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Supported SQL Server and SSIS Data Types for DQS Domains

There are many data types in SQL Server and SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), but only four data types for DQS domains: Date, Decimal, Integer, and String. Not all SQL Server and SSIS data types are supported in DQS. You can map your source data to a DQS domain for performing data-quality activities only if the source data type is supported in DQS, and matches with the DQS domain data type. This topic provides information about the SQL Server and SSIS data types that are supported, and available for mapping to each of the four domain data types in DQS.


In .xlsx and .xls files, the data type of the source column is determined by the most prevalent data type in the first eight rows. If a cell does not conform to that data type, it will be given a null value. Similarly, in .csv files, the data type of the source column is determined by the most prevalent data type in the first eight rows.

In This Topic

  • Supported SQL Server Data Types

  • Supported SSIS Data Types

Supported SQL Server Data Types

The following table provides information about the SQL Server data types supported for each DQS domain data type:

DQS Domain Data Type

Supported SQL Server Data Type




  • decimal

  • float

  • money

  • numeric

  • real

  • smallmoney


  • bigint

  • int

  • smallint

  • tinyint


  • char

  • nchar

  • nvarchar

  • varchar

Rest of the SQL Server data types are not supported in DQS. For information about all the SQL Server data types, see Data Types (Transact-SQL).

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Supported SSIS Data Types

The following table provides information about the SSIS data types supported for each DQS domain data type:

DQS Domain Data Type

Supported SSIS Data Type






  • DT_R4

  • DT_R8


  • DT_I1

  • DT_I2

  • DT_I4

  • DT_I8

  • DT_U1

  • DT_U2

  • DT_U4

  • DT_U8


  • DT_STR


Rest of the SSIS data types are not supported in DQS. For information about all the SSIS data types, see Integration Services Data Types.

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See Also


Managing a Domain