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dtexec Utility

The dtexec command prompt utility is used to configure and execute SQL Server Integration Services packages. The dtexec utility provides access to all the package configuration and execution features, such as parameters, connections, properties, variables, logging, and progress indicators. The dtexec utility lets you load packages from these sources: the Integration Services server, an .ispac project file, a Microsoft SQL Server database, the SSIS Package Store, and the file system.


When you use the version of the dtexec utility that comes with SQL Server 2012 Integration Services (SSIS) to run a SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) or a SQL Server 2008 Integration Services (SSIS) package, Integration Services temporarily upgrades the package to SQL Server 2012 Integration Services (SSIS). However, you cannot use the dtexec utility to save these upgraded changes. For more information about how to permanently upgrade a package to SQL Server 2012 Integration Services (SSIS), see Upgrade Integration Services Packages.

This topic includes the following sections:

Integration Services Server and Project File

When you use dtexec to run packages on the Integration Services server, dtexec calls the catalog.create_execution (SSISDB Database), catalog.set_execution_parameter_value (SSISDB Database) and catalog.start_execution (SSISDB Database) stored procedures to create an execution, set parameter values and start the execution. All execution logs can be seen from the server in the related views or by using standard reports available in SQL Server Management Studio. For more information about the reports, see Reports for the Integration Services Server.

The following is an example of executing a package on the Integration Services server.

DTExec /ISSERVER "\SSISDB\folderB\Integration Services Project17\Package.dtsx" /SERVER "." /Envreference 2 /Par "$Project::ProjectParameter(Int32)";1 /Par "Parameter(Int32)";21 /Par "CM.sqlcldb2.SSIS_repro.InitialCatalog";ssisdb /Par "$ServerOption::SYNCHRONIZED(Boolean)";True  

When you use dtexec to run a package from the .ispac project file, the related options are: /Proj[ect] and /Pack[age] that are used to specify the project path and package stream name. When you convert a project to the project deployment model by running the Integration Services Project Conversion Wizard from SQL Server Management Studio, the wizard generates an .ispac projec file. For more information, see Deploy Projects to Integration Services Server.

You can use dtexec with third-party scheduling tools to schedule packages that are deployed to the Integration Services server.

Installation Considerations on 64-bit Computers

On a 64-bit computer, Integration Services installs a 64-bit version of the dtexec utility (dtexec.exe). If you have to run certain packages in 32-bit mode, you will have to install the 32-bit version of the dtexec utility. To install the 32-bit version of the dtexec utility, you must select either Client Tools or SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) during setup.

By default, a 64-bit computer that has both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of an Integration Services command prompt utility installed will run the 32-bit version at the command prompt. The 32-bit version runs because the directory path for the 32-bit version appears in the PATH environment variable before the directory path for the 64-bit version. (Typically, the 32-bit directory path is <drive>:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn, while the 64-bit directory path is <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn.)


If you use SQL Server Agent to run the utility, SQL Server Agent automatically uses the 64-bit version of the utility. SQL Server Agent uses the registry, not the PATH environment variable, to locate the correct executable for the utility.

To ensure that you run the 64-bit version of the utility at the command prompt, you can take one of the following actions:

  • Open a Command Prompt window, change to the directory that contains the 64-bit version of the utility (<drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn), and then run the utility from that location.

  • At the command prompt, run the utility by entering the full path (<drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn) to the 64-bit version of the utility.

  • Permanently change the order of the paths in the PATH environment variable by placing the 64-bit path (<drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn) before the 32-bit path (<drive>:\ Program Files(x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn) in the variable.

Considerations on Computers with Side-by-Side Installations

When SQL Server 2014 Integration Services (SSIS) is installed on a machine that has SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) or SQL Server 2008 Integration Services (SSIS) installed, multiple versions of the dtexec utility are installed.

To ensure that you run the correct version of the utility, at the command prompt run the utility by entering the full path (<drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\<version>\DTS\Binn).

Phases of Execution

The utility has four phases that it proceeds through as it executes. The phases are as follows:

  1. Command sourcing phase: The command prompt reads the list of options and arguments that have been specified. All subsequent phases are skipped if a /? or /HELP option is encountered.

  2. Package load phase: The package specified by the /SQL, /FILE, or /DTS option is loaded.

  3. Configuration phase: Options are processed in this order:

    • Options that set package flags, variables, and properties.

    • Options that verify the package version and build.

    • Options that configure the run-time behavior of the utility, such as reporting.

  4. Validation and execution phase: The package is run, or validated without running if the /VALIDATE option was specified.

Exit Codes Returned

Exit codes returned from dtexec utility

When a package runs, dtexec can return an exit code. The exit code is used to populate the ERRORLEVEL variable, the value of which can then be tested in conditional statements or branching logic within a batch file. The following table lists the values that the dtexec utility can set when exiting.

Value Description
0 The package executed successfully.
1 The package failed.
3 The package was canceled by the user.
4 The utility was unable to locate the requested package. The package could not be found.
5 The utility was unable to load the requested package. The package could not be loaded.
6 The utility encountered an internal error of syntactic or semantic errors in the command line.

Syntax Rules

Utility syntax rules

All options must start with a slash (/) or a minus sign (-). The options that are shown here start with a slash (/), but the minus sign (-) can be substituted.

An argument must be enclosed in quotation marks if it contains a space. If the argument is not enclosed in quotation marks, the argument cannot contain white space.

Doubled quotation marks within quoted strings represent escaped single quotation marks.

Options and arguments are not case-sensitive, except for passwords.

Using dtexec from the xp_cmdshell

Using dtexec from the xp_cmdshell

You can run dtexec from the xp_cmdshell prompt. The following example shows how to run a package called UpsertData.dtsx and ignore the return code:

EXEC xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /f "C:\UpsertData.dtsx"'  

The following example shows how to run the same package and capture the return code:

DECLARE @returncode int  
EXEC @returncode = xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /f "C:\UpsertData.dtsx"'  


In MicrosoftSQL Server, the xp_cmdshell option is disabled by default on new installations. The option can be enabled by running the sp_configure system stored procedure. For more information, see xp_cmdshell Server Configuration Option.


dtexec /option [value] [/option [value]]...  


  • /? [option_name]: Optional. Displays the command prompt options, or displays help for the specified option_name and then closes the utility.

    If you specify an option_name argument, dtexec starts SQL Server Books Online and displays the dtexec Utility topic.

  • /Ca[llerInfo]:
    Optional. Specifies additional information for a package execution. When you run a package using SQL Server Agent, agent sets this argument to indicate that the package execution is invoked by SQL Server Agent. This parameter is ignored when the dtexec utility is run from the command line.

  • /CheckF[ile] filespec:
    Optional. Sets the CheckpointFileName property on the package to the path and file spemandcified in filespec. This file is used when the package restarts. If this option is specified and no value is supplied for the file name, the CheckpointFileName for the package is set to an empty string. If this option is not specified, the values in the package are retained.

  • /CheckP[ointing] {on\off}:
    Optional. Sets a value that determines whether the package will use checkpoints during package execution. The value on specifies that a failed package is to be rerun. When the failed package is rerun, the run-time engine uses the checkpoint file to restart the package from the point of failure.

    The default value is on if the option is declared without a value. Package execution will fail if the value is set to on and the checkpoint file cannot be found. If this option is not specified, the value set in the package is retained. For more information, see Restart Packages by Using Checkpoints.

    The /CheckPointing on option of dtexec is equivalent to setting the SaveCheckpoints property of the package to True, and the CheckpointUsage property to Always.

  • /Com[mandFile] filespec:
    (Optional). Specifies the command options that run with dtexec. The file specified in filespec is opened and options from the file are read until EOF is found in the file. filespec is a text file. The filespec argument specifies the file name and path of the command file to associate with the execution of the package.

  • /Conf[igFile] filespec: Optional. Specifies a configuration file to extract values from. Using this option, you can set a run-time configuration that differs from the configuration that was specified at design time for the package. You can store different configuration settings in an XML configuration file and then load the settings before package execution by using the /ConfigFile option.

    You can use the /ConfigFile option to load additional configurations at run time that you did not specify at design time. However, you cannot use the /ConfigFile option to replace configured values that you also specified at design time. To understand how package configurations are applied, see Package Configurations.

  • /Conn[ection] id_or_name;connection_string [[;id_or_name;connection_string]...]:
    Optional. Specifies that the connection manager with the specified name or GUID is located in the package, and specifies a connection string.

    This option requires that both parameters be specified: the connection manager name or GUID must be provided in the id_or_name argument, and a valid connection string must be specified in the connection_string argument. For more information, see Integration Services (SSIS) Connections.

    At run time, you can use the /Connection option to load package configurations from a location other than the location that you specified at design time. The values of these configurations then replace the values that were originally specified. However you can use the /Connection option only for configurations, such as SQL Server configurations, that use a connection manager. To understand how package configurations are applied, see Package Configurations and Behavior Changes to Integration Services Features in SQL Server 2014.

  • /Cons[oleLog] [[displayoptions];[list_options;src_name_or_guid]...]: Optional. Displays specified log entries to the console during package execution. If this option is omitted, no log entries are shown in the console. If the option is specified without parameters that limit the display, every log entry will display. To limit the entries that are displayed to the console, you can specify the columns to show by using the displayoptions parameter, and limit the log entry types by using the list_options parameter.


    When you run a package on the Integration Services server by using the /ISSERVER parameter, console output is limited and most of the /Cons[oleLog] options are not applicable. All execution logs can be seen from the server in the related views or by using standard reports available in SQL Server Management Studio. For more information about the reports, see Reports for the Integration Services Server.

    The displayoptions values are as follows:

    • N (Name)

    • C (Computer)

    • O (Operator)

    • S (Source Name)

    • G (Source GUID)

    • X (Execution GUID)

    • M (Message)

    • T (Time Start and End)

    The list_options values are as follows:

    • I - Specifies the inclusion list. Only the source names or GUIDs that are specified are logged.

    • E - Specifies the exclusion list. The source names or GUIDs that are specified are not logged.

    • The src_name_or_guid parameter specified for inclusion or exclusion is an event name, source name, or source GUID.

    If you use multiple /ConsoleLog options on the same command prompt, they interact as follows:

    • Their order of appearance has no effect.

    • If no inclusion lists are present on the command line, exclusion lists are applied against all kinds of log entries.

    • If any inclusion lists are present on the command line, exclusion lists are applied against the union of all inclusion lists.

    For examples of the /ConsoleLog option, see the Remarks section.

  • /D[ts] package_path:
    Optional. Loads a package from the SSIS Package Store. Packages that are stored in the SSIS Package Store, are deployed using the legacy package deployment model. To run packages that are deployed to the Integration Services server using the project deployment model, use the /ISServer option. For more information about the package and project deployment models, see Deployment of Projects and Packages.

    The package_path argument specifies the relative path of the SSIS package, starting at the root of the SSIS Package Store, and includes the name of the SSIS package. If the path or file name specified in the package_path argument contains a space, you must put quotation marks around the package_path argument.

    The /DTS option cannot be used together with the /File or /SQL option. If multiple options are specified, dtexec fails.

  • /De[crypt] password: Optional. Sets the decryption password that is used when you load a package with password encryption.

  • /Dump error code:
    Optional Creates the debug dump files, .mdmp and .tmp, when one or more specified events occur while the package is running. The error code argument specifies the type of event code-error, warning, or information-that will trigger the system to create the debug dump files. To specify multiple event codes, separate each error code argument by a semi-colon (;). Do not include quotes with the error code argument.

    The following example generates the debug dump files when the DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER error occurs.

    /Dump 0xC020801C  

    By default, Integration Services stores the debug dump files in the folder, <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Shared\ErrorDumps.


    Debug dump files may contain sensitive information. Use an access control list (ACL) to restrict access to the files, or copy the files to a folder with restricted access. For example, before you send your debug files to Microsoft support services, we recommended that you remove any sensitive or confidential information.

    To apply this option to all packages that the dtexec utility runs, add a DumpOnCodes REG_SZ value to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\110\SSIS\Setup\DtsPath registry key. The data value in DumpOnCodes specifies the error code or codes that will trigger the system to create debug dump files. Multiple error codes must be separated by a semi-colon (;).

    If you add a DumpOnCodes value to the registry key, and use the /Dump option, the system will create debug dump files that are based on both settings.

    For more information about debug dump files, see Generating Dump Files for Package Execution.

  • /DumpOnError:
    Optional. Creates the debug dump files, .mdmp and .tmp, when any error occurs while the package is running.

    By default, Integration Services stores the debug dump files in the folder, <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Shared\ErrorDumps folder.


    Debug dump files may contain sensitive information. Use an access control list (ACL) to restrict access to the files, or copy the files to a folder with restricted access. For example, before you send your debug files to Microsoft support services, we recommended that you remove any sensitive or confidential information.

    To apply this option to all packages that the dtexec utility runs, add a DumpOnError REG_DWORD value to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\110\SSIS\Setup\DtsPath registry key. The value of the DumpOnError REG_DWORD value determines whether the /DumpOnError option needs to be used with the dtexec utility:

    • A non-zero data value indicates that the system will create debug dump files when any error occurs, regardless of whether you use the /DumpOnError option with the dtexec utility.

    • A zero data value indicates that the system will not create the debug dump files unless you use the /DumpOnError option with the dtexec utility.

    For more information about debug dump files, see Generating Dump Files for Package Execution

  • /Env[Reference] environment reference ID:
    Optional. Specifies the environment reference (ID) that is used by the package execution, for a package that is deployed to the Integration Services server. The parameters configured to bind to variables will use the values of the variables that are contained in the environment.

    You use /Env[Reference] option together with the /ISServer and the /Server options.

    This parameter is used by SQL Server Agent.

  • /F[ile] filespec:
    Optional. Loads a package that is saved in the file system. Packages that are saved in the file system, are deployed using the legacy package deployment model. To run packages that are deployed to the Integration Services server using the project deployment model, use the /ISServer option. For more information about the package and project deployment models, see Deployment of Projects and Packages

    The filespec argument specifies the path and file name of the package. You can specify the path as either a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path or a local path. If the path or file name specified in the filespec argument contains a space, you must put quotation marks around the filespec argument.

    The /File option cannot be used together with the /DTS or /SQL option. If multiple options are specified, dtexec fails.

  • /H[elp] [option_name]: Optional. Displays help for the options, or displays help for the specified option_name and closes the utility.

    If you specify an option_name argument, dtexec starts SQL Server Books Online and displays the dtexec Utility topic.

  • /ISServer packagepath:
    Optional. Runs a package that is deployed to the Integration Services server. The PackagePath argument specifies the full path and file name of the package deployed to the Integration Services server. If the path or file name specified in the PackagePath argument contains a space, you must put quotation marks around the PackagePath argument.

    The package format is as follows:

    \<catalog name>\<folder name>\<project name>\package file name  

    You use /Server option together with the /ISSERVER option. Only Windows Authentication can execute a package on the SSIS Server. The current Windows user is used to access the package. If the /Server option is omitted, the default local instance of SQL Server is assumed.

    The /ISSERVER option cannot be used together with the /DTS, /SQL or /File option. If multiple options are specified, dtexec fails.

    This parameter is used by SQL Server Agent.

  • /L[ogger] classid_orprogid;configstring:
    Optional. Associates one or more log providers with the execution of an SSIS package. The classid_orprogid parameter specifies the log provider, and can be specified as a class GUID. The configstring is the string that is used to configure the log provider.

    The following list shows the available log providers:

    • Text file:

      • ProgID: DTS.LogProviderTextFile.1

      • ClassID: {59B2C6A5-663F-4C20-8863-C83F9B72E2EB}

    • SQL Server Profiler:

      • ProgID: DTS.LogProviderSQLProfiler.1

      • ClassID: {5C0B8D21-E9AA-462E-BA34-30FF5F7A42A1}

    • SQL Server:

      • ProgID: DTS.LogProviderSQLServer.1

      • ClassID: {6AA833A1-E4B2-4431-831B-DE695049DC61}

    • Windows Event Log:

      • ProgID: DTS.LogProviderEventLog.1

      • ClassID: {97634F75-1DC7-4F1F-8A4C-DAF0E13AAA22}

    • XML File:

      • ProgID: DTS.LogProviderXMLFile.1

      • ClassID: {AFED6884-619C-484F-9A09-F42D56E1A7EA}

  • /M[axConcurrent] concurrent_executables:
    Optional. Specifies the number of executable files that the package can run concurrently. The value specified must be either a non-negative integer, or -1. A value of -1 means that SSIS will allow a maximum number of concurrently running executables that is equal to the total number of processors on the computer executing the package, plus two.

  • /Pack[age] PackageName:
    Optional. Specifies the package that is executed. This parameter is used primarily when you execute the package from Visual Studio.

  • /P[assword] password:
    Optional. Allows the retrieval of a package that is protected by SQL Server Authentication. This option is used together with the /User option. If the /Password option is omitted and the /User option is used, a blank password is used. The password value may be quoted.


    When possible, use Windows authentication.

  • /Par[ameter] [$Package:: | $Project:: | $ServerOption::] parameter_name [(data_type)]; literal_value: Optional. Specifies parameter values. Multiple /Parameter options can be specified. The data types are CLR TypeCodes as strings. For a non-string parameter, the data type is specified in parenthesis, following the parameter name.

    The /Parameter option can be used only with the /ISServer option.

    You use the $Package, $Project, and $ServerOption prefixes to indicate a package parameter, project parameter, and a server option parameter, respectively. The default parameter type is package.

    The following is an example of executing a package and providing myvalue for the project parameter (myparam) and the integer value 12 for the package parameter (anotherparam).

    Dtexec /isserver "SSISDB\MyFolder\MyProject\MyPackage.dtsx" /server "." /parameter $Project::myparam;myvalue /parameter anotherparam(int32);12

    You can also set connection manager properties by using parameters. You use the CM prefix to denote a connection manager parameter.

    In the following example, InitialCatalog property of the SourceServer connection manager is set to ssisdb.

    /parameter CM.SourceServer.InitialCatalog;ssisdb  

    In the following example, ServerName property of the SourceServer connection manager is set to a period (.) to indicate the local server.

    /parameter CM.SourceServer.ServerName;.  
  • /Proj[ect] ProjectFile:
    Optional. Specifies the project from which to retrieve the package that is executed. The ProjectFile argument specifies the .ispac file name. This parameter is used primarily when you execute the package from Visual Studio.

  • /Rem comment:
    Optional. Includes comments on the command prompt or in command files. The argument is optional. The value of comment is a string that must be enclosed in quotation marks, or contain no white space. If no argument is specified, a blank line is inserted. comment values are discarded during the command sourcing phase.

  • /Rep[orting] level [;event_guid_or_name[;event_guid_or_name[...]]: Optional. Specifies what types of messages to report. The available reporting options for level are as follows:

    N No reporting.

    E Errors are reported.

    W Warnings are reported.

    I Informational messages are reported.

    C Custom events are reported.

    D Data Flow task events are reported.

    P Progress is reported.

    V Verbose reporting.

    The arguments of V and N are mutually exclusive to all other arguments; they must be specified alone. If the /Reporting option is not specified then the default level is E (errors), W (warnings), and P (progress).

    All events are preceded with a timestamp in the format "YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS", and a GUID or friendly name if available.

    The optional parameter event_guid_or_name is a list of exceptions to the log providers. The exception specifies the events that are not logged that otherwise might have been logged.

    You do not have to exclude an event if the event is not ordinarily logged by default

  • /Res[tart] {deny | force | ifPossible}: Optional. Specifies a new value for the CheckpointUsage property on the package. The meaning of the parameters are as follows:

    Deny Sets CheckpointUsage property to DTSCU_NEVER.

    Force Sets CheckpointUsage property to DTSCU_ALWAYS.

    ifPossible Sets CheckpointUsage property to DTSCU_IFEXISTS.

    The default value of force is used if no value is specified.

  • /Set [$Sensitive::]propertyPath;value: Optional. Overrides the configuration of a parameter, variable, property, container, log provider, Foreach enumerator, or connection within a package. When this option is used, /Set changes the propertyPath argument to the value specified. Multiple /Set options can be specified.

    In addition to using the /Set option with the /F[ile] option, you can also use the /Set option with the /ISServer option or the /Project option. When you use /Set with /Project, /Set sets parameter values. When you use /Set with /ISServer, /Set sets property overrides. In addition, when you use /Set with /ISServer, you can use the optional $Sensitive prefix to indicate that the property should be treated as sensitive on the Integration Services server.

    You can determine the value of propertyPath by running the Package Configuration Wizard. The paths for items that you select are displayed on the final Completing the Wizard page, and can be copied and pasted. If you have used the wizard only for this purpose, you can cancel the wizard after you copy the paths.

    The following is an example of executing a package that is saved in the file system and providing a new value for a variable:

    dtexec /f mypackage.dtsx /set \package.variables[myvariable].Value;myvalue

    The following example of running a package from the .ispac project file and setting package and project parameters.

    /Project c:\project.ispac /Package Package1.dtsx /SET \Package.Variables[$Package::Parameter];1 /SET \Package.Variables[$Project::Parameter];1

    You can use the /Set option to change the location from which package configurations are loaded. However, you cannot use the /Set option to override a value that was specified by a configuration at design time. To understand how package configurations are applied, see Package Configurations and Behavior Changes to Integration Services Features in SQL Server 2014.

  • /Ser[ver] server:
    Optional. When the /SQL or /DTS option is specified, this option specifies the name of the server from which to retrieve the package. If you omit the /Server option and the /SQL or /DTS option is specified, package execution is tried against the local server. The server_instance value may be quoted.

    The /Ser[ver] option is required when the /ISServer option is specified.

  • /SQ[L] package_path:
    Loads a package that is stored in SQL Server, in msdb database. Packages that are stored in the msdb database, are deployed using the package deployment model. To run packages that are deployed to the Integration Services server using the project deployment model, use the /ISServer option. For more information about the package and project deployment models, see Deployment of Projects and Packages.

    The package_path argument specifies the name of the package to retrieve. If folders are included in the path, they are terminated with backslashes ("\"). The package_path value can be quoted. If the path or file name specified in the package_path argument contains a space, you must put quotation marks around the package_path argument.

    You can use the /User, /Password, and /Server options together with the /SQL option.

    If you omit the /User option, Windows Authentication is used to access the package. If you use the /User option, the /User login name specified is associated with SQL Server Authentication.

    The /Password option is used only together with the /User option. If you use the /Password option, the package is accessed with the user name and password information provided. If you omit the /Password option, a blank password is used.


    When possible, use Windows authentication.

    If the /Server option is omitted, the default local instance of SQL Server is assumed.

    The /SQL option cannot be used together with the /DTS or /File option. If multiple options are specified, dtexec fails.

  • /Su[m]: Optional. Shows an incremental counter that contains the number of rows that will be received by the next component.

  • /U[ser] user_name:
    Optional. Allows the retrieval of a package that is protected by SQL Server Authentication. This option is used only when the /SQL option is specified. The user_name value can be quoted.


    When possible, use Windows authentication.

  • /Va[lidate]:
    Optional. Stops the execution of the package after the validatation phase, without actually running the package. During validation, use of the /WarnAsError option causes dtexec to treat a warning as an error; therefore the package fails if a warning occurs during validation.

  • /VerifyB[uild] major[;minor[;build]]: Optional. Verifies the build number of a package against the build numbers that were specified during the verification phase in the major, minor, and build arguments. If a mismatch occurs, the package will not execute.

    The values are long integers. The argument can have one of three forms, with a value for major always required:

    • major

    • major;minor

    • major; minor; build

  • /VerifyP[ackageID] packageID:
    Optional. Verifies the GUID of the package to be executed by comparing it to the value specified in the package_id argument.

  • /VerifyS[igned]:
    Optional. Causes Integration Services to check the digital signature of the package. If the package is not signed or the signature is not valid, the package fails. For more information, see Identify the Source of Packages with Digital Signatures.


    When configured to check the signature of the package, Integration Services only checks whether the digital signature is present, is valid, and is from a trusted source. Integration Services does not check whether the package has been changed.


    The optional BlockedSignatureStates registry value can specify a setting that is more restrictive than the digital signature option set in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) or at the dtexec command line. In this situation, the more restrictive registry setting overrides the other settings.

  • /VerifyV[ersionID] versionID: Optional. Verifies the version GUID of a package to be executed by comparing it to the value specified in the version_id argument during package Validation Phase.

  • /VLog [Filespec]: Optional. Writes all Integration Services package events to the log providers that were enabled when the package was designed. To have Integration Services enable a log provider for text files and write log events to a specified text file, include a path and file name as the Filespec parameter.

    If you do not include the Filespec parameter, Integration Services will not enable a log provider for text files. Integration Services will only write log events to the log providers that were enabled when the package was designed.

  • /W[arnAsError]:
    Optional. Causes the package to consider a warning as an error; therefore, the package will fail if a warning occurs during validation. If no warnings occur during validation and the /Validate option is not specified, the package is executed.

  • /X86: Optional. Causes SQL Server Agent to run the package in 32-bit mode on a 64-bit computer. This option is set by SQL Server Agent when the following conditions are true:

    • The job step type is SQL Server Integration Services package.

    • The Use 32 bit runtime option on the Execution options tab of the New Job Step dialog box is selected.

    You can also set this option for a SQL Server Agent job step by using stored procedures or SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) to programmatically create the job.

    This option is only used by SQL Server Agent. This option is ignored if you run the dtexec utility at the command prompt.


The order in which you specify command options can influence the way in which the package executes:

  • Options are processed in the order they are encountered on the command line. Command files are read in as they are encountered on the command line. The commands in the command file are also processed in the order they are encountered.

  • If the same option, parameter, or variable appears in the same command line statement more than one time, the last instance of the option takes precedence.

  • /Set and /ConfigFile options are processed in the order they are encountered.


The following examples demonstrate how to use the dtexec command prompt utility to configure and execute SQL Server Integration Services packages.

Running Packages

To execute an SSIS package saved to SQL Server using Windows Authentication, use the following code:

dtexec /sq pkgOne /ser productionServer  

To execute an SSIS package saved to the File System folder in the SSIS Package Store, use the following code:

dtexec /dts "\File System\MyPackage"  

To validate a package that uses Windows Authentication and is saved in SQL Server without executing the package, use the following code:

dtexec /sq pkgOne /ser productionServer /va  

To execute an SSIS package that is saved in the file system, use the following code:

dtexec /f "c:\pkgOne.dtsx"   

To execute an SSIS package that is saved in the file system, and specify logging options, use the following code:

dtexec /f "c:\pkgOne.dtsx" /l "DTS.LogProviderTextFile;c:\log.txt"  

To execute a package that uses Windows Authentication and is saved to the default local instance of SQL Server, and verify the version before it is executed, use the following code:

dtexec /sq pkgOne /verifyv {c200e360-38c5-11c5-11ce-ae62-08002b2b79ef}  

To execute an SSIS package that is saved in the file system and configured externally, use the following code:

dtexec /f "c:\pkgOne.dtsx" /conf "c:\pkgOneConfig.cfg"  


The package_path or filespec arguments of the /SQL, /DTS, or /FILE options must be enclosed in quotation marks if the path or file name contains a space. If the argument is not enclosed in quotation marks, the argument cannot contain white space.

Logging Option

If there are three log entry types of A, B, and C, the following ConsoleLog option without a parameter displays all three log types with all fields:


The following option displays all log types, but with the Name and Message columns only:


The following option displays all columns, but only for log entry type A:


The following option displays only log entry type A, with Name and Message columns:


The following option displays log entries for log entry types A and B:

/CONSOLELOG I;LogEntryTypeA;LogEntryTypeB  

You can achieve the same results by using multiple ConsoleLog options:


If the ConsoleLog option is used without parameters, all fields are displayed. The inclusion of a list_options parameter causes the following to displays only log entry type A, with all fields:


The following displays all log entries except log entry type A: that is, it displays log entry types B and C:


The following example achieves the same results by using multiple ConsoleLog options and a single exclusion:

/CONSOLELOG E;LogEntryTypeA;LogEntryTypeA  

The following example displays no log messages, because when a log file type is found in both the included and excluded lists, it will be excluded.


SET Option

The following example shows how to use the /SET option, which lets you change the value of any package property or variable when you start the package from the command line.

/SET \package\DataFlowTask.Variables[User::MyVariable].Value;newValue  

Project Option

The following example shows how to use the /Project and the /Package option.

/Project c:\project.ispac /Package Package1.dtsx  

The following example shows how to use the /Project and /Package options, and set package and project parameters.

/Project c:\project.ispac /Package Package1.dtsx /SET \Package.Variables[$Package::Parameter];1 /SET \Package.Variables[$Project::Parameter];1  

ISServer Option

The following example shows how to use the /ISServer option.

dtexec /isserver "\SSISDB\MyFolder\MyProject\MyPackage.dtsx" /server "."  

The following example shows how to use the /ISServer option and set project and connection manager parameters.

/Server localhost /ISServer "\SSISDB\MyFolder\Integration Services Project1\Package.dtsx" /Par "$Project::ProjectParameter(Int32)";1 /Par "CM.SourceServer.InitialCatalog";SourceDB  

Run a Package in SQL Server Data Tools

Blog entry, Exit Codes, DTEXEC, and SSIS Catalog, on