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Codeunit Properties

This topic lists properties that apply to the Codeunit object, variables, text constants, functions, parameters, and return values.

Codeunit Object Properties

The following properties apply to the Codeunit object.

C/AL Globals Variables Properties

The following properties apply to Variables in the C/AL Globals window of codeunit objects.

C/AL Globals Text Constants Properties

The following properties apply to Text Constants in the C/AL Globals window of codeunit objects.

C/AL Globals Functions Properties

The following properties apply to Functions in the C/AL Globals window of codeunit objects.

C/AL Locals Variables Properties

The following properties apply to Variables in the C/AL Locals window of codeunit objects.

C/AL Locals Text Constants Properties

The following properties apply to Text Constants in the C/AL Locals window of codeunit objects.

C/AL Locals Parameters Properties

The following properties apply to Parameters in the C/AL Locals window of codeunit objects.

C/AL Locals Return Values Properties

The following properties apply to Return Values in the C/AL Locals window of codeunit objects.