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Set Up Mozilla Thunderbird 8.0 for Your E-Mail Account

Van toepassing op: Office 365 for professionals a, Office 365 for enterprises, Microsoft Exchange, Live@edu

Onderwerp laatst gewijzigd: 2011-12-02

You can connect Mozilla Thunderbird 8.0 to your e-mail account using POP3 or IMAP4 connectivity. These instructions apply to Windows and Mac.

For information about how to connect to your e-mail account using Thunderbird 3.0, see Mozilla Thunderbird 3.0 instellen voor uw e-mailaccount.

How do I set up Mozilla Thunderbird 8.0 for access to my e-mail account?

  1. Open Mozilla Thunderbird. The Mail Account Setup dialog box will open the first time that you open Thunderbird. If the Mail Account Setup dialog box doesn't open, do the following:

    1. On the Tools menu, click Account Settings.
    2. On the Account Settings page, under Account Actions, click Add Mail Account.
  2. In the Mail Account Setup dialog box, do the following:

    1. In the Your Name box, enter the name that you want to appear on the "From" line in your outgoing messages.
    2. In the Email Address box, enter your e-mail address.
    3. In the Password box, enter your password. Click Continue if you're using a Windows computer or click Next if you're using a Mac. Thunderbird will try to find the settings you need to configure for your account.
  3. Click Stop, or wait for Thunderbird to try to find your account settings. You’ll see the message: "Thunderbird failed to find the settings for your email account."

  4. The IMAP check box, next to Incoming, is selected by default and is recommended. In the Server hostname box, enter the name of your incoming server. For information about how to find your incoming (POP3 or IMAP4) server name, see How do I find the server settings? later in this topic.


    Leave the Port option set to Auto. Leave the SSL and Authentication options set to Autodetect.

  5. In the Server hostname text box, next to Outgoing, enter your SMTP server name. For information about how to find your outgoing (SMTP) server name, see How do I find the server settings? later in this topic.


    Leave the Port option set to Auto. Leave the SSL and Authentication options set to Autodetect.

  6. In the Username box, type your complete e-mail address. For example,

  7. Click the Re-test button. If you see the message "The following settings were found by probing the given server,” click Create Account. A page opens that lets you view or change other Thunderbird settings. Click OK when you've finished viewing or changing the settings. If you’re unable to connect, see “What else do I need know?” later in this topic.


    If you're using POP, under Server Settings, it's a good idea to select Leave messages on the server. After you select this check box, a copy of the messages you retrieve to your local computer will be kept on the server. You’ll also be able to access your messages from a different mail application.

How do I find the server settings?

Voordat u een POP3- of IMAP4-e-mailprogramma kunt instellen, moet u uw eigen POP3-, IMAP4- en SMTP-serverinstellingen opzoeken.

Bekijk deze video voor meer informatie over hoe u de serverinstellingen voor uw POP- of IMAP-e-mailprogramma kunt achterhalen.


Als u de serverinstellingen wilt opzoeken, meldt u zich aan bij uw e-mailaccount via Outlook Web App. Nadat u zich hebt aangemeld, klikt u op Opties > Alle opties weergeven > Account > Mijn account > Instellingen voor POP-, IMAP- en SMTP-toegang. De naam van de POP3-, IMAP4- en SMTP-server en de overige instellingen die u wellicht nodig hebt staan in de lijst op de pagina **Protocolinstellingen **onder POP-instelling of IMAP-instelling en SMTP-instelling.


Als Niet beschikbaar wordt weergegeven naast POP-instelling, IMAP-instelling en SMTP-instelling, is uw account wellicht niet ingesteld om gebruik te maken van POP- of IMAP-e-mailprogramma's. Neem voor meer informatie contact op met de beheerder van uw e-mailaccount.

What else do I need to know?

  • If you don't know whether to use POP3 or IMAP4, consider using IMAP4 because it supports more features.
  • Als u over een e-mailaccount beschikt van een type waarvoor registratie is vereist, moet u dit registreren als u zich voor het eerst aanmeldt op Outlook Web App. Verbinding maken met uw e-mailaccount via POP3 of IMAP4 zal mislukken als u uw account niet via Outlook Web App hebt geregistreerd. Wanneer u bent aangemeld bij uw account, meldt u zich af. Probeer vervolgens verbinding te maken via uw POP3- of IMAP4-programma. Voor meer informatie over hoe u zich moet aanmelden op uw account met Outlook Web App, zie Hoe u zich aanmeldt op uw e-mailaccount via een webbrowser. Zie Veelgestelde vragen: problemen met aanmelden en wachtwoorden als u problemen hebt bij het aanmelden of neem contact op met de beheerder van uw e-mailaccount.
  • If you’re using an incoming POP3 server, you can only synchronize your Inbox folder. If you’re using IMAP4, you can choose the folders that you want Thunderbird to synchronize with the server. Remember that IMAP4 doesn’t support the synchronization of the Contacts and Calendar folders.
  • Thunderbird uses a folder named Sent to store sent items. Exchange and Outlook Web App use a folder named Sent Items. You can synchronize the e-mail items that you’ve sent in Thunderbird with the Sent Items folder on the Exchange server. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. In Thunderbird, in the console tree, select your e-mail account. In the details pane, under Advanced, click Manage Folder Subscriptions. In the Subscribe dialog box, select the Sent Items check box, and then click OK.
    2. In Thunderbird, on the Tools menu, click Account Settings.
    3. In the navigation pane of Account Settings, select Copies & Folders for your e-mail account.
    4. In the details pane, under When sending messages, automatically, select Other. In the drop-down list, select your user name, select Sent Items, and then click OK.

What if I want to know more?