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Report Model Designer Wizard F1 Help

Use the Report Model Wizard to create a report model. A report model is a description of the metadata from a data source, including a description of the relationships between items within the data source. Report models are built using the Report Model Wizard and used in Report Builder to create ad hoc reports. To launch the wizard, right-click Report Models in Solution Explorer and then click Add New Report Model.

In this Section

Topic Description

Welcome to the Report Model Wizard [Model Designer]

Describes the welcome page of the Report Model Wizard.

Select Data Source View [Model Designer]

Describes the Select Data Source View page of the Report Model Wizard.

Select Item Autogeneration [Model Designer]

Describes the Select Item Autogeneration page of the Report Model Wizard.

Select Report Model Generation Rules [Model Designer]

Describes the Select Report Model Generation Rules page of the Report Model Wizard.

Update Statistics [Model Designer]

Describes the Update Statistics page of the Report Model Wizard.

Completing the Wizard [Model Designer]

Describes the Completing the Wizard page of the Report Model Wizard.

See Also


Select Data Source View [Model Designer]


Model Designer F1 Help

Other Resources

Working with Model Designer
Model Designer How-to Topics

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