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Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client Namespace

The Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client namespace provides the APIs necessary to interface a client application with the Team Foundation Server build functionality.

You can find the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client namespace in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.dll on any computer where Team Explorer is installed.


  Class Description
Public class AccessDeniedException Exception that is thrown when access is denied.
Public class AdministrationException Exception for an administration error.
Public class BuildActivityAttribute Represents a build activity attribute.
Public class BuildAgentAlreadyExistsException Exception that is thrown when a build agent already exists.
Public class BuildAgentDeletionException
Public class BuildAgentDoesNotExistException Exception that is thrown when a build agent does not exist.
Public class BuildAgentFailureException Exception for a build agent failure.
Public class BuildAgentNotFoundException Exception that is thrown when a build agent was not found.
Public class BuildAgentNotFoundForUriException Exception that is thrown when a build agent was not found at the specified URI.
Public class BuildAgentNotReadyToSaveException Exception that is thrown when the build agent was not ready to save.
Public class BuildAgentNotRecognizedException Exception that is thrown when a build agent was not recognized.
Public class BuildAgentNotUniqueException Exception that is thrown when a build agent was not unique.
Public class BuildAgentSpecNotUniqueException Exception that is thrown when a build agent spec was not unique.
Public class BuildAgentUpdateException Exception that is thrown when a build agent is updating.
Public class BuildClientUtil
Public class BuildControllerAlreadyExistsException Exception that is thrown when a build controller already exists.
Public class BuildControllerDeletionException Exception that is thrown when an error occurs in the deletion of a build controller.
Public class BuildControllerDoesNotExistException Exception that is thrown when a build controller does not exist.
Public class BuildControllerNotFoundException Exception that is thrown when a build controller was not found.
Public class BuildControllerNotFoundForUriException Exception that is thrown when a build controller was not found at the specified URI.
Public class BuildControllerNotReadyToSaveException Exception that is thrown when the build controller was not ready to save.
Public class BuildControllerSpecNotUniqueException Exception that is thrown when a build controller spec was not unique.
Public class BuildControllerUpdateException
Public class BuildDefinitionAlreadyExistsException Exception that is thrown when a build definition already exists.
Public class BuildDefinitionDisabledException Exception that is thrown when a build definition is disabled.
Public class BuildDefinitionDoesNotExistException Exception that is thrown when a build definition does not exist.
Public class BuildDefinitionFailureException Exception that is thrown for a build definition failure.
Public class BuildDefinitionNotFoundException Exception that is thrown when a build definition was not found.
Public class BuildDefinitionNotFoundForUriException Exception that is thrown when a build definition was not found at the specified URI.
Public class BuildDefinitionSpecNotUniqueException Exception that is thrown when a build definition spec was not unique.
Public class BuildDefinitionUpdateException
Public class BuildDefinitionXmlSerializer
Public class BuildDeployment Represents a deployment in the TFS Build server.
Public class BuildDeploymentSpec Provides properties for querying build deployments in a team project collection.
Public class BuildEnumerationHelper
Public class BuildExtensionAttribute Represents a build extension attribute.
Public class BuildFailedException Exception that is thrown when a build failed.
Public class BuildFailureException Exception for a build failure.
Public class BuildGroupAlreadyExistsException Exception that is thrown when a build group already exists.
Public class BuildGroupDoesNotExistException Exception that is thrown when a build group does not exist.
Public class BuildNotDeletedException Exception for a build that was not deleted.
Public class BuildNotFinishedException Exception that is thrown when a build did not finish.
Public class BuildNotFoundException Exception that is thrown when a build was not found.
Public class BuildNotFoundForUriException Exception that is thrown when a build was not found at the specified uniform resource identifier (URI).
Public class BuildNumberAlreadyExistsException Exception for a build number that already exists.
Public class BuildQualityDoesNotExistException Exception that is thrown when build quality does not exist.
Public class BuildReasonNotSupportedException Exception that is thrown when a build reason is not supported.
Public class BuildServerException Base class for a build server exception.
Public class BuildServerExtensions
Public class BuildServiceHostAlreadyExistsException Exception that is thrown when a build service host already exists.
Public class BuildServiceHostDeletionException
Public class BuildServiceHostDoesNotExistException Exception that is thrown when a build service host does not exist.
Public class BuildServiceHostNotFoundException Exception that is thrown when a build service host was not found.
Public class BuildServiceHostNotFoundForUriException Exception that is thrown when a build service host was not found at the specified URI.
Public class BuildServiceHostOwnershipException
Public class BuildServiceHostSpecNotUniqueException Exception that is thrown when a build service host spec was not unique.
Public class BuildServiceHostUpdateException
Public class BuildSpecNotUniqueException Exception that is thrown when a build spec was not unique.
Public class BuildStoppedException Exception that is thrown when the build stopped.
Public class BuildSummary This class contains basic build information so the UI can display what it needs
Public class BuildTeamProjectPermission Represents a build project permission for a particular user.
Public class BuildTeamProjectPermission2010 Represents a build project permission for a particular user.
Public class CannotDeleteDefinitionBuildExistsException Exception that is thrown when the build definition cannot be deleted because of an existing build.
Public class CannotDeleteInProgressBuildException Exception that is caused by an attempt to delete a build that is in progress.
Public class CannotRedeployException
Public class CannotStartBuildException
Public class CannotStopBuildException Exception that is thrown when the build cannot be stopped.
Public class ChangesetDisplayInformation This class contains changeset number, user display name
Public class ConfigurationFolderPathNotFoundException Exception that is thrown when a configuration folder path was not found.
Public class CoverageServiceRestartFailureDuringDeleteException Exception that is caused when coverage service restarts during a delete operation.
Public class CustomAssemblyPathNotFoundException Exception that is thrown when a custom assembly path was not found.
Public class CustomBuildServiceException Exception for an error with a custom build service.
Public class DeleteBuildFailedException Exception that is thrown when a build delete request failed.
Public class DeploymentEnvironment This class contains all the deployment environment metadata and also the secret environment properties. This class does not serialize the secret values: those are fetched from the client on demand.
Public class DeploymentEnvironmentCreationData
Public class DeploymentEnvironmentMetadata This class contains the "public" information about a DeploymentEnvironent. This includes the Name, TeamProject, ConnectedServiceName, FriendlyName, Kind, and Description. Used by Clients to display DeploymentEnviornment without revealing the secret information.
Public class DeploymentEnvironmentNotFoundException
Public class DeploymentService
Public class DuplicateBuildUpdateRequestException
Public class DuplicateInformationChangeRequestException Exception that is caused by a duplicate information change request.
Public class DuplicateProcessTemplateException Exception for a duplicate process template.
Public class GatedCheckInTicketValidationException Exception that is caused by an error that occurs in gated check-in ticker validation.
Public class InformationAddRequestCycleException Exception that is caused by an error in an information add request cycle.
Public class InformationChangeRequestException Exception that is caused by an error in an information change request.
Public class InformationNodeConverters Provides methods to convert IBuildInformationNode objects to more specific types.
Public class InformationNodeDoesNotExistException Exception that is thrown when an information node does not exist.
Public class InformationParentNodeDoesNotExistException Exception that is thrown when an information node parent does not exist.
Public class InvalidBuildAgentReservationException Exception for an invalid build agent reservation.
Public class InvalidBuildGroupItemUpdateException Exception that is caused by a build group item update that is not valid.
Public class InvalidBuildRequestException Exception that is caused by a build request that is not valid.
Public class InvalidBuildUriException Exception that is caused by a build URI that is not valid.
Public class InvalidFinalStatusException Exception for a final status that is not valid.
Public class InvalidGitRepoUriException
Public class InvalidGitUriException
Public class InvalidPlatformFlavorException Exception that is caused by a platform flavor that is not valid.
Public class InvalidQueueRequestException Exception that is thrown when an error occurs because a queue request is not valid.
Public class InvalidSharedResourceRequestException
Public class MultipleDefaultProcessTemplatesException Exception caused by the existence of multiple default process templates.
Public class MultipleUpgradeProcessTemplatesException Exception that is caused by the existence of multiple upgrade process templates.
Public class PollingCompletedEventArgs Represents event arguments for a polling completed event.
Public class ProcessTemplateDeletedException Exception that is thrown when a process template is deleted.
Public class ProcessTemplateNotFoundException Exception that is thrown when the process template was not found.
Public class ProjectFileCreationException Exception for an error in project file creation.
Public class ProjectFileTemplateNotFoundException Exception that is thrown when a project file template was not found.
Public class QueuedBuildDoesNotExistException Exception that is thrown when a queued build does not exist.
Public class QueuedBuildUpdateException Exception that is thrown when an error occurs with a queued build update.
Public class RequestedForDisplayInformation This class contains requestedFor user tfid and display name
Public class ResponseFileCreationException Exception for an error in response file creation.
Public class SecurityException Exception for a security error.
Public class SharedResourceAlreadyAcquiredException Exception that is thrown when a shared resource was already acquired.
Public class SharedResourceAlreadyRequestedException Exception that is thrown when a shared resource was already requested.
Public class StatusChangedEventArgs Event arguments for a status change event.
Public class StopBuildFailedException Exception that is thrown when a build stop request failed.
Public class StopBuildTimeoutException Exception that is caused by a time-out on the request to stop a build.


  Interface Description
Public interface IActivityProperties Interface for an IActivityProperties type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IActivityProperties node, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface IActivityTracking Interface for an IActivityTracking type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IActivityTracking, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface IAgentScopeActivityTracking Interface for an IAgentScopeActivityTracking type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IAgentScopeActivityTracking node, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface IBuildAgent This interface defines methods for accessing the build agent on the Team Foundation Build computer.
Public interface IBuildAgentQueryResult This interface returns the results of a query for IBuildAgent.
Public interface IBuildAgentSpec This interface specifies a build agent used to query for build agents.
Public interface IBuildController Represents a build controller in the TFS Build server.
Public interface IBuildControllerQueryResult The interface for the result of a query for IBuildControllers.
Public interface IBuildControllerSpec Interface for a build controller specification. Used to query for build controllers.
Public interface IBuildDefinition This interface represents a build definition.
Public interface IBuildDefinitionQueryResult This interface represents the result of a query of IBuildDefinition objects.
Public interface IBuildDefinitionSourceProvider Represents a source provider used by a Build Definition.
Public interface IBuildDefinitionSpec An interface for a build definition specification. Used to query for build definitions.
Public interface IBuildDeletionResult An interface for a build deletion result. It represents the results of deleting a build from Team Foundation Server.
Public interface IBuildDetail Interface for a build on the server that is running Team Foundation Build. For more information about how to use this interface, see Manage Build Information and Control Verbosity or Team Foundation Build activities.
Public interface IBuildDetailSpec Interface for a build detail specification. Used to query for builds on the server that is running Team Foundation Build.
Public interface IBuildError Interface for a BuildError type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IBuildError, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface IBuildErrorBase Interface for BuildError and BuildWarning types of IBuildInformationNodes. To obtain an IBuildError or IBuildWarning, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface IBuildGroupItem Interface for a build group item on the server that is running Team Foundation Build.
Public interface IBuildInformation Interface for a collection of information nodes about a build.
Public interface IBuildInformationNode Interface for a single piece of hierarchical information about a build. For more information about the use of this interface, see Team Foundation Build activities.
Public interface IBuildMessage Interface for the BuildMessage type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IBuildMessage, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface IBuildProjectNode Interface for a BuildProjectNode type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IBuildProjectNode, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface IBuildQueryResult The interface for the result of a query for IBuildDetails.
Public interface IBuildRequest Interface for a build request on the server that is running Team Foundation Build.
Public interface IBuildServer Interface for the server that is running Team Foundation Build.
Public interface IBuildServiceHost Interface for a build service host in the server that is running Team Foundation Build.
Public interface IBuildServiceHostQueryResult The interface for the result of a query for IBuildServiceHosts.
Public interface IBuildStep Interface for a BuildStep type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IBuildStep, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface IBuildWarning Interface for a BuildWarning type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IBuildWarning, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface IChangesetSummary Interface for a ChangesetSummary type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IChangesetSummary, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface ICodeCoverageSummary Obsolete. Interface for a CodeCoverageSummary type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an ICodeCoverageSummary, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface ICompilationSummary Obsolete. Interface for a CompilationSummary type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an ICompilationSummary, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface IConfigurationSummary Interface for a ConfigurationSummary type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IConfigurationSummary, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface IConfigurationToBuild Obsolete. An interface for a configuration to build in TfsBuild.proj.
Public interface ICustomSummaryInformation ICustomSummaryInformation is a helper interface for IBuildInformationNodes of type "CustomSummaryInformation". To obtain an ICustomSummaryInformation, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface IExternalLink Interface for an ExternalLink type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IExternalLink, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface IFailure Interface for a failure that occurred during a server call.
Public interface IMetadataFile Obsolete. Interface for a MetadataFile item in TfsBuild.proj.
Public interface IProcessTemplate Interface for a process template for a build definition on the server that is running Team Foundation Build.
Public interface IProjectFile Obsolete. Interface for a Team Foundation Server build project file (TfsBuild.proj).
Public interface IQueuedBuild The interface for a queued build on the server that is running Team Foundation Build.
Public interface IQueuedBuildQueryResult The interface for the result of a query for IQueuedBuilds.
Public interface IQueuedBuildSpec Interface for a build queue specification, which can be used to query for queued builds.
Public interface IQueuedBuildsView The interface for a view of the queued builds in the server that is running Team Foundation Build.
Public interface IRetentionPolicy The interface for a retention policy in the server that is running Team Foundation Build.
Public interface ISchedule The interface for a schedule of a build definition on the server that is running Team Foundation Build.
Public interface ISolutionToBuild Obsolete. Interface for a SolutionToBuild item in TfsBuild.proj.
Public interface ITestContainer Obsolete. Interface for a TestContainer item in TfsBuild.proj.
Public interface ITestSummary Obsolete. Interface for TestSummary type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an ITestSummary, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface IWorkItemSummary Interface for a WorkItemSummary type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IWorkItemSummary, use the InformationNodeConverters class.
Public interface IWorkspaceMapping Represents a workspace mapping on the server that is running Team Foundation Build.
Public interface IWorkspaceTemplate Represents a build definition workspace on the server that is running Team Foundation Build.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate PollingCompletedEventHandler Event handler for a completed event.
Public delegate StatusChangedEventHandler Event handler for a status changed event.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration Agent2008Status Describes the status of a 2008 build agent.
Public enumeration AgentReservationStatus Describes the state of an agent reservation.
Public enumeration AgentStatus Describes the status of a build agent.
Public enumeration BuildAgentUpdate Describes an update to the build agent.
Public enumeration BuildControllerUpdate Specifies the fields which should be updated for a build controller.
Public enumeration BuildMessageImportance Describes the importance of a message. For more information about how to use this type, see Manage Build Information and Control Verbosity.
Public enumeration BuildPhaseStatus Describes the status of the build phase.
Public enumeration BuildQueryOrder Describes the build query order.
Public enumeration BuildReason Describes the reason for the build.
Public enumeration BuildServerVersion Describes the version of the build server.
Public enumeration BuildServiceHostUpdate Describes an update on the build service host.
Public enumeration BuildStatus This enumeration represents the status of builds and build steps.
Public enumeration BuildStepStatus Describes the build step status.
Public enumeration BuildUpdate Describes an update to the build.
Public enumeration CodeAnalysisRunType Obsolete. Describes the code analysis run type.
Public enumeration ContinuousIntegrationType Describes the continuous integration type.
Public enumeration ControllerStatus Describes the controller status.
Public enumeration DefinitionQueueStatus Specifies the status of a definition queue.
Public enumeration DefinitionTriggerType Specifies the trigger type that is used for a build definition.
Public enumeration DeleteOptions Options for delete.
Public enumeration DeploymentEnvironmentKind
Public enumeration GetOption Describes options for a get operation.
Public enumeration HostEnvironmentOption Describes the host environment options.
Public enumeration InformationEditOptions Describes options for information edit.
Public enumeration ProcessTemplateType Describes the type of a process template.
Public enumeration QueryDeletedOption Options for querying deleted items.
Public enumeration QueryOptions Options for a query.
Public enumeration QueuedBuildRetryOption Specifies the options to requeue a build request.
Public enumeration QueuedBuildUpdate Describes the priority of a queued build update.
Public enumeration QueueOptions Describes options for a queue.
Public enumeration QueuePriority Describes priority in queue.
Public enumeration QueueStatus Describes the status of the queue item.
Public enumeration ScheduleDays Describes the schedule days.
Public enumeration ScheduleType Describes the schedule type.
Public enumeration ServiceHostStatus Specifies the current status of a build service host.
Public enumeration WorkspaceMappingDepth Describes the workspace mapping depth.
Public enumeration WorkspaceMappingType Describes the type of a workspace mapping.