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Returns the current setting of the specified database option or property for the specified database.

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DATABASEPROPERTYEX ( database , property )


  • database
    Is an expression that represents the name of the database for which to return the named property information. database is nvarchar(128).

  • property
    Is an expression that represents the name of the database property to return. property is varchar(128), and can be one of the following values. The return type is sql_variant. The following table shows the base data type for each property value.


    If the database is not started, properties that the SQL Server retrieves by accessing the database directly instead of retrieving the value from metadata will return NULL. That is, if the database has AUTO_CLOSE set to ON, or the database is otherwise offline.



    Value returned


    Default collation name for the database.

    Collation name

    NULL = Database is not started.

    Base data type: nvarchar(128)


    The Windows comparison style of the collation. ComparisonStyle is a bitmap that is calculated by using the following values.



    Ignore case


    Ignore accent


    Ignore Kana


    Ignore width


    For example, the default of 196609 is the result of combining the Ignore case, Ignore Kana, and Ignore width options.

    Returns the comparison style.

    Returns 0 for all binary collations.

    Base data type: int


    Database follows ISO rules for allowing null values.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    All comparisons to a null evaluate to unknown.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    Strings are padded to the same length before comparison or insert.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    Error or warning messages are issued when standard error conditions occur.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    Queries are ended when an overflow or divide-by-zero error occurs during query execution.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    Database shuts down cleanly and frees resources after the last user exits.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    Query optimizer creates single-column statistics, as required, to improve query performance.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    Database files are candidates for automatic periodic shrinking.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    Query optimizer updates existing statistics when they are used by a query and might be out-of-date.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    Cursors that are open when a transaction is committed are closed.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    Database is enabled for full-text and semantic indexing.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    The value of this property has no effect. User databases are always enabled for full-text search. This column will be removed in a future release of SQL Server. Do not use this column in new development work, and modify applications that currently use any of these columns as soon as possible.


    Database is online as read-only, with restore log allowed.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    Cursor declarations default to LOCAL.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    The tables of a database can be published for merge replication, if replication is installed.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    Null concatenation operand yields NULL.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    Errors are generated when loss of precision occurs in expressions.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    PARAMETERIZATION database SET option is FORCED.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid


    Double quotation marks can be used on identifiers.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    The tables of the database can be published for snapshot or transactional replication, if replication is installed.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    Recursive firing of triggers is enabled.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    Database is subscribed to a publication.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    The database is either a published database or a distribution database, and can be restored without disrupting transactional replication.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    The SQL Server Database Engine detects incomplete I/O operations caused by power failures or other system outages.

    1 = TRUE

    0 = FALSE

    NULL = Input not valid

    Base data type: int


    The Windows locale identifier (LCID) of the collation.

    LCID value (in decimal format).

    Base data type: int


    Recovery model for the database.

    FULL = Full recovery model

    BULK_LOGGED = Bulk logged model

    SIMPLE = Simple recovery model

    Base data type: nvarchar(128)


    SQL Server sort order ID supported in earlier versions of SQL Server.

    0 = Database is using Windows collation

    >0 = SQL Server sort order ID

    NULL = Input not valid or database is not started

    Base data type: tinyint


    Database status.

    ONLINE = Database is available for query.


    The ONLINE status may be returned while the database is being opened and is not yet recovered. To identify when a database can accept connections, query the Collation property of DATABASEPROPERTYEX. The database can accept connections when the database collation returns a non-null value. For AlwaysOn databases, query the database_state or database_state_desc columns of sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states.

    OFFLINE = Database was explicitly taken offline.

    RESTORING = Database is being restored.

    RECOVERING = Database is recovering and not yet ready for queries.

    SUSPECT = Database did not recover.

    EMERGENCY = Database is in an emergency, read-only state. Access is restricted to sysadmin members

    Base data type: nvarchar(128)


    Indicates whether data can be modified.

    READ_ONLY = Data can be read but not modified.

    READ_WRITE = Data can be read and modified.

    Base data type: nvarchar(128)


    Indicates which users can access the database.

    SINGLE_USER = Only one db_owner, dbcreator, or sysadmin user at a time

    RESTRICTED_USER = Only members of db_owner, dbcreator, and sysadmin roles

    MULTI_USER = All users

    Base data type: nvarchar(128)


    Internal version number of the SQL Server code with which the database was created. Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed.

    Version number = Database is open.

    NULL = Database is not started.

    Base data type: int

Return Types



Returns NULL on error or if a caller does not have permission to view the object.

In SQL Server, a user can only view the metadata of securables that the user owns or on which the user has been granted permission. This means that metadata-emitting, built-in functions such as OBJECT_ID may return NULL if the user does not have any permission on the object. For more information, see Metadata Visibility Configuration.


DATABASEPROPERTYEX returns only one property setting at a time. To display multiple property settings, use the sys.databases catalog view.


A. Retrieving the status of the AUTO_SHRINK database option

The following example returns the status of the AUTO_SHRINK database option for the AdventureWorks database.

SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX('AdventureWorks2012', 'IsAutoShrink');

Here is the result set. This indicates that AUTO_SHRINK is off.


B. Retrieving the default collation for a database

The following example returns the name of the default collation for the AdventureWorks database.

SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX('AdventureWorks2012', 'Collation');

Here is the result set.


See Also



sys.databases (Transact-SQL)

sys.database_files (Transact-SQL)



Database States