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Define Currency Conversion (Business Intelligence Wizard) (SSAS)

Use the Define Currency Conversion page to review the Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) script that contains the currency conversion functionality generated by the Business Intelligence Wizard. You can then use this wizard-generated MDX script to either overwrite or append the previously-defined currency conversion functionality in the cube's MDX script.


This page will appear only if the Business Intelligence Wizard detects at least one previously-defined currency conversion in the MDX script for the cube. In the MDX script for a cube, currency conversions are framed with the following comments: //<Currency conversion> ... [MDX statements for the currency conversion] ... //</Currency conversion> If you change or remove these comments, the Business Intelligence Wizard may not be able to detect any previously-defined currency conversion.


  • New currency conversion script
    Displays the MDX script generated by the current Business Intelligence Wizard session.
  • Overwrite existing currency conversion script
    Select to overwrite the MDX script displayed in Existing currency conversion script with the MDX script displayed in New currency conversion script.
  • Append after
    Select to append the MDX script displayed in New currency conversion script to the end of the MDX script displayed in Existing currency conversion script. The appended script appears as a new section.
  • Existing currency conversion script
    Select the section of the existing MDX script that contains the previously-defined currency conversion functionality to be overwritten or appended.

See Also


Business Intelligence Wizard F1 Help (SSAS)
Cube Designer (SSAS)
Dimension Designer (SSAS)

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