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RSReportServer Configuration File

The RSReportServer.config file stores settings that are used by the Report Server Web service and Report Server Windows service for report server connections, multi-instance or scale-out configurations, session and cache management, services, subscription and delivery, and report execution (rendering, data processing, and event processing).

File Location

This file is located in the \Reporting Services\ReportServer folder.

Editing Guidelines

You can use the Reporting Services Configuration tool or rsconfig utility to modify encrypted connection and user account values. You can use a text editor to modify settings that are not encrypted. For more information about modifying configuration settings, see Reporting Services Configuration Files.

Specific instructions for editing configuration files are available if you are customizing rendering extension settings, deploying the Microsoft .NET Data Provider for mySAP Business Suite used to process SAP data in a Reporting Services installation, or registering a new data processing extension after a Service Pack upgrade. For more information, see Specifying Rendering Extension Parameters in Configuration Files and Configuring Reporting Services to Use the Microsoft .NET Framework Data Provider for mySAP Business Suite. To register the Microsoft .NET Data Provider for SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence, see Configuring Reporting Services to Use the Microsoft .NET Framework Data Provider 1.0 for SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence.

Configuration Settings

The following table provides information about specific settings. Settings are presented in the order in which they appear in the configuration file.

Setting Description

Dsn, LogonUser, LogonDomain, LogonCred

Specifies encrypted values used internally by a report server to connect to a report server database. Values for LogonUser, LogonDomain, and LogonCred are created when the report server connection is configured to use a domain account. For more information about a report server database connection, see Configuring a Report Server Database Connection.


Specifies the type of credentials that the report server uses to connect to the report server database. Valid values are Default and Impersonate. Default is specified if the report server is configured to use a SQL Server login or the service account to connect to the report server database. Impersonate is specified if the report server uses a Windows account to connect to the report server database.


An identifier for the report server instance. Report server instancing is based on SQL Server instancing. This value specifies a SQL Server instance name. By default, this value is MSSQL.n. Do not modify this setting.


An identifier for the report server installation that Setup creates. This value is set to a GUID.


Specifies the degree of security of the Web service connection. Valid values range from 0 through 3, where 0 is least secure. For more information, see Using Secure Web Service Methods and Configuring a Report Server for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Connections.


Specifies whether the ASP.NET worker process is recycled when severe errors occur. Valid values include 0 (default) and 1. Specify 0 to allow recycling.


Specifies the number of minutes after which old sessions and expired snapshots are removed from the report server databases. Valid values range from 0 to maximum integer. The default is 10. Setting the value to 0 disables the database clean up the process.


This setting is not used.


Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous and in-progress connections that a single user can open to the report server. Once the limit is reached, further connection requests from the user are denied. This configuration setting is intended to mitigate a denial of service attack. Valid values are 0 to a maximum integer. The default is 20.

Note that most requests process very quickly so it is unlikely that a single user will have more than 20 open connections at any given time. If users are opening more than 15 process-intensive reports at the same time, you might need to increase this value.

This setting is ignored for report servers that run in SharePoint integrated mode. For more information about server modes, see Deployment Modes for Reporting Services.


Specifies the number of seconds after which a connection to the report server database times out. This value is passed to the System.Data.SQLClient.SQLCommand.CommandTimeout property. Valid values range from 0 to maximum integer. The default is 120. Setting the value to 0 is not recommended; it specifies an unlimited wait time.


Specifies how often orphaned and expired requests are canceled. This value is specified in seconds. Valid values range from 0 to maximum integer. The default is 60.


Specifies how often the report server evaluates running jobs to check whether they have exceeded report execution time outs, and when to present running job information in the Manage Jobs page of Report Manager. This value is specified in seconds. Valid values range from 0 to maximum integer. The default is 60.


Specifies an interval in seconds after which the status of a running job changes from new to running. A running job is stored in the report server temporary database or on the file system, depending on your configuration. Valid values range from 0 to maximum integer. The default is 30.


Specifies the number of seconds the Report Server Windows service waits for a schedule to be updated by SQL Server Agent service when Next Run Time is requested. Valid values range from 0 to maximum integer. The default is 5.


Indicates whether a link to the Microsoft Help and Support site is displayed when errors occur. This link appears in error messages. Users can link to the site to view updated error message content. Valid values include True (default) and False.


Specifies whether to store cached reports and temporary snapshots (created by the Report Server Web service for the duration of a user session) on the file system. Valid values are True and False (default). If the value is set to false, temporary data is stored in the reportservertempdb database.


Specifies how much information is logged for error conditions that are reported to Microsoft.


Do not modify this setting.


Do not modify this setting.


Specifies whether a thread is dedicated to ensuring that schedules in the report server database match those in the SQL Server Agent database. Valid values include True (default) and False.

This setting is affected when you enable or disable Reporting Services features in the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tool. For more information, see Starting and Stopping the Report Server Windows Service.


Specifies whether the report server dedicates a thread to polling the notification table in the report server database to determine if there are pending notifications. Valid values include True (default) and False.

This setting is affected when you enable or disable Reporting Services features in the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tool. For more information, see Starting and Stopping the Report Server Windows Service.


Specifies whether service processes events in the event queue. Valid values include True (default) and False.

This setting is affected when you enable or disable Reporting Services features in the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tool. For more information, see Starting and Stopping the Report Server Windows Service.


Specifies the interval, in seconds, between polls of the event table by the report server. Valid values range from 0 to maximum integer. The default is 10.


Specifies whether to store cached reports and temporary snapshots (created by the Report Server Windows service for the duration of a user session) on the file system. Valid values are True and False (default). If the value is set to false, temporary data is stored in the reportservertempdb database.


For the Report Server Windows service, specifies a memory threshold after which no new processing requests are accepted. Requests that are currently in progress are allowed to continue.

This value is expressed as a percentage of available memory. Valid values range from 0 to maximum integer. The default is 60.

For more information about memory limits and application domain recycling, see Configuring Available Memory for Reporting Services and Report and Snapshot Size Limits.


Specifies a recycle time for the application domain, measured in minutes. Valid values range from 0 to maximum integer. The default is 720.


For the Report Server Windows service, specifies that the application domain be recycled when report server memory consumption reaches a certain percentage of available memory.

This value is the percentage of available memory that can be used while recycling. The default value is 80. This value should be greater than the value set for MemoryLimit.


Specifies a wait time during which the application domain is allowed to unload during a recycle operation. If recycling does not complete during this time period, all processing is stopped and the application domain is immediately restarted.

This value is specified in minutes. Valid values range from 0 to maximum integer. The default is 30.


Specifies the number of threads used by the Report Server Windows service to process subscriptions and notifications simultaneously on the report server. Valid values range from 0 to maximum integer. The default is 0. If you choose 0, the report server determines the maximum number of threads. If you specify an integer, the value you specify sets the upper limit on threads that can be created at one time. For more information about how the Report Server Windows service manages memory for running processes, see Configuring Available Memory for Reporting Services.


Used by delivery extensions to compose the URL used to access items stored on the report server. This value is specified during setup or through the Reporting Services Configuration tool if you configured the report server after Setup. The value must be a valid URL address.


Specifies a user name, password, and domain used by the report server to run a report in unattended mode. These values are encrypted. Use the Reporting Services Configuration tool or the rsconfig utility to set these values. For more information, see Configuring an Account for Unattended Report Processing.


Specifies the security policy configuration file. The valid value is Rssrvrpolicy.config. For more information, see Using Reporting Services Security Policy Files.


Specifies the account used to run the Report Server Web service. It is used to confirm the identity of the Report Server Web service when performing data encryption operations.


Specifies whether the Report Server Web service responds to SOAP and URL access requests. This value is set when you enable or disable service in the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tool.


Specifies a single folder on the file system for storing temporary snapshots. Although you can specify the folder path as a UNC path, doing so is not recommended. The default value is c:\program files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.x\Reporting Services\RSTempFiles.


Specifies default (and possibly custom) delivery extensions used to distribute reports through subscriptions.

Extension Name

Specifies the delivery extensions that are available to the report server. Reporting Services includes default delivery extensions for Report Server Fileshare, Report Server Email, NULL delivery provider, and SharePoint Delivery.

Report Server Email requires additional configuration before it can be used. The NULL delivery provider is supported for data-driven subscriptions only. SharePoint delivery is available only when you configure a report server for SharePoint integrated mode; you can ignore it if the report server runs in native mode. For more information about server modes, see Deployment Modes for Reporting Services. For more information about delivery extensions, see Delivering Reports Through Subscriptions.


Specifies the number of times a report server will retry a delivery. The default value is 3.


Specifies the interval of time between each retry attempt. The default value is 900.


Specifies settings for subscription-based file share delivery. For more information, see File Share Delivery in Reporting Services. For more information about the ExcludedRenderFormats and RenderingExtension settings used for file share delivery configuration, see the report server e-mail configuration settings further on in this table.


Specifies settings for subscription-based e-mail delivery. For more information, see Configuring a Report Server for E-Mail Delivery.


Specifies a string value indicating the address of a remote SMTP server or forwarder. This value is required for remote SMTP service. It can be an IP address, a UNC name of a computer on your corporate intranet, or a fully qualified domain name.


Specifies an integer value indicating the port on which the SMTP service uses to send outbound mail. Port 25 is typically used to send e-mail.


Contains a string value that assigns Microsoft Outlook Express account name. You can set this value if your SMTP server is configured to use it in some way; otherwise you can leave it blank. Use From to specify an e-mail account used to send reports.


Specifies an integer value indicating the number of seconds to wait for a valid socket connection with the SMTP service before timing out. The default is 30 seconds, but this value is ignored if SendUsing is set to 2.


Specifies a string value indicating the pickup directory for the local SMTP service. This value must be a fully qualified local folder path (for example, d:\rs-emails).


Specifies a Boolean value that can be set to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) when sending an SMTP message over the network. The default value is 0 (or false). This setting can be used when the SendUsing element is set to 2.


Specifies which method to use for sending messages. Valid values include the following:

1=Sends a message from the local SMTP service pickup directory.

2=Sends the message from the network SMTP service.


Specifies an integer value that indicates the kind of authentication to use when sending messages to an SMTP service over a TCP/IP connection. Valid values include the following:

0=No authentication.

1= (not supported).

2= NTLM (NT LanMan) authentication. The security context of the Report Server Windows service is used to connect to the network SMTP server.


Specifies an e-mail address from which reports are sent in the format The address appears on the From line of an outgoing e-mail message. This value is required if you are using a remote SMTP server. It should be a valid e-mail account that has permission to send mail.


Specifies the rendering format used to encapsulate a report within the body of an e-mail message. Images within the report are subsequently embedded within the report. Valid values are MHTML and HTML4.0.


Specifies rendering formats that a user can select from for a report subscription when subscribing is enabled through the "Manage all subscriptions" task. If this value is not set, all render formats that are not purposely excluded are available to use.


Purposely excludes formats that do not work well with a given delivery extension. By default, HTMLOWC, RGDI, and Null delivery extensions are excluded for e-mail delivery and file share delivery. You cannot exclude multiple instances of the same rendering extension. Excluding multiple instances will result in an error when the report server reads the configuration file.


This value works with DefaultHostName.

When SendEmailToUserAlias is set to true, users who define individual subscriptions are automatically specified as recipients of the report. The To field is hidden. If this value is false, the To field is visible. Set this value to true if you want maximum control over report distribution. Valid values include the following:

True=The e-mail address of the user creating the subscription is used. This is the default value.

False=Any e-mail address can be specified.


This value works with SendEmailToUserAlias.

Specifies a string value indicating the host name to append to the user alias when the SendEmailToUserAlias is set to true. This value can be a Domain Name System (DNS) name or IP address.


Limits report distribution by explicitly specifying which hosts can receive e-mail delivery. Within PermittedHosts, each host is specified as a HostName element, where the value is either an IP address or a DNS name.

Only e-mail accounts defined for the host are valid recipients. If you specified DefaultHostName, be sure to include that host as HostName element of PermittedHosts. This value must be one or more DNS names or IP addresses. By default, this value is not set. If the value is not set, there are no restrictions on who can receive e-mailed reports.


Specifies the NULL delivery provider, used to preload the cache. For more information, see Report Caching in Reporting Services.


Specifies default (and possibly custom) rendering extensions used in report presentation. Default rendering extensions include NULL, XML, CSV, IMAGE, PDF, RDGI, HTML4.0, HTML3.2, MHTML, and EXCEL.


Specifies default (and possibly custom) data processing extensions used to process queries. Default data processing extensions include SQL, OLEDB, OLEDB-MD, ORACLE, ODBC, and XML.

Semantic Query

Specifies semantic query processing extension used to process report models. Query processing is not extensible. The semantic query processing extensions included with Reporting Services provide support for SQL Server relational data and Analysis Services multidimensional data.


Specifies default and custom authentication extensions used to support authentication. Default custom authentication extensions include Windows. For more information, see Implementing a Security Extension.


Specifies default event handlers. You cannot create custom event handlers in this release.

See Also


Configuring Available Memory for Reporting Services
Customizing Style Sheets for HTML Viewer and Report Manager
Reporting Services Configuration Files
Initializing a Report Server
Storing Encrypted Report Server Data
Reporting Services Configuration Tool

Other Resources

rsconfig Utility

Help and Information

Getting SQL Server 2005 Assistance

Change History

Release History

12 December 2006

Changed content:
  • MaxActiveReqForOneUser
  • Extension Name

17 July 2006

Changed content:
  • Corrected the description for MaxQueueThreads.

14 April 2006

New content:
  • ExcludedRenderFormats
Changed content:
  • Dsn, LogonUser, LogonDomain, LogonCred