Delen via


Creates an ISyncChangeBatch object that contains filter information.

HRESULT CreateFilteredEnumerationChangeBatch(
  ISyncFilterInfo * pFilterInfo, 
  ISyncKnowledge * pDestinationKnowledge,
  IForgottenKnowledge * pSourceForgottenKnowledge,
  ISyncChangeBatch ** ppChangeBatch);


  • pFilterInfo
    [in] The information about the filter that is used to control which changes are included in this change batch.
  • pDestinationKnowledge
    [in] The knowledge of the destination replica.
  • pSourceForgottenKnowledge
    [in] The forgotten knowledge of the source replica.
  • ppChangeBatch
    [out] Returns the newly created filtered change batch object.

Return Value

  • S_OK

See Also


IProviderFilteredSyncServices Interface