]


Argument Description


The user-provided value for the /server option. Example: teamfoundation2.


The merge history should be filtered to include only entries with the specified source.

This parameter is optional.


Specifies the destination branch for which merge history is displayed.

This parameter is required.

Option Description


Identifies the Team Foundation Server. This option is required if the command is invoked from a directory that is not mapped to a workspace.


Displays information for all merges in specified Team Foundation source control server folder and its subfolders.


For links to other Team Foundation commands that provide additional information about the items in your Team Foundation source control server and all the workspaces that map to it, see Informational Commands.


The following example displays information about all merge operations performed between Beta1_branch and RTM_branch.

c:\projects>tf merges /recursive Beta1_branch RTM_branch
  • Sample output:

    Chgset     Merged In Chgset       Author     Date
    135         162                   Justin     10/31/2003
    146         162                   Justin      10/31/2003
    147*        167                   Bill       11/02/2003

    The asterisk ‘*’ next to changeset 147 indicates that only some of the changes in that changeset #147 were merged into changeset #167.


To use the merges command, you must have the Read permission set to Allow for both source and destination branches. For more information, see Team Foundation Server Permissions.

See Also


How to: Show Differences between Two Files or File Versions
How to: Resolve Conflicts


Command-Line Syntax
Merge Command
Branch Command


Informational Commands
Understanding Branching

Other Resources

Tf Command-Line Utility Commands