Delen via

ToolBoxItem2 Interface

Represents an item in the Toolbox.

Namespace:  EnvDTE80
Assembly:  EnvDTE80 (in EnvDTE80.dll)


<GuidAttribute("82C9DBF2-1DA8-4ED6-A5EC-8B876B46317C")> _
Public Interface ToolBoxItem2 _
    Inherits ToolBoxItem
Dim instance As ToolBoxItem2
public interface ToolBoxItem2 : ToolBoxItem
public interface class ToolBoxItem2 : ToolBoxItem
public interface ToolBoxItem2 extends ToolBoxItem


A ToolBoxItem object can contain controls, text fragments, HTML fragments, or other objects that you can insert.


This example selects the second ToolBoxItem2 item and displays its name in a message box. For more information about how to run this example as an add-in, see How to: Compile and Run the Automation Object Model Code Examples.

Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Public Sub OnConnection(ByVal application As Object, _
 ByVal connectMode As ext_ConnectMode, ByVal addInInst As Object, _
 ByRef custom As Array) Implements IDTExtensibility2.OnConnection
    _applicationObject = CType(application, DTE2)
    _addInInstance = CType(addInInst, AddIn)
End Sub
Sub ToolBoxItemExample(ByVal dte As DTE2)
    Dim tlBox As ToolBox
    Dim tbxTabs As ToolBoxTabs
    Dim tbxTab As ToolBoxTab2
    Dim tbxItem As ToolBoxItem2
    ' Before running this example, open a Windows Application project.
        ' Create an object reference to the IDE's ToolBox object and
        ' its tabs.
    tlBox = CType(_applicationObject.Windows.Item _
         (Constants.vsWindowKindToolbox).Object, ToolBox)
        tbxTabs = tlBox.ToolBoxTabs
        ' Select the second ToolBox tab.
        tbxTab = CType(tbxTabs.Item(2), ToolBoxTab2)
        MsgBox("Toolbox tab name: " & tbxTab.Name)
        tbxItem = CType(tbxTab.ToolBoxItems.Item(2), ToolBoxItem2)
        MsgBox("ToolBox item name: " & tbxItem.Name)
    Catch ex As System.Exception
        MsgBox("ERROR: " & ex.Message)
    End Try
End Sub
using EnvDTE;
using EnvDTE80;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public void OnConnection(object application, 
ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, ref Array custom)
    _applicationObject = (DTE2)application;
    _addInInstance = (AddIn)addInInst;
public void ToolBoxItemExample(DTE2 dte)
    ToolBox tlBox;
    ToolBoxTabs tbxTabs;
    ToolBoxTab2 tbxTab;
    ToolBoxItem2 tbxItem;
    // Before running this example, open a Windows Application project,
    // and select Toolbox from the View menu.
        // Create an object reference to the IDE's ToolBox object
        // and its tabs.
    tlBox = (ToolBox)_applicationObject.Windows.Item(
        tbxTabs = tlBox.ToolBoxTabs;
        // Select the second Toolbox tab.
        tbxTab = (ToolBoxTab2)tbxTabs.Item(2);
        MessageBox.Show("Toolbox tab name: " + tbxTab.Name);
        tbxItem = (ToolBoxItem2)tbxTab.ToolBoxItems.Item(2);
        MessageBox.Show("ToolBox item name: " + tbxItem.Name);
    catch (Exception ex)
        MessageBox.Show("ERROR: " + ex.Message);

See Also


ToolBoxItem2 Members

EnvDTE80 Namespace