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Een entiteit maken en bijwerken die kan worden geë-maild


Gepubliceerd: november 2016

Is van toepassing op: Dynamics CRM 2015

U kunt een entiteit maken die een e-mailadres bevat dat u kunt gebruiken om e-mailactiviteiten te verzenden naar records voor deze entiteit.

In het volgende voorbeeld wordt een aangepaste entiteit gemaakt en de eigenschap voor IsActivityParty ingesteld op true. Er wordt bovendien een kenmerk StringAttributeMetadata gemaakt met StringFormatName.Email om een te gebruiken e-mailadres te bieden.

Zelfs als u andere StringAttributeMetadata kenmerken toevoegt, als e-mailadres ingedeeld, wordt alleen het eerst opgegeven adres gebruikt.

// Create the custom entity.
CreateEntityRequest createrequest = new CreateEntityRequest
    // Define an entity to enable for emailing. In order to do so,
    // IsActivityParty must be set.
    Entity = new EntityMetadata
        SchemaName = _customEntityName,
        DisplayName = new Label("Agent", 1033),
        DisplayCollectionName = new Label("Agents", 1033),
        Description = new Label("Insurance Agents", 1033),
        OwnershipType = OwnershipTypes.UserOwned,
        IsActivity = false,

        // Unless this flag is set, this entity cannot be party to an
        // activity.
        IsActivityParty = true

    // As with built-in emailable entities, the Primary Attribute will
    // be used in the activity party screens. Be sure to choose descriptive
    // attributes.
    PrimaryAttribute = new StringAttributeMetadata
        SchemaName = "new_fullname",
        RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
        MaxLength = 100,
        FormatName = StringFormatName.Text,
        DisplayName = new Label("Agent Name", 1033),
        Description = new Label("Agent Name", 1033)

Console.WriteLine("The emailable entity has been created.");

// The entity will not be selectable as an activity party until its customizations
// have been published. Otherwise, the e-mail activity dialog cannot find
// a correct default view.
PublishAllXmlRequest publishRequest = new PublishAllXmlRequest();

// Before any emails can be created for this entity, an Email attribute
// must be defined.
CreateAttributeRequest createFirstEmailAttributeRequest = new CreateAttributeRequest
    EntityName = _customEntityName,
    Attribute = new StringAttributeMetadata
        SchemaName = "new_emailaddress",
        RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
        MaxLength = 100,                            
        FormatName = StringFormatName.Email,
        DisplayName = new Label("Email Address", 1033),
        Description = new Label("Email Address", 1033)

Console.WriteLine("An email attribute has been added to the emailable entity.");

// Create a second, alternate email address. Since there is already one 
// email attribute on the entity, this will never be used for emailing
// even if the first one is not populated.
CreateAttributeRequest createSecondEmailAttributeRequest = new CreateAttributeRequest
    EntityName = _customEntityName,
    Attribute = new StringAttributeMetadata
        SchemaName = "new_secondaryaddress",
        RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
        MaxLength = 100,                            
        FormatName = StringFormatName.Email,
        DisplayName = new Label("Secondary Email Address", 1033),
        Description = new Label("Secondary Email Address", 1033)


Console.WriteLine("A second email attribute has been added to the emailable entity.");

' Create the custom entity.
Dim createrequest As CreateEntityRequest = New CreateEntityRequest With {.Entity = New EntityMetadata With {
  .SchemaName = _customEntityName,
  .DisplayName = New Label("Agent", 1033),
  .DisplayCollectionName = New Label("Agents", 1033),
  .Description = New Label("Insurance Agents", 1033),
  .OwnershipType = OwnershipTypes.UserOwned,
  .IsActivity = False, .IsActivityParty = True},
  .PrimaryAttribute = New StringAttributeMetadata With {
   .SchemaName = "new_fullname",
   .RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
   .MaxLength = 100,
   .Format = StringFormat.Text,
   .DisplayName = New Label("Agent Name", 1033),
   .Description = New Label("Agent Name", 1033)
' Define an entity to enable for emailing. In order to do so,
' IsActivityParty must be set.
' Unless this flag is set, this entity cannot be party to an
' activity.
' As with built-in emailable entities, the Primary Attribute will
' be used in the activity party screens. Be sure to choose descriptive
' attributes.

Console.WriteLine("The emailable entity has been created.")

' The entity will not be selectable as an activity party until its customizations
' have been published. Otherwise, the e-mail activity dialog cannot find
' a correct default view.
Dim publishRequest As New PublishAllXmlRequest()

' Before any emails can be created for this entity, an Email attribute
' must be defined.
Dim createFirstEmailAttributeRequest As CreateAttributeRequest = New CreateAttributeRequest With {
 .EntityName = _customEntityName,
 .Attribute = New StringAttributeMetadata With {
  .SchemaName = "new_emailaddress",
  .RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
  .MaxLength = 100,
  .Format = StringFormat.Email,
  .DisplayName = New Label("Email Address", 1033),
  .Description = New Label("Email Address", 1033)

Console.WriteLine("An email attribute has been added to the emailable entity.")

' Create a second, alternate email address. Since there is already one 
' email attribute on the entity, this will never be used for emailing
' even if the first one is not populated.
Dim createSecondEmailAttributeRequest As CreateAttributeRequest = New CreateAttributeRequest With {
 .EntityName = _customEntityName,
 .Attribute = New StringAttributeMetadata With {
  .SchemaName = "new_secondaryaddress",
  .RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
  .MaxLength = 100,
  .Format = StringFormat.Email,
  .DisplayName = New Label("Secondary Email Address", 1033),
  .Description = New Label("Secondary Email Address", 1033)


Console.WriteLine("A second email attribute has been added to the emailable entity.")

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Het voorbeeld en de helpercode gebruiken
Metagegevens van entiteiten aanpassen
Welke entiteiten zijn aanpasbaar?
Een aangepaste entiteit maken
Entiteiten ophalen, bijwerken en verwijderen
Een aangepaste activiteitsentiteit maken
De pictogrammen voor een entiteit aanpassen
De berichten voor een entiteit aanpassen
Voorbeeld: een e-mailentiteit maken of bijwerken

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