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Renames the remote item so that it no longer conflicts with the local item name and updates the remote item in the local replica.

HRESULT ModifyAndUpdateRemoteItem(
  IUnknown *pItemData,
  const CHANGE_UNIT_SET *pChangeUnitsToUpdate,
  const ITEM_FIELDS *pKeyAndExpectedVersionInfo,
  IRecoverableErrorCallback *pRecoverableErrorCallback,
  ITEM_FIELDS **ppUpdatedKeyAndVersionInfo);


  • pItemData
    [in] Data for the item in a provider-specific format.
  • pChangeUnitsToUpdate
    [in, unique] A collection of CHANGE_UNIT_SET objects that represent the set of change units to update during conflict resolution.
  • pKeyAndExpectedVersionInfo
    [in] The key and version properties of the item that is in conflict.
  • pRecoverableErrorCallback
    [in] An IRecoverableErrorCallback object that contains methods that can be called if a recoverable error occurs during conflict handling.
  • ppUpdatedKeyAndVersionInfo
    [out] The key and version properties that were modified as a result of conflict resolution.

Return Value

  • S_OK

See Also


ISimpleSyncProviderConstraintConflictResolver Interface