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MFC and ATL Features in Visual C++ 2005

This topic contains a list of new MFC and ATL features in Visual C++ 2005.

ATL/MFC Shared Classes

Breaking Changes

See Breaking Changes (ATL/MFC).


Breaking Changes

See Breaking Changes (ATL).

New Global Functions

New Symbols

New Methods

Deprecated Functions

Some ATL functions are now marked as _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE, deprecated because of a security-related issue. You can use _ATL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS to suppress the compiler warnings that will be generated when you use these functions.

Deprecated Global Functions

The following functions are obsolete in Visual C++ .NET 2002 and later, but are available for backward compatibility with projects created with previous versions of Visual C++.

ATL Server

/nowchar_t has been added to sproxy.exe.

Deprecated Functions

_set_security_error_handler has been removed from the CRT, so AtlsSecErrHandlerFunc should no longer be used.


Breaking Changes

See Breaking Changes (MFC).

MFC Windows Forms Support

Windows Forms support has been added to MFC. Using the MFC Windows Forms support classes, you can host Windows Forms controls within your MFC applications as ActiveX controls within MFC dialog boxes or views. In addition, Windows Forms forms can be hosted as MFC dialog boxes. For more information, see Using a Windows Forms User Control in MFC.

The following code elements have been added for MFC Windows Forms support:

CWinFormsControl Class

CWinFormsView Class

ICommandSource Interface

ICommandTarget Interface

ICommandUI Interface

IView Interface

CommandHandler Delegate

CommandUIHandler Delegate


UICheckState Enumeration


MFC Windows Forms integration works only in projects which link dynamically with MFC (projects in which AFXDLL is defined).

GDI+ Shipped with Windows XP

GDI+ is included with Windows XP and is available as a redistributable for Windows NT 4.0 SP6, Windows 2000, Windows 98, and Windows Me. To download the latest redistributable, see

For more information on GDI+, see the GDI+ SDK documentation in MSDN:

New Methods

The following wrapper methods have been added to CDC:

The following method has been added to CStdioFile:

Deprecated Methods

Some MFC functions are now marked as _AFX_INSECURE_DEPRECATE, deprecated because of a security-related issue. You can use _AFX_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS to suppress the compiler warnings that will be generated when you use these functions.

See Also


Changes in the Visual C++ 2005 Libraries